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The Iron Quill: Post-Gencon Blues


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Iron Quill- Post-Gencon Blues

Oh, I've got those Post-Gencon Blues... Which is as much poetry as you're getting out of me at this point. Alright everyone, welcome to the first proper round of the Iron Quill and many thanks to all of you who participated in the Preliminary and Beta rounds. Looking forward to see what all you authors come up with this time! Mystery Ingredients supplied by Eatenbypotchky, the winner of the Beta Round.

As before, if I need to make any changes, I'll edit those into this thread in red.

The Rules:

1. The list of participants will be brought together in the starting thread as people sign up. Participants may sign up at any point in time, by posting their interest in this thread, or by posting up a story. The Mystery Ingredient will be announced in the starting thread for each round. When you post up your story, please include the name of the round in the title.

2. The Mystery Ingredient will be two of four things. The Ingredient may be a character, a phrase, an item or a more generic theme. The Mystery Ingredient should be used in each entry, but doesn't necessarily have to be literal. Be creative here!

3. All entries must be set in the universe of Malifaux, or a recognizable Alternate version thereof.

4. Entries should be no more than 1,500 words in total, and should be complete self contained stories. Try to stick to this length as much as possible, a reasonable overage will be allowed at the Judge's discretion, but stories that are too long by the deadline will be disqualified. If your initial draft is too long at first submission but, through author feedback, is brought to the word count, that's fine.

5. Participants will have three weeks to complete their entry and post it on the forums in a new thread using a format that identifies easily that the story is an entry and what round. For example: Iron Quill Round 1: The Dark of the Night (or something).

All stories can be edited as much as people would like. If a story is going to be modified to such an extent that it no longer matches the original story, please start a new thread.

WIP will not be necessary in the title, but it is requested that any story that isn't completed have it at the top of the post. When the story is finished, please remove WIP from the post.

Edits can be made up until the deadline, but any edits made on the deadline or afterwards will disqualify the entry from the competition. (As an editorial note- please don't make me do this.)

6. The winner(s) of each round will be determined by a blind score from a public and a private poll. The public poll will be a thread created in which anyone who reads the stories can vote. The private poll will be for Judges and Authors who have weighted votes they can hand out. Each Judge/Author can award each of the following to different stories: 3 votes, 2 votes, 1 vote. At the same time, the Judges/Authors are requested to leave criticism and feedback. These polls will be open for one week, at which point the winner of the round will be announced. Any Judge/Author votes that have not been submitted by that point will be spoiled. Weighted votes cannot be awarded by an author to their own story.

Most Improved Award:
Now that we have some competitions in the bag, I want to start a 'Most Improved' award for each round. When you give me your weighted votes (or any readers who want to join in on this one), name the author you think has improved the most this round, either from last round or from the beginning of the competition.

MYSTERY INGREDIENTS: This round is going to be a bit different. Eatenbypotchky, the winner of the Beta Round, suggested more than the two Mystery Ingredients recommended. On suggestion from Chocobo, we're going to give you guys a choice. There will be a Theme, a Line, a Character and an Item. All of you have to pick either the Theme or the Character, and then you can pick to do one (or more) of the other three. Because of this, you're going to need to put in your entry, either at the beginning or the end, which Ingredients you used. And with that out of the way, here's what you're all waiting for anyway:

THEME: The Forgotten Room

CHARACTER: The Lazy Taxidermist

LINE: "I've never understood why you don't just go back to Richmond."

ITEM: A Brass Thimble

Starting Date For This Round: August 31st, 2012, at 00:00 EST.

Ending Date For This Round: September 21st, 2012, at 23:59 EST.

The Authors:

Rancor709 Mirrors



El Indio A Long Way From Richmond

Silver Chocobo The Dolls House

Mako A New Benefactor







Mister Monkey Guildhouse

Edited by edonil
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Time check please:

Character born 1864 during American Civil War

1878 at 14 Character joins US Marines

1898 Spanish American war ends. Character retires from USMC, 20 years in, comes to Malifaux, one of the first.

1907 character is in the Current Time in Malifaux. He is 43, at the end of his prime physically. Street smart and at the height of his skills.


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*sits there looking upwards*

Ok Muse, I have been patient...If you don't hit me with an idea soon, I won't be able to write a story. Then everyone will laugh at me, poke me with sticks and generally make my life miserable. If this happens, rest assured you will be the first to get it. Are we clear? Good...idea when you're ready then...

*sits patiently*


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