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Storm of Shadows - Arcanists Spoiler Thread


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Oh good lord, Kang's heal is even better than I thought. Taelor will still be a little harder to kill first turn, but as the game goes on that shifts in Kang's favor. Taelor will have somewhat better odds of weathering a dedicated melee rush, but if Kang can survive one he will heal automatically on his activation plus has Hard to Kill.

So with what I know now, Taelor's advantages are ignoring Terrifying, ignoring Armor, and full damage against Spirits and not much else. Menace is near-worthless with Ca 2 and I'd gladly take the smoke bomb combo over Hammerstrike. Does Kang do any of those first three? Because if he does, it makes Taelor that much more pointless in an Arcanist crew. He trades a little bit of raw hitting power and Hard to Wound for what sounds like excellent synergies with his crew (not to mention being able to charge through Fog and such).

Sorry, I love Taelor and I'm attempting to determine if she'd still be useful for my Arcanists or if she's only going to be rolling with the Viks and perhaps the Ressers on occasion...

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Wow...CB8 for Johan when near his new best buddy.

edit: Does Kang's aura work for shooting too? Johan would shoot at Cb7 in that case too.

just +1 Cb....so for both melee and shooting.

Izamu with boosted armour may start becoming popular and only causing 2 damage on severe can be quite distressing.


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Well, though Kang is a hell of a lot better for 8 than Taleor for 9, that magic weapon that ignores armour can save a lot of situations. Izamu with boosted armour may start becoming popular and only causing 2 damage on severe can be quite distressing. Taelor is still better equiped to nuke a single hard target.

Agreed....but on the other hand, for Arcanists Kang will generally be better since they can take Taelor-lite in Johan, who now has lots of potential M&SU members to hang around with.

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if Kang has slow to die and an auto-heal on activation how can you kill him? Do you have to sacrifice him?

OK, lets start with the basics here.. Slow to Die, allows you to take an Action, but does not start an Activation. Secondarily Kang Heals at the start of turn not at the start of his Activation.

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So if kang isn't killed on your opponents activation because of hard to wound, his auto heal kicks in on his activation technically reactivating his hard to kill. 'Technically speaking'

I don't think he has hard to wound. He has hard to kill and slow to die. Slow to die is no help with his healing.

For hard to kill...he doesn't heal on his activation. He heals at the start of the turn (in some ways this is better than healing at the start of his activation). So all hard to kill does for him is it generally makes opponents have to hit him an extra time to kill him, or he gains a bunch of his health back next turn.

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