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collete tricks for noobs


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Manniquins give you the ability to companion activate with any showgirls, including Coryphee. If you use that first turn, you can cover 16 inches+base size, Use the other coryphee to get into base contact, Dance together, and have another 9 inches of movement from the Duet's fast(or any other 1 action you want).

Also, Collette and Cassandra's movement abilities mean you can dance circles around most crews.

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Pre move with Cassandra is about 4 inches, move Manniquin into base and link it to Cassandra. move a Coryphee max out, about 16 inches. Dance partner Cassandra in to base of the forward Coryphee that will leave you with a move and a 1 action, then try to keep the Manniquin with in 18 inches of Collette when Cassandra finishes her activation. Dance partner Coryphee to the forward Coryphee make the duet, then you have one actions left. Give Collette reactivate and then move to switch places with the Manniquin. with luck that will give you the Duet, Cassandra, and Collette about 18 inches into the board with another Collette activation and the performer to run forward.

Do not have the forward Coryphee die it is vital to this method, have it be the third to activate, performer and Manniquin should go before it.

---------- Post added at 04:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:47 PM ----------

SoSoul Dance the forward Coryphee.

---------- Post added at 04:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 PM ----------

Also your stones will be used a whole lot.

Edited by D_acolyte
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I've had it happen twice, masters and the 35 point grinder @ gencon.

so her sceme is actually really easy to succeed in, hell you can do completion turn 1 if you relaly want to. Just set 8 asside and go from there.

aColette is really interesting, lots of AP, lots of triggers, I'm very impressed with it for sceme compeltion purposes. It is a soulstone hungry avatar from hell tough. Also what you can acomplish with an amazing hand is crazy, but a bad hand and it is very meh. the 1-1-2 damage means that immume to influence models relaly don't care about her.

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yeah, arcane effigy is really good for aColette to help soul stone factorying the first few turns.

How much better is the effergy than doves?

I've not yet got her avatar, but I would struggle to imagine that the use of the Effigy after manifestation is better than the use of the doves before manifestation.

Does it matter how soon you are expecting to manifest?

I think it is possible to complete a power ritual on Turn one if you really want to, just to give you an example of how fast they can be.

And sitting at at table and trying to get the moves exactly right to do this will help you understand some of what the models are capable of.

I personally prefer linking the manniquin to a corephee on turn 1 as when the duet forms and gets its fast action, the manniquin will be pushed into base to base with this model, even if it had been illusioned back into the deployment area after it pushed to the location of the corephee.

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Some advice, since I just ran Colette in the Masters:

Those videos are a good place to start. Helped me a lot try to wrap my head around the rules text on the cards and give you a base idea of what the crew is capable of.

Read the cards.

No seriously, read the $$$$$$$$ing cards. Read them all, take a break, read them again. When I was reading them for the first 10 times I would always find some new synergy or ability or something each time I read them. Hell, I still every-so-often sit and just read the showgirls cards just to re-familiarize myself with them. The day of the Saturday Gencon Qualifier? Yeah. I read the cards. Twice.

As far as the Avatar is concerned, you don't need it.

Hell I didn't even run it.

Personally I don't see the draw. She gets a few new tricks and loses illusionist (I think, don't have the card in front of me). I find more uses for Illusionist then I find for her entire Avatar card. And if you are new to the crew, she is hard enough to comprehend without her Avatar to even worry about manifesting to begin with.

It is just not an auto-include. She goes from being WOW Colette to eh... that's nice Colette. Unlike rezzer avatars which are almost auto-include, because they make the master significantly better. Colette's Avatar just isn't on the same wavelength. aColette gets some nice stuff, but not over and above better then what she can do by herself.

Oh and use Doves. Never ever use the Arcane Effergy. Ever. Doves bring so much more to the crew then the Effergy can ever provide. It shouldn't even be debated.

Edited by Shadai
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aColette is better w/o show girls, Arcane Effergy is better w/ aColette as your doves all die and you want a Soulstone reserve before you manifest.

Is aColette great in a crew full of show girls; nope, but if you run non-show girls she can do much more than Colette.

