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A few odd questions...



Yesterday I played another game of Malifaux. I'm still new to the game and I sometimes have doubts with interpreting the rules correctly. I'd be very thankful for clarifications on a few I had yesterday.

1. Harmless is supposed to end once a model takes am action other than (1)Walk or (1)Pass. In practice, does this mean that once the Dreamer uses his (0) action e.g. "I can fly!" , he is no longer considered harmless? That's the way we played yesterday but we had some doubts about it as it seriously limited Dreamer's movements and made him vulnerable early in the game to attacks from my Austringers.

2. The Dreamer's trigger - All my friends- it can get activated only when he's casting Frightening Dreams, right?

3. Guardian's Stalward and LJ's Inspiring Swordplay affect all friendly models. Does this mean that they get the positive effects too?

4. Can Coppellius be the target of LJ's melee attack in this situation (the distance between her and him is less than 2') ?


5. There are quite a few changes to units from Dreamer's crew in the Errata. I ordered cards for them during this year's Gencon and was very disappointed I got the same thing I already had. Do you know if Wyrd plans to rerelease them in the future (with all the changes from erratas included) ?

Edited by Viruk
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Lady Justice can target Coppelius with a melee strike only if the model between her and Coppelius (hard to tell what model that is but it looks like a Stitched Together) is Ht 1, if it is Ht 2 or more then it will completely block LOS to Coppelius (since all models have the Blocking trait for their volume and there isn't a gap between the Guild Austringer and the Stitched Together (?) that are in base to base).

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1. Yep, any action, except Walk, Pass, and the ones that say they don't end Harmless. Usually Harmless disappears quickly.

2. That's correct. All My Friends is only for Frightening Dreams.

3. This is a thing that's being argued about right now and is sort of awaiting an official answer. It seems like the RM's have implied that Lady Justice doesn't affect herself with Inspiring Swordplay, but the rules aren't quite clear on that since the rules-as-written seem to say that she should be able to do so. So, uh, yeah, good question.

4. Yep, since she can see over the Alp. That's already been answered. Also, love the photograph. The terrain looks really neat.

5. One would assume that eventually, corrected cards will be issued with the errata, but specific plans have not been announced for this, so no one knows yet.

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really wish they would re-release cards as I'd like to play my Dreamer without having to look several places for how! :(

This would definately be a nice thing though it is also an expensive proposition for Wyrd (that graciously shouldered the cost with the V2 release). Perhaps in the nearish future (as the need for Rules clarifications reach a terminus) it will be possible for the newer models to see a V2 update and the cards to become available. I would imagine that it will be similar to the method Privateer Press used with the MkII release vice the method that was used last time.

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It doesn't cost anything to update a PDF version of the card and put it on the website so players can print it out or use it on an portable device. They whole printing product for sale model is almost redundant anyway, PDF all of the rules and cards make them available for free on the web (cause cards and books get scanned and shared anyway) and concentrate on selling miniatures based on that is the way forward...

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4. Yep, since she can see over the Alp. That's already been answered. Also, love the photograph. The terrain looks really neat.

...but we are talking about Lady J aren't we, and as such she can't see anything at all. I do believe that any other model with 2" melee would be able to strike over a Ht 1 model, but in Lady J's case she has several exceptions allowing her to target models without following normal LOS rules. I know this applies to charges - perhaps someone with her card can confirm whether this applies here also.

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3. Guardian's Stalward and LJ's Inspiring Swordplay affect all friendly models. Does this mean that they get the positive effects too?

They updated Stalward on the Model Clarification page on the sight. It turns Stalward from an ability that affects all models with in 2" to a 2" :aura. As it does not state it affects this model in the new wording either, the Guardian is not affected by the ability. I will not comment on Lady J's ability as that is more up in the air where they have made the Guardian's clear.

In Lady J's case she has several exceptions allowing her to target models without following normal LOS rules. I know this applies to charges - perhaps someone with her card can confirm whether this applies here also.

Her blindfighting only applies to her declaring charges, not to her swings.

