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I seek knowledge from Colette DuBois Players


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Hey followers of Colette

I normally play Rasputina (Arcanists), and I have decided to invest in a new completely different crew. However I am not fully sure of which Master to pick, so I am at this very moment gathering tales, rumors and information about these masters, and one of them is Colette.

If I pick this Character, I will play her as Master of my crew.

So if you have any experience with Colette and her crew, please share that with me, and enlighten me why I should pick her. Other than it fits well with me already playing Arcanists doing tournaments.


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1 crew member under the right conditions can go 39" in a turn with no outside help. For tournaments cause I really wouldn't advise it in casual games this is the only crew in the game still (dreamer can't anymore) that on turn one with the correct activation order and killing your own performer can have a model with good stats and use ss in your opponents deployment zone (colludi dolls can do this also but they aren't that bad on turn 1 cause at most 1-2 would have ap to try to do stuff).

If you pick up colette you will have one of the best crews in the game at getting vp's. In addition you will have a crew that is a lot better at fighting stuff than the internet's opinion thinks (your no viks crew but you can reliable take out 2 figures a turn with them). Also given what I have seen from book 4 (don't own but have had a look at it) When 1 model gets released, you will have the option of playing 3 different type lists to take so the crew won't get old or boring.

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I love the really fast comment from Dracomax. hehe, nice one.

stinkoman: I know the site, and I have read quite a lot there, however I do prefer having people sharing their knowledge and maybe catch my attention - for instance Odin, did quite a good job there.

Great comment Odin1981, to be honest it would be easy for me to pick Colette, since I am already playing Arcanists (no extra cost, and doing tournaments I can switch).

I sure hope that she is a lot different to play (Because I really seek a new shade/playstyle). I really do love Rasputina, and with Snowstorm and Silent Ones, I feel quite overpowered in most situations - however sometimes I just would like to swap from point-n-shoot to something more mystical. So maybe Colette would be the right choice...

I guess it would req. ?

  • Colette Du Bois
  • Angelica, Mistress of Ceremonies
  • Cassandra, Magician's Apprentice
  • Coryphees
  • Performers & Mannequins
  • Doves

Edited by stochastic
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This is a well written Tactica. Might have a couple parts that are outdated, then again maybe not :)

Must have purchases for Colette crew

Colette Showgirls boxset

Doves (1 blister 3 models)

Coryphee Duet (1 blister 2 models)

anything else is just a little bit of fluff.

You hit the nail on the head. Colette's box set is great for using her for a long time.

Get used to chipping away at the enemy crew, there are no real beatsticks in a pure showgirl crew.

Use soulstones like you would use your hand. Almost everything in the crew can use soulstones, and with Colette's ability to discard cards for soulstones and the various abilities that reward stones, you will be constantly using and replenishing stones. Realizing that difference with her crew was a big hurdle for me to get my head around.

Be prepared to make people mad and frustrated. I play against some very competitive players and Colette is one of the most slippery masters in the game, and you will hand out slow left and right. To your opponent, it gets old fast. She's a great master if you're playing a friend or someone you hate.

Be prepared to confuse the hell out of yourself. Colette basically makes up her own rules.

You will see some of the funniest things happen with her crew, whether it be paralyzing everything on the board (I paralyzed 3 models with a Coryphee Duet in one activation before) or turning your opponent's big scary into a mannequin, you will see just nuts things happen.

So in a nutshell - frustrating, soulstones = your hand, funny crap happens.


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That tactica is a bit outdated Rameses but a solid one for general advice heading into the crew. Ebonstar (the henchmen) has a tactica I really like (and imho the one I would recomend to new players interested in the crew besides mine for a aggresive colette approach ;-),) and would recommend to players interested in learning ins and outs of the crew on his socal malifaux site he has a link in his posts to the page just search a comment of his up and you can find.

