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Nicodem, Chiaki and Purity.



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Nicodem's ability should only work on abilitities that reference Undead directly.

That's cool.

That is then back to how I used to play him originally until beaten over the head by people arguing similar to things said in this thread.

So the statement by Keltheos that "He's Undead when it suits him." is superceded by your equally direct, clear and simple statement. :)

I like closure.

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sorry about that mistype, indeed that should have been undead not unliving. I've fixed that.

abilities that affect Non-Living =/= abilities that affect Undead. It is very possible that a model could be Undead and not Non-Living (don't think there are any examples at the moment.) in the same way as some Constructs are Living. So Nicodem's ability should only work on abilitities that reference Undead directly.

Since this is the official ruling, I accept it, and there is not much else to say, but the way it is written on Nicodem's stat card can be interpreted differently (and not without merit), as we see in this thread. It should be worded similarly to More Metal than Man, to avoid this confusion, should it not?

Question about your example with living constructs. Are you saying that a construct that is also living (such as the Steamborg) would not be affected by an ability such as Roar, which affects "Living" models? This would support your statement about Embrace Death, but I want to be sure.

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But then Keltheos made a ruling that simply said:

"He's Undead when it suits him."

That doesn't sound like an actual ruling to me. More like an off-the-cuff way of explaining how that specific circumstance worked. (Which if I recall, was to do with non-targeting abilities that affect Undead?)

Also, I would say that's an assumption on your part. (An assumption I have made in the past)

Less an assumption, and more a careful reading of Ratty's original post. It's nice to have it confirmed more clearly, though. :)

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The typo would explain my confusion with Ratty's first post. Can't say I like this ruling, but whatever, not a big deal really. Still, Chaiki just dropped down a couple pegs for taking with Nico. Aw well. I still have her and will likely give her a try with him at some point to see what other shenanigans I can come up with. Was just hoping to use her more directly with Nico - he's too darn slow :)

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She still has an area affect that removes slow.

Pretty good for all those summoned minions if you ask me!

I was running her earlier on Vassal with Kirai against an all living crew, and colour me impressed, the ability to remove slow in heavy summoning crews makes up for her cost without any of the other things she can add.

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Since positioning was good in a game yesterday I had the Porter, Yan Lo, Chiaki, and Izamu all close enough together to companion activate. Izamu went and hacked 3 times, Soul Porter went and Channeled weight of ages, then used soul cages on Izamu. Yan Lo went and resummoned Izamu, then cast Weight of Ages 3 times, then Chiaki went and cleared the slow off of Izamu.

I'm beginning to feel I'm not playing ressers, I'm playing Izamu.

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More metal than man is a different kettle of fish entirely.

MMTM says that the model is affected by spells that target constructs. There is no choice involved, and any characteristics they have (living, undead, etc) do not matter, because the ability says they will be affected by things that affect constructs.

As for Roar. If a construct is also living, it will be affected by spells that affect living models. It will also be affected by spells that affect constructs. But not ones that affect non-living.

The same way spells that affect undead, affect necropunks, as they are both undead and constructs.

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