In short aColette loses every buff & interactions concerning show girls in favor of getting 6AP.

aColette is a completely different crew than Colette.

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Colette tricks:

#1: Have your Mannequin link to Colette, then punch her to teleport her around.

#2: Get the Duet immediately. Dance it on up to your enemy: you should be able to cross most of the board and still get an attack or two in. Your opponent will have one activation to respond. Then, have Cassandra switch places with the duet, move with Nimble to get an attack in, and then move back to the Duet. No enemies around to attack. It's a deadly combo.

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Suspiciously-Specific-Hypothetical Question: Say you drew treasure hunt with Collette, and your opponent, winning initiative, manages to put down Bette Noir and Kiljoy on top of the treasure marker. How would you go about getting it with a Collette crew?

Siren call enemy models to cause them to drop it and get my schemes. Make sure the enemy does not get it so the game comes down to schemes.

If you must get it try boxing and triggering the replacement and pray you have the cards for it and the stones. Depending on the rest of the army you can kill those two but it will cost you, focus on Kill Joy and hope Bette is in range of black blood. Start with doves magician dual or coryphée, preferably the duet when hitting something big and mean. end with Collette and try and clear the field.

Also bette is easy to kill then kill joy if you can hit.

Other useful models are Joss and Johan if this happens a lot. Also look into other heavy hitters in the faction, like the rider, golems or our henchmen.

Edited by D_acolyte
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Colette tricks:

#1: Have your Mannequin link to Colette, then punch her to teleport her around.

#2: Get the Duet immediately. Dance it on up to your enemy: you should be able to cross most of the board and still get an attack or two in. Your opponent will have one activation to respond. Then, have Cassandra switch places with the duet, move with Nimble to get an attack in, and then move back to the Duet. No enemies around to attack. It's a deadly combo.

If you companion with the mannequin you can move up, get an attack or two with the coryphee, swap cassandra in, 2 attacks with her, then get the mannequin to link and punch colette, she swaps with cassie, gets a magicians duel off then illusionists with the mannequin which then link pushes back to colette

That should end up with something dead within 16", possibly a free soul stone (if you killed them with magicians duel) and if it did survive there will be nothing near it for it to retaliate against :)

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Suspiciously-Specific-Hypothetical Question: Say you drew treasure hunt with Collette, and your opponent, winning initiative, manages to put down Bette Noir and Kiljoy on top of the treasure marker. How would you go about getting it with a Collette crew?

Sirens call can clear the route, alternatly you can bury them with Colette. Especially good if they haven't activated yet, as they don't unbury until their chance toactivate has passed. (You can also try for the manniquinn replacement trigger, but even not going for that its still a good spell. Remember if you're not going for the triple tomes trigger, you can get the mask trigger to replace the soulstone you spent on the spell.

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I just started to run Colette a couple weeks ago. I just played my 7th game with her yesterday and I'm really enjoying her crew. However we have a 25 ss tourney coming up and she is on the short list of what to run. This will be difficult cause it's a 1 Master fixed list tourney at 25ss. I have no room for Coryphee on a list that small and right now just running Cassandra and some Perf/Mannequin's.

Here's my noob question. I've seen many lists on here of people runnning even upwords of 3 performer/Mannequins in a crew. How are you fellow Coleete players using them? I link the Mannequin to Colette so she can do her Illusionist stuff I know that and they are good for Death Defying. But running the performer on her own is very sub-par. I seem to struggle getting the mask to I need for a spell and often when I do it's beaten. Are they generally just used as jumping posistions for Colette? Held close to Cassandra for her to use their spells? Or do you run them out in the field for objectives?

And also with a tourney coming up I can use the extra stones to recruit something tougher than having an extra Performer/Mannequin on the table i.e. running Kaeris or Johan or something else.

Just wanted to know your thoughts. Still deciding on if I should run them .

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I don't know if I'd say that Performer/mannequin are subpar. They aren't melee beat sticks, but they have some nice control options, and the extra ability to companion activate for Collette's movement shenanigans isn't to be sniffed at.

However, I would guess the biggest reason to take an extra performer/mannequin is that it gives Collette 2 more options for her different showgirl related abilities, including her ability to survive massive damage.

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