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Best compliment to Kirai?


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I have a Kirai crew on the way, but I want to start planning my second crew while eagerly awaiting Yan Lo to be released. I know there is no real overlap with Kirai and the other existing Resser Masters, but I was wondering who is the best compliment to Kirai's style, so I have the option to go with a different playstyle if the scenario or opponent calls for it.

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I've been trying to answer this same question since I started Malifaux a couple years back and Kirai was my first master... :) the best I could come up with was McMourning, simply because he is a great melee master while Kirai is a support master. For schemes like shared contain power, Kirai is really limited to 2VPs out the 4VPs, since it would be really really hard for her to kill opponent's master herself, while McMorning is not shy about doing it himself. :)

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Best compliment to Kirai?

I am not sure about best but the worst one must be "wow,you look sexy, fancy a quick one in the alley"?

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who read it that way.

My response would have probably been "no, those scissors don't make you look fat" followed by messy evisceration.

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Well, dang. :) I was hoping Nicodem would be a good second choice to fill in match up gaps for Kirai, mostly because my oldest son, who is a gamer like his dad, will want to play, too. I want to stay away from dead prostitutes and bimbo nurses if at all possible. :)

Hopefully, Yan Lo will give some help on that front, too.

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Shouldn't be too hard to put the list together. In terms of cost I wonder if its worth buying the box and "losing" the nurses or buying the good doctor, sebastian, and the construct individually.

Sebastian could easily be skipped if you want, which makes the box completely unnecessary. Of course, that works best if you already have the Nico and Seamus boxes...

Anyway, Nurses aren't great, and Sebastian isn't top tier. Belles, on the other hand, are very, very good.

Bottom line: Ressers just have a higher entry cost than some of the other factions out there.

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