And on a personal e-cred (lol) note I'd recomend the tactica I wrote regarding aggresive action style colette on this forum its on page 10 or 11 of the arcanist page (called ABC"S another blitzkrieg colette crew tactica). God I feel old been like 6-7 months since I wrote it and I'll have to get around to updating it soon (some master errata's have happened since then and one is still being rumored to being worked on at the moment) so I have been patiently waiting to update but I might as well update it soon to get it current.

---------- Post added at 12:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:30 AM ----------

I love the really fast comment from Dracomax. hehe, nice one.

stinkoman: I know the site, and I have read quite a lot there, however I do prefer having people sharing their knowledge and maybe catch my attention - for instance Odin, did quite a good job there.

Great comment Odin1981, to be honest it would be easy for me to pick Colette, since I am already playing Arcanists (no extra cost, and doing tournaments I can switch).

I sure hope that she is a lot different to play (Because I really seek a new shade/playstyle). I really do love Rasputina, and with Snowstorm and Silent Ones, I feel quite overpowered in most situations - however sometimes I just would like to swap from point-n-shoot to something more mystical. So maybe Colette would be the right choice...

I guess it would req. ?

  • Colette Du Bois
  • Angelica, Mistress of Ceremonies
  • Cassandra, Magician's Apprentice
  • Coryphees
  • Performers & Mannequins
  • Doves

No problem mate glad to share insight with people getting interested in ma girls ;). And to answer your question yes she is like night and day differant in her operations on the table though you can use some blasts spells with her just like you can with raspy but any/all similarities end their.

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I love Colette, although she works best with the Showgirls (and Doves) which makes the crew selection a bit limited. I have recently started playing with Rasputina and the crews operate in very different ways, which is nice. Colette's crew tends to be very movement based which is great for objective grabbing. They can still perform surgical strikes (Cassandra and Coryphee/Duet can really hurt someone) and have a lot of ways to surprise your opponent. Rasputina is more like a bludgeon in comparison and uses Ice Pillars and Freeeze Over to restrict opponent's movement as her crew is not exactly fast itself (Snow Storm and the Blessed probably the exceptions). If you are a competitive player then Colette is a great choice but as stated, she can be frustrating to play against.

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I certainly wouldn't suggest him from a competitive standpoint, but in my Colette crew I can't help but take Renegade Steamfitter Johan. With his and Colette's M&SU stuff, he's a cheap model to take (5 SS) especially for what he gives you. And he's just a lot of fun to trot around the board, cracking skulls with his hammer and making a good bodyguard for Colette.

As I said, if you're looking to win tournaments or play competitively, he's not your best choice as he loses out on all the Showgirls related abilities of the crew, most noticeably the movement tricks. But he can be a ton of fun in a casual game.

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I am first of all honored that all of you spended some time sharing your thoughts and experience. And this is quite persuading hehe - well I quess I asked for it :P

I have question though' regarding my invest (if I pick this burlesque team).

None of you above, mentioned Angelica, is there a reason for that? - simply just wondering.

Soul Puppet: If you need any advices regarding Rasputina, feel free to ask, I have a few nice moves up my sleeves - especially if you use Snow Storm or Slate Ridge Mauler. :)

Edited by stochastic
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Yes good sir that's the one thank you very much my google-fu is very weak CRC.

---------- Post added at 02:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 PM ----------


I am first of all honored that all of you spended some time sharing your thoughts and experience. And this is quite persuading hehe - well I quess I asked for it :P

I have question though' regarding my invest (if I pick this burlesque team).

None of you above, mentioned Angelica, is there a reason for that? - simply just wondering.

Soul Puppet: If you need any advices regarding Rasputina, feel free to ask, I have a few nice moves up my sleeves - especially if you use Snow Storm or Slate Ridge Mauler. :)

One of the book 4 models coming out will probably open up angelica to seeing more times in lists. However up to this point (understand this is just purely imho) the problem with her has been with what she does and her cost, she competes with the mannequin (I guess the performer would be included also eh) for a inclusion in the most "standard" style colette list.

