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What should I add to my Marcus crew?

E.T.A. Hoffman

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Hi all,

So I wanna give my Marcus crew some love. Now that Jacob is out and about, I know that there will be a lot of players with him, until the other masters make it to the shelves. I personally don't think a mirror match with Mr. Lynch is gonna be fun, so I have to do something when I can't play Brilliant Crew. I figured then in the mean time I'd get my Marcus teams working.

So far I have:




Sabertooth Cerberus

Sabertooth Cerberus

Rogue Necromancy




Razorspine Rattler

Night Terror

Night Terror

I know that Marcus's crew requires a hardy selection of models to be competitive, he seems very strategy specific. I'm wondering what I should get for him to round him out.

Any suggestions on what would be a good addition to what I already have?


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Popular additions include

Silurids (objective grabbers and hit and run attackers)

Slate ridge mauler (slow but strong)

Blessed of December (self sufficient Objective runner)


KAeris (and a student of conflict) (increases ranged attacks)

Gunsmith (increase ranged attacks)

Waldiegiest (A beast that can actually take a hit)

McTavish (A beast obey)

And I very strongly recomend the Jackolope, a bargin at 1 ss. Really, don't leave home with out it.

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I've only just started playing with Marcus, but so far I have found the Silurids to be incredible.

With a (0) leap action that allows them to leap 9", requiring just a 7 of any suit to cast, they are incredible objective takers. They are also quite handy for alpha strikes (from their ability to activate simultaneously and their (0) action that allows them to hit a target more than once in melee - just remember to use it BEFORE you hit the opponent in melee, I always seem to forget :(. They even have some resilience, with an (0) action that allows them to gain soft cover - and they can never lose soft cover due to one of their abilities.

Given how cheap they are to hire (just one point more than an ice gamin!), they seem like a must-have for any Marcus player. You may not use them every game, but there will be a lot of times that they are really really handy. That's just my two cents based on my use of Marcus so far though :)

P.S. Adran - how to the Coryphee work with Marcus? I've never considered them before, so am intrigued :)

Edited by RedKnight
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On Silurid:

Considering how fragile they are, if going after a hard target that you don't think you can kill in one go, I like to just Charge with the Silurid then use their (0) to Push out of combat, then Leap away...preferably behind intervening terrain......not even Lilith can charge them if she can't see them.

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P.S. Adran - how to the Coryphee work with Marcus? I've never considered them before, so am intrigued :)

You see all you wrote about Silurids - It pretty much all applies to a corephyee duet as well. Its near impossible to stop it reaching any point of the table, and tough to hurt.

It costs almost the same as 3 Silurids (which is about the minimum I would consider running them in).

It does less damage but probably lives longer. Gives you less activations.

They have a potential 39" move a turn (sword dance 3 walks, getting a melee strike on each walk, and then getting the trigger for a 4" push to ensure they don't even need to disengage).

I owned one anyway for my colette crew, and it can be used well by all arcanist masters as a self supporting objective grabber.

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On Silurid:

Considering how fragile they are, if going after a hard target that you don't think you can kill in one go, I like to just Charge with the Silurid then use their (0) to Push out of combat, then Leap away...preferably behind intervening terrain......not even Lilith can charge them if she can't see them.

Lilith can see through EVERYTHING!

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Thanks Adran, that's very helpful and makes a lot of sense.

Spawn Mother Against Ressers

What about lawyers?

How well do Spawn Mothers work with Marcus? It looked like there has been been a mix of opinion on this on the forum and I was curious as to whether it was worth the purchase (like the OP, I don't yet have a Spawn Mother or any Gupps...)

I like the idea of Lawyers being used to help whittle down the cards for card-reliant Masters (Colette, I'm looking at you...) but wonder if his awfully slow speed - just 3 and 5 for Wk and Cg - are such that he wouldn't be a good fit for Marcus...?

Edited by RedKnight
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I played a proxy Marcus list using the Spawn Mother, Gupps and Silurids.

I would recommend staying clear of it! I used it a few times and basically never used the corpse counter and spawn pool technique to create Gupps, I found that Silurids are too squishy to take the hits so you tend to have them darting around, having them faff around a spawn pool wastes time and risk damage to the Silurids! I also never used the Spawn Mother to do anything other than create the Spawn Pool (which I didnt use) and justu se Chameleon.

All I can say is although it would look super awesome, it is a waste of time to play (in my opinion) and a alrge waste of money (1x base of Gupps is £10)

This is just my own musings but I certainly wouldnt recommend that list build!

Mr. Soulstone

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is McTavish a beast? Seems like good range support.

Negative on Beast status. You could Raptor him, but I'm not a huge fan of that tactic.

He's still very useful though. I haven't made much use of his Wrangle Critter ability (it's kind of random if you have the 7:masks+ on hand to cook it off, and I don't like holding a card for it,) but it is situationally useful.

His gun is definitely the best part about him. If he doesn't need to move you can cook off 3 shots with him, and with Hunter and the Critical Strike trigger, he's pretty dangerous at range.

Reckless is also really nice to have around. Fast on tap is great. The downside is that McTavish tends to slowly wear himself down over the course of the fight 1 Wd at a time, so by late game it's pretty easy for your opponent to finish him off if they can get anything to him. Still, I've found that he does pretty well up to that point, and if you're using him as primarily a gun platform (with good melee as a backup) he'll usually be pretty safe for most of the game.

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Great thread.

I just picked up Marcus and have just ordered a Shikome and 2 Night terrors. Looks like I should have ordered another 2 Night terrors.

I love the Siliruids, I've used them a bunch with Zoriada and can't wait to start them with Marcus. We play terrain heavy in our games so there is plenty of terrain to jump in front of or behind with them.

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  • 1 month later...

So I was thinking of making a new thread, and then I found this one, and thought I'd tag along instead.

I'm in a similar place, looking to beef out my marcus crew a little before a possible tournament in a few months time. I've only just started, so I'm aiming to take Marcus on his own along to a "faction" tournament, but it would be nice if I could at least have a go at any strategies which might be flying around.

Anyway, I currently have:


Jackalope (my favorite piece so far)


1 sabertooth cerberus

2 razorspine rattlers

3 molemen

1 hoarcat pride

Sadly my painting/modelling time + money allowance (baring in mind I've got a stash kept safe for the new puppet wars when it appears) means I'm vaguely limited to £20-£30 and not many models. I've been considering the silurid or night terrors, but then I like all of the models in the Kaeris box too...

So basically, do I go for speed or shooty powers?


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First prioirty from a marcus point of view would be

3 slurids

at least 3 night terrors (2 packs)

These are your speed strats done...at least one of these is as near a must as you can get.

Then I'd consider a slate ridge mauler as it makes a nice wreacking ball...then/or maybe consider some ranged support in either gunsmiths, convict or McTavis

...and enjoy the bunny of doom, always the best 1SS you'll ever spend

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I agree, you need to get some speed for a tournement, too many thinhgs require you to interact on the far side of the board.

Silurids and Night terrors are probably the best things in the game for this, and Marcus has the ability to take both.

I personaly feel I need 3 silurids to get the best out of them, where as I'm quite happy with 2 Night terrors. The Silurids are better at the hit and run, where are the night terrors are more consistant in their speed. Both need to be in a pack to get their best.

And I agree on the Jackolope. It's amazing and marcus should always buy it.

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ha! Silurids it is then.

I definitely view the death bunny as this guy

(surely Eric and Nathan had just been watching the holy grail when they came up with the jackalope):

Mine (on defensive stance, or whatever it's called) fended off a rail golem for a turn... then got pulped.

Anyway, thanks for the help

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