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Tournament Pondering - Which Master to take?


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The Australian Malifaux GT is coming up, which is a single Master story encounter on day 1 followed by a single faction gaining grounds event on day 2. I have a plan for day 2, but I'm still trying to work out what I could do for Day 1.

The scenario's aren't available yet but basically you're selecting crews from a 55SS pool, as per the Gaining Grounds document. My aim for the Story Event is to go for something fun rather than super-competitve. Specifically I'm hoping to take a crew I've never or rarely used before, or go with a crew selection that's generally not seen on the tables.

I've knocked down my options to a few possible lists. I know I said I'm starting a Seamus crew but unfortunately I won't have quite enough for a 55SS pool of the models I'd want so he's out.


OPTION 1: M&SU Union


Iggy 7

3x Union Miners 12

Soulstone Miner 6

Johan 7*

2x Gunsmiths 12

2x Fire Gamin 8 (52)

*Note: before you ask, Johan doesn't get the 1SS discount when choosing lists for a Gaining grounds tournament, only when you select him in your crew.

I've used Kaeris with Marcus in the past and once on her own (while demoing), but otherwise her crew would be a totally new experience for me.


OPTION 2: Teddy Bear's Picnic


Avatar Dreamer 2

3x Daydreams 6

2x Teddies 18

2x Stitched 10

Insidious Madness 4

3x Night Terrors 9

Baby Kade 6 (55)

It's a Teddy Bear's Picnic! I've never, ever used Dreamer before but with his recent errata, I wouldn't mind giving him a run. The entire crew would be themed of course, and this would probably mean the purchase of proxies for some of the models (despite already having the originals painted up). So alot of work would be required.


OPTION 3: Gaia-Lilith


ALiith 2

Primordial Magic 2

3x Silurid 15

Tuco 7

3x Terror Tots 9

2x Waldgeist 12 (47)

(+8SS for something)

I've always felt that the Silurid are actually a good Match for Lilith, so this would be my opportunity to try them out as well as give Avatar Lilith a run.


OPTION 4: Neverdita


Avatar Perdita 2

Fransisco 5

Santiago 7

Nino 7

Papa Loco 6

Brutal Effigy 4

3x Latigo Pistolero's 9

4x Guild Hounds 12

Watcher 3 (55)

Another crew I've never put on the table. This one is inspired from my own Perdita model, which I've painted up as a Neverborn (well, at least my take on Nephilim, which is pale skin and pink hair). The negative is that of the crews here, this is the one I'll need to paint the most models for. In fact the work load pre-GT would probably be broadly similar to that of the Dreamer crew. Right now I just have Perdita, Papa Loco and 2 Guild Hounds... The rest need to be bought and/or painted. Or possibly replaced with something I already have.


OPTION 5: Power-Ranger Viks


Avatar Viks 2

Student 3

Sue 7

Bishop 10

3x Ronin or 10-T Bros

Freikorps Specialist 5 (42)

(+13 SS for something)

"Power Ranger" because they're all painted in different primary/secondary colours. ;) I've actually really enjoyed playing with Bishop, and my initial experience with AViks was awesome, to say the least. I'm undecided as to whether to include Von Schill. He may be amazing, but he seems almost like an auto-include these days and I'd rather try out the likes of Sue and maybe a Hodgepodge Effigy instead.


OPTION 6: Avatar Pandy


Avatar Pandora 2

2x Sorrows 6

Insidious Madness 4

Tuco 7

2x Stitched 10

Lilitu & Lelu 14

Sue 8

Primordial Magic 2 (53)

I would love to pull out APandy and try to prove her usefulness at the GT, but for a Story Encounter in which I'm aiming more for fun than competitiveness, this list feels a little too mean. :(

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Which list do I have more of winning against if I get drawn against you? :)

I'm considering doing the same thing with a fun crew that I've barely used for day one, is what you say true about Johan in gaining grounds? I was considering using Colette, will Johan still take up 7 of my pool?

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