I don't feel she (angelica) is bad its just she competes directly with the companion piece in our lineup so I believe that is why she is not often taken. However if you go for the non interactive type playstlye with colette and don't run the duet in your list you may be able to fit her in easier if you really like the model.

Also quick note stochastic just so you are aware here below are some of the more common type list builds of colette at 35ss:

the original, cassie, duet, performer+, 1-2 doves + 5-7 ss.

the move stuff list cassie 2x performers+, 2-3 doves, angelika 6-8 ss.

kaeris + msu friend style list cassie, kaeris+student of conflict, johan, performer+, 1 doves 4ss.

Book4 build 2 Oiran (new model coming out), 2 performer+, cassie, dove, 6ss.

Note these aren't the only builds however they are more commonly talked about around these parts. I have experimented and tested a all elite build as well but it didn't pan out great for a competitive setting it is still a fun good list however it failed in that for a competitive setting it wasn't as reliable as other lists you can run colette with.

Edited by Odin1981
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According to Colette Du Bois crew lineup:

I have decided to buy the following units:

  • Angelica
  • Showgirls Box Set (Colette, Cassandra, Performers n' Mannequins)
  • Mechanical Doves (3 pack)
  • Coryphee Duet (2 pack)

However I need a few advices on a basic lineup and how big should SS pool be?

1 or 2 Coryphee?

How many Performere & Mannequins? :)

in addition to Odin's post above. :)

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The best advice for a starting lineup would probably be the default style list to learn showgirls with (1 perf+mann, cassie, corypheex2, 1-2 doves as to your preferance).

SS starting amount is a hard question to answer. It would depend on the style of play you feel fits you best so I would guess take 2-3 games playing one of the styles then switch around threw the styles to get a "feel" which playstyle fits you best (most comfortable with). However in general if you are new to playing her i would advise playing her with at least 6ss and quite possibly 8 until you understand her/her crew.

Starting out with colette she can be tricky. You could potentially go 3 turns without using ss's, and then all of a sudden on one turn you could pull them out like mad using 5-6 in a turn (or more heh).

Depending on the style you are playing with her you would use either 1-2 pairs of performers. I have seen some lists that use 3 pairs but it isn't often done. I personally have bought 3 pairs but that is mainly due to how she could potentially use disappearing act to make mannequins so that I have 2 mannequins sideboard for if/when I hit the trigger.

I would suggest if you use coryphee to run both but you can get by with one it just isn't optimal.

And to end if I were to describe in one word how colette plays it would be the word variables. In that every turn with what you draw for your hand, your strats and schemes (also your opponents), your current resources, and figures in where they are positioned on the board in relation to your opponents, as well as the playstyle you find most comfortable in using our what you factor in how to do a particular line of play for what you deem to be the correct thing to do.

She can be tricky when you first start out with her. There is a lot to take in with her. But the best real life example I can use to illustrate how she plays would be a professional painter (uhoh here comes the standard odin1981 wall of text :) ). The artist (the colette user) takes a look at her canvas (the board + gamestate) and her paints+brushes, (figures and resources), and illustrates a scene (make a plan), by using the tools and equipment at their disposal and layers on the painting (individual activations or a companion chain). Atlast when the turn is done before the next one comes you (the artist) take a step back and observe the work you have done. And quickly prepare for the next body of work you are about to embark on (the next turn).

It might not make a bunch of sense what I just wrote. But after you play a few games with her and get some experiance with her it will make a whole hell of a lot more sense then to the nonsense I just spewed over the last paragraph.

Edited by Odin1981
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A few points here from my experience:

1) Do not start a game with Doves; you can always make them. Long experience has taught me this.

2) Johan, Willie and Gunsmiths are great little add-ons, but only one model at a time. Two non-Showgirls is too much.

