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Iron Quill Beta Round Winner!


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Thanks everyone who participated, you all did amazing work, give yourself a round of applause! I especially want to take the time to call out those of you first time writers, and say that I'm very proud of you guys for putting forth the effort, it was great seeing your stuff. I'm hoping all of you continue with this as time goes on! And I'm hoping to see more of you next round, which will be the first "official round" (whatever that means) of the Iron Quill.

Now onto the reason you're all here. As before, I have the votes saved, if you would like to know your specific score, let me know. I will say, I'm missing votes from some of you authors, please, please, please in the future try to get those to me, they really are the determining factor. That being said, here goes:

Second Runner-Up: urocky, Teddy's Big Night Out.

First Runner-up: El Indio, The Kid and the Reaper.

And our winner of the Beta Round...

eatenbypotchky, The Strange Account of Mary Rose Pinkerton, Sole Survivor!

Congrats to all of you, and to everyone else. :) Looking forward to more stories as time goes on!

I want to especially all of you who took the time to give feedback to all of your fellow authors, it's a wonderful thing watching as the organizer of this.

Alright, and now for the second burning question you guys are waiting for...when does the next round start? The next round of submissions is going to begin on Friday, August 31st, 2012. The Mystery Ingredients and rules are going to be announced on Monday, August 27th, 2012.

Little bit longer break this time, for two primary reasons. The first is next week is Gencon, and a couple of our authors are going to be involved in that. The second part is that I want to try to arrange things along the time of the month, a suggestion made by UberGruber during the Preliminary Round. Looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with, and thank you so much for all the stories to read!

Edited by edonil
Wrong Day of the Week...
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The first round will have eliminations and pairings right?

Nope. The point of the iron quill (as i see it) is not to find one amazing writer, but to get lots of people writing by giving them as many chances as possible. There's no knockout or pairings, since that would mean telling people to stop writing...

And as far as I know, people can still sign up until the day entries close in each round. If you want to write something and there's time to do it before the deadline, I don't think Edonil would refuse!

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So for the first round, everyone may enter right? Not just who won?

The first round will have eliminations and pairings right?

Just need to know if I am still eligible to start writing again.

Chocobo and Mako got it right, this won't be an elimination competition. The goal is, as Mako stated, to get people writing, and to get people more confidence and experience for people. Writing is so incredibly difficult to get good at, I feel, even more than painting because it's harder to find an objective way to measure anything, so progress can be very subjective once you get past some basics. My hope for this competition is to see everyone continue to improve, to set goals to improve on that are your very own. Luckily, we have some people who are great at feedback to help with that. One thing that I think might be interesting, and in the opening post for the next round I'm going to recommend it, is to have authors put up what their personal goals are for writing the story. Do you want to improve most on grammar, on dialogue, on working on a completely different theme than usual, etc.

For example, and I hope he doesn't mind me doing this, but I would call Chocobo as one of the most improving writers here, from stuff that he's started with that I've read before this competition, to the difference between the first story and the second. He's got a great imagination, and with help from other authors, he's been really improving his technical skills. And that's the point to this whole competition, honestly.

And I'm gonna get off my soapbox now...

And if people want to indicate their desire to be in the next round now, I'll start making a list of those of you who are definitely interested. :)

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Hey, for those of you up for the next round, would you be up for four Mystery Ingredients, or do you think that'll be too stifling on what you could do? A theme, an item, a line and a character. I think you guys would all be able to do some very interesting things with four or two, but I wanted to get your input on it, before dumping that on you since it'll break from the established pattern.

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hmmm..interesting concept...though i think 4 may be pushing it! Especially I can see problems with fitting a character in, the others not so much of a hassle, but I know I may struggle to fit a character into my stories..unless I (shock, horror) take a break from the norm and dont write a Black-world story lol!

But I will go with the majority vote...It will be a challenge, lets put it that way!

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Congrats to eatenbypotchky, and to everyone who entered. Looks like I'll have to step up my game next time, if I want to upgrade to the gold medal!

I'm in for next round, but I'll cast my vote for only two secret ingredients. Any more than that, and you risk seeing writers paying lip service to them rather than incorporating them as thematic elements of their stories. Two is enough to tie the entries together. Four starts to feel like a straightjacket, IMHO.

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