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Hanging tree gripe


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Been a long time fan of the game and miniatures and I have all the special editions, but I feel disappointed with the nightmare edition tree. Having only seen photos I think you way over priced it. GW sells their tree terrain for $30 and it's about the same size wise. You could have sold this for let's say $40 and I would have bought 3 without a second thought then I would have probably come back and placed another order for 6 more thinking how I was going to make a cool display board. I realize you have mold costs on this item and if you had not made it a gen con only item you could have easily sold tons of these trees over time to make even more profit.

As it stands now I sadly only purchased 1 tree, in fact I only made 1 order this year just over $100 where as last year I easily spent $500 because I got caught up in the gen con excitement.

Oh well, at least all the other stuff you are realizing in the plastics look good and I am sure I will be buying in the future.

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I did not know about all the extra bits, that is a nice plus. And I was uncertain if it came with cards to be used as the hanged, I'm glad that it does. But the GW trees come 3 large trees in a box plus foliage and the large molded base. GW has the upper hand that it can deflect the cost of the mold over many years and tons of castings. The malifaux trees do look better in my opinion and it is a shame that it will be available for such a limited time. Perhaps it can be offered every year at gencon or given out as prize support.

Although it sucks for those that have dished out the money at a higher price already this could have been a great marketing tool to stores. Just think of all your LGS that have the GW trees on their game boards all of a sudden the malifaux trees show up and are being used. It gets customers talking about the brand and the game!

I know wyrd is committed to the terra clips thing but I hope they can see outside that box and recognize that there is a lack of steam punk scenery for the traditional table top board. Keep in mind the warmachine players would also jump all over the steam punk buildings too. Wyrd has invested in the equipment lets use it to its full potential.

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I'm really new to Malifaux as a game. Our gaming group just started playing it a few months ago. I picked the Dreamer crew because I liked the models and the concept. Then I saw all the spiffy previous nightmare editions with LCB and Teddy and got all excited. Sad I missed out, but excited for this year's nonetheless.

So when I saw this year's I had a hard time with it as well. I loved the previous nightmare edition models and was kind of bummed that this one, though with all kinds of cool bits, ended up being prety much terrain. Very cool terain with shiny bits, but still terain.

Don't get me wrong, Hanging the designers from a cool tree with shiny bits is extremely funny and I love that there IS a hanging tree. But at $80 it's a bit steep. I decided to pass on it so far.

I was hoping for a playable model even if it was another faction than mine. Personally since they brought out 10T, thought it would be cool to do a nightmare 10T fig. Maybe next year.


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I think people aren't realizing that the box contains not just the big Hanging Tree terrain piece, but two smaller 50mm Hanging Trees, one each with a Nathan and Eric on them, and stat cards for the smaller trees to use them as alternate sculpts of The Hanged.

So, you get a large terrain piece AND two Resurrectionist models for the price.

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Well and if you decide to go for the avatar dreamer, then you can place a hanging tree every second round. So it is in a way also a model for gaming.

Sadly I missed on nightmare dreamer and on the nightmare teddys. But As soon as I saw the nightmare hanging tree I really thought how cool a crew of a nightmare dreamer + 3 nightmare Teddies + avatar dreamer + nightmare hanging tree would look like. Only need a nightmare version of the avatar to complete the nightmare style.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A shot of the sprues:

...Add birds to taste, and voila!

I'm guessing the main tree counts as a 90mm base, should I decide to make one for it. My only complaint would have to be that the ropes on both Erics broke (one during shipping and handling, before I even opened the box; the other when I was removing it from the sprue). Maybe think thicker ropes from now on, guys?

Oh, and here are the Eric & Nathan Hanged stat cards (along with the complimentary Malifaux 39" tape measures).

Edited by i_was_like_you
stat cards
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Yeah, but they scale nicely with Nightmare Chompy and Teddy. :D

Although, the main tree is either too large or too small for the actual Hanging Tree that Jack Daw resides upon (too large for the terrain piece in the rules; too small in the fluff). Regardless, it looks great, and was fairly easy to assemble (didn't even use glue on the larger pieces of the main tree).

Uglybug does have a point, though, if GW is putting out bigger trees cheaper (words I never thought I'd hear about GW, especially in relation to Wyrd), then I've gotta fight hard not to feel gypped on the price to product ratio. For my reference, just how big are the new crew boxes, compared to the one for these trees, now that they're all plastic sprues?

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I thought The Main tree was just a a Terrain Piece and doesn't need a specific size base?

It is, but sometimes it's handy to have the size readily available.

Here's Miss Terious, in case anyone wanted to take a peek.

Thinkin' about wiring up a green LED inside the hollow casket to give it an eerie glow. Wouldn't have even considered it with the old, solid pewter coffins.

Haven't glued her hat on yet, for ease of painting.

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Man they look way too big to be hanging trees

Fun thing is that the Resserectionist versions have cards with the 50mm base size printed on the cards. So, they are legit in their bigness. not sure what it does to their play style as I don't play Ressers yet. But, I will find out eventually.

---------- Post added at 10:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 PM ----------

It is, but sometimes it's handy to have the size readily available.

Here's Miss Terious, in case anyone wanted to take a peek.


Thinkin' about wiring up a green LED inside the hollow casket to give it an eerie glow. Wouldn't have even considered it with the old, solid pewter coffins.

Haven't glued her hat on yet, for ease of painting.

I was thinking the same thing for the LED. It would be pretty slick.

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