3) Whatever you use to denote soulstones, get a separate one in a different color to represent her virtual soulstone.

4) No matter how fast you think her crew is, it is in fact faster, but not in the straight forward way Collodi is.

5) get Oiran (the new Showgirl).

6) I had 4 sets of Performer/Mannequin but sold one, and might sell another, but I might convert Beckoners into Mannequins. You never need more than 2 Performers.

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In almost all circumstances a lone corephyee is not worth 7 soulstone. A duet is worth the 14 so you will want to take 2 and then to dance together on the first turn. That is almost entirly down to 4 wounds just will die too quickly. 8 with healing should last long enough to get your use out of them.

you'll be getting two performer/manniquin pairs in the box. I wouldn't rush to buy any more blisters of them. I have fielded both in crews before, but typically only take one.

I don't very often go for the manniquin replacement trigger, but pulling it of in a game twice before your opponent has killed a manniquin (or you have sacrificed one) is not all that likely.

I would suggest what you've got there, and then play with that for a while to work out how to get the best from it. Then start to look at adding other figures to fill in gaps you've seen. Johan does great as a melee support since he is so cheap for colette. Union Miners can be used to bodyguard Colette no matter how much moving she does - well they can start the turn near her anyway...

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The single Coryphée is not a completely dead option. While it's average for a 7ss model and has survivability issues it's still very fast and opens up a lot of movement plays for Cassandra. I've played them alone a couple of times of late to free up space. Run purely as an enabler for movement tricks they're actually fairly solid.

I think a lot of the debate about how good Coryphée are (duet or single) stems from it taking a lot of finesse to get them to be work well. Play them well and they look amazing, play them averagely and they look rubbish.

More than any other model in the game they absolutely cannot afford to engage the enemy on anything other than their own terms.

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First of all, thanks for the great replies, I love how it is easy to read your knowledge, experience and then understand your advices on behalf of that information.

(And this counts for all of you!)

  • Yet again, hehe, none of you ever mentioned experiences with Angelica? (sad panda)
  • 14SS seems heavy on 2 units, but I sure understand, that it is worth it.
  • I have gunsmith that I can add in, if needed (mostly I might pick Rasputina in matches, where I doubt Colette to win) - So I guess I will skip Johan there.
  • I will consider Oiran - however unfortunately she is not in my favorite store yet.
  • Hopefully 2 Mannequins will be enough from the box-set
  • I will note the doves-hint.
  • Taking Odins well written post into consideration as well.

I know I will love this playing style - it fits my love for combos and I love competition!

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  • Yet again, hehe, none of you ever mentioned experiences with Angelica? (sad panda)
    Not much to say really, she's not taken a lot because of she falls short compared to the Showgirls that DO use soulstones.
  • 14SS seems heavy on 2 units, but I sure understand, that it is worth it.
  • I have gunsmith that I can add in, if needed (mostly I might pick Rasputina in matches, where I doubt Colette to win) - So I guess I will skip Johan there.
  • I will consider Oiran - however unfortunately she is not in my favorite store yet.
  • Hopefully 2 Mannequins will be enough from the box-set
  • I will note the doves-hint.
  • Taking Odins well written post into consideration as well.

I know I will love this playing style - it fits my love for combos and I love competition!

Comment in red. Which only represents my thoughts and opinion.

Edited by Rameses
damn S key sticking again.
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I'd add I really like the model it looks really good and is pleasing to the eye. But the style that she often fits in is the playstyle I personally find least enjoyable to play.

She has nifty rules and isn't a bad model. But she pales in comparison to the capabilities of cassie and the duet I fully agree with what Rameses has said about her.

However if there was ever a shift to 40ss for games I would automatically include her going up 5ss from 35 to 40 (kinda fiting to me that she costs 5ss wink, wink, nudge, nudge). Though I would add her into my lists much more often if I liked the playstyle that using her most she would get more table time (the non interactive I go grab vp's and shift around often style).

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