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Help my Friend!! - Perdita

Da Git

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Ok, little backstory, I came to Japan not expecting anyone to have heard of the game & lo and behold, the organiser of the local 40k club has the perdita starter crew, Bonus!

anywho, We have had a few games & aside from the first where I massively handicapped my Kirai crew (no Shikome!), I have slaughter him each time. I have since moved on to McM (apparently weaker, but much more choppy & now scares dita to death!) I have the Doctor, Chihuahua, 2 dogs, Rogue, Flesh construct, sebbi, & Bete Noir.

I have looked over the models a lot to try & help him, but I am finding them soo fragile for there costs & against my ressers I can generally get in there first & then it is all over.

Can people give me tips please??

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Guild Crew - 35 - Scrap

Perdita Ortega
7 Pool

Enslaved Nephilim [2ss]

  • Death Marshal

  • Death Marshal

  • Francisco Ortega

  • Santiago Ortega

  • Witchling Stalker

  • Witchling Stalker

Try this. Guild has the best 4ss minions in the game....use them. lots of models with high weak damage are the bane of H2W crews....there isn't one model here (except the totem) that does less than 3 Dg on a weak hit.

Santiago and DMs should be shooting. Witchlings should be debuffing casts every action, dispelling when needed (against Dougie's easy to wound debuff for example) and heading off anyone that is trying to get into melee.

Francisco should be bringing up the rear waiting for his moment to strike. Companion him with Perdita and the totem if needed....Obey him into position....charging if you can, he activates last in the companion chain and flurries.....not much in the game survives a charge and a flurry from him. He is a 5ss model that can easily tear down a model twice his cost.....but then he will probably die because he is very fragile, that's why he stays in the background. Targets of choice for him will be Rogue Necro, Flesh Construct, and Doug himself.

Francisco is also an excellent Frame for Murder schemer.....if you don't kill him when he is in base, he is going to hurt you when he goes....maybe not quite as good against Doug since he can Scalpel Sling out of melee, but it might work for 1VP if not announced.

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ah oops, forgot to say that atm we only play 25SS as he only has the starter. He is also really keen on just using family models so should hopefully expand with the totem, abueala & maybe the pistolleros.

Has anyone used the pitolleros to good effect? they look alright, maybe one to activate first to give everyone +2 df until they activate (df10 perdita!!) or attacking last to get some good bonuses for such a cheap model.

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Well, he's hamstringing himself sticking with all just family....they're higher ss cost means he is only running a few models so will always be vastly out activated....especially if he companions very much. And especially at only 25ss....he may only have 4 models and Doug could have twice that once he starts summoning.

Latigo guys aren't worth it IMO. If I were to spend 3ss, I'd rather have guild hounds, especially vs rezzers. they get rid of counters and can (1) charge models carrying them. They're also thematic since the Ortegas are monster hunters....not a stretch for them to have hunting dogs.

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As others have stated, going just Ortega's against rezzers is going to feel weak for the reasons stated. They really need to expand out further and take some other guild options (which make them very good).

As to the concerns of fluffiness -

Abuela Ortega has an ability to give one non-unique living model the Family characteristic called Shotgun Wedding. This may allow you to handwave and say things like: see that witchling stalker? It's really an ortega! I've already heard some interesting thoughts of shotgun wedding for Miss Terious (death marshall) to represent the Ortega that grew up and went to join the death marshalls!

As stated, I do think Guild Hounds as just hunting dogs for anyone are a great add - and they really do help with the low number of models the Ortegas are faced with. They also synergize well.

Exorcist can be nice too, as he's made to help the rest of the crew deal with undead and spirits (and others) - just watch out for the Rogue Necromancy which he is surprisingly soft against.

Also consider constructs. Particularly the Watcher - as it not only is quick moving for grabbing objectives and cheap for helping with activations, but it can take away cover making the rest of the ortegas (sans Nino) much better at what they do best.

But as you can see, all the options i mention do not involve models with the last name Ortega. =)

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I have to echo what everyone here is staying. For me personlly I love Perdita she was my first and most played master still. But for me Nino is the only Ortega I take with her anymore. Generally I'll run a heavy gunline of Ryle/Nino/Pale Rider and Sam Hopkins with her at 35ss. IF you want to go cheaper I find that for me the Witchling Stalkers are by far some of the best 4 point models the Guild can get their hands on. IF you want to stay way from the 7 and 8SS models go with some of the Stalkers and a Handler.

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I've been running the all-Family Perdita crew for a while now, and it is pretty rough. I ditched Papa Loco in favor of Abuela Ortega, with an Executioner (Turn one, Abuela marries him to Nino) as extremely violent backup. Generally I run the Executioner, Nino, Abuela, and the Enslaved Nephilim as one section (Abuela and the Nephilim Obey Nino for extra shots), the brothers as a flanking group, and Perdita as a free-roaming troubleshooter. I have been considering dropping Francisco for extra stones for Perdita though.

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Humm for me I think I like a Witchling at 4 more then Santi for 5 points. I used to run everyone and try to obey the crap out of Nino but I find just keeping the high :masks to trigger trigger happy works better for me personally. With 2 actions and many masks he can take out 2 targets without to much trouble.

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My basic Perdita crew now centres around Perdita, Enslaved Nephilim, Nino, Santiago and the Watcher; that takes me to 19ss. I then add some variation of Executioner, Peacekeeper, Exorcist, Francisco, a second Watcher depending on Strategies and opposing master.

It's very rare I take a list without Santiago in these days - he's probably one of the most versatile and valuable models available for Perdita. Mind you, he may not think he's that valued, as usually the first thing Perdita does is shoot him!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why aren't people mentioning Papa Bomb? Use companion obeys from 'Dita, Abuela, and enslaved Neph to chain move Papa right into the enemy group and blow him up with 'take ya with me', causing 6 damage to everything within 6 inches. He'll be down to 2 wounds left, and if he dies, he does 5 damage to everything within 3 inches. Best way to take out grouped models, master to boot!

Next turn you obey chain an executioner the same way, and watch him cut sh*t up. Or chain extra attacks from nino or austringer.

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