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...but we are talking about Lady J aren't we, and as such she can't see anything at all. I do believe that any other model with 2" melee would be able to strike over a Ht 1 model, but in Lady J's case she has several exceptions allowing her to target models without following normal LOS rules. I know this applies to charges - perhaps someone with her card can confirm whether this applies here also.

EnternalVoid answered the part about Blindfighter (charges only). As for her other ability (spell): Blind Justice, that one refers to ignoring Rg or Df increases or duels required for targeting (like Pitiful or Harmless). Not sure if Avatar Justice has anything similar as she's not part of the v2 pdf (available on Malifaux.com)

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It doesn't cost anything to update a PDF version of the card and put it on the website so players can print it out or use it on an portable device. They whole printing product for sale model is almost redundant anyway, PDF all of the rules and cards make them available for free on the web (cause cards and books get scanned and shared anyway) and concentrate on selling miniatures based on that is the way forward...

And of course the next step would be just buying miniatures from another company since you already have the rules and such...

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The only time I really support something like this is when a company refuses to support a product anymore (yet still for some reason protects the IP).

Big notable examples are Games Workshop with Blood Bowl, Necromunda and Mordhiem. They refuse to really even acknowledge these vibrant communities. Hell Blood Bowl has a pretty popular video game as well as several large tourney scenes around the world that GW could captilize one as "introductory games" to their bigger flagship products instead of letting the lines languish (you'd think that the Space Hulk re-release would have shown them that there is a lot of interest in these games). In truth Mordhiem and Necromunda could even potentially give Malifaux a bit of a run for its money.

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If you want something the quality of a downloaded PDF, you can just get Ratty's card templates and do up a new card yourself in Photoshop or GIMP. The point of buying cards from Wyrd is that other people will accept that they are genuine.

I disagree that that's why you'd buy the cards. People never question the authenticity of my black and white printed out V2 cards that I use for minis purchased with V1 cards, what's the difference? Cheats will always be cheats and those who distrust will always distrust.

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I disagree that that's why you'd buy the cards. People never question the authenticity of my black and white printed out V2 cards that I use for minis purchased with V1 cards, what's the difference? Cheats will always be cheats and those who distrust will always distrust.

Well, exactly. If your friends trust you, just make the FAQ and Errata updates to the cards yourself. If not, you have to get official cards. Either way, a PDF on the website is useless (though arguably convenient).

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Well, exactly. If your friends trust you, just make the FAQ and Errata updates to the cards yourself. If not, you have to get official cards. Either way, a PDF on the website is useless (though arguably convenient).

Never mentioned it was my friends that didn't have a problem. And if I ever played someone who didn't believe them I'd show them the PDF on the official Wyrd website on either my iPad or iPhone that I have next to me each game, I wouldn't have to get "official" cards. Sounds pretty useful (and also eminintely convenient, much more so than 4 printed books and 300 odd physical cards to carry around and access).

Anyway, all I'm saying is with such a fluid and dynamic rules set, and a vibrant community, why would you want to limit yourself and not use technology to enable better information updates and sharing in order to facilitate more money being spent on your core product of miniatures. Sticking to printed product is limiting and outdated, although not entirely without a market. Why not do both? Make the PDFs available and sell the printed stuff to people who prefer it?

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I advocated for that a long time ago (when I realised that there were several models from Book 1 that were not in the Book 1 cards on the website) and was told in no uncertain terms that the cards were not a "preview" of the rules and that if I wanted them, I should find a copy of the book.

I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice, I'm saying it's not going to happen. The practical solution is to make your own cards.

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To be honest, I know people who would not buy the books at all if they could get PDFs of all the cards online.

Conversely, I would buy the books regardless, and I make my own PDFs anyway.

It's Wyrd's call on whether PDF cards would make them money (by bringing in more players), or lose them money (fewer book sales). We have neither the information, nor the personal involvement to make the call.

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If you want something the quality of a downloaded PDF, you can just get Ratty's card templates and do up a new card yourself in Photoshop or GIMP. The point of buying cards from Wyrd is that other people will accept that they are genuine.

I guess I'll just have to dig into the templates from Ratty's page. I'm no good with Gimp so it's going to be a long process.

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