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How Golf helped me enjoy Malifaux more...


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I have to start with my Golf "revelation".

I used to play many years ago and was typical in that I was not very good and let the game make me very mad at times when things went poorly.

One day I was just off the green and decided to "chip" the ball on with an extreme wedge that I had. I swung and heard a very solid "click" as my club did NOT cut the grass under and contacted only the ball sending it sailing. So, now the ball is even farther from the green on the other side. I "chip" it again and send it sailing over the green to almost the same position I started in. Coming around the green again, I look at the club and TELL IT(!!!) "Do that again, and you die!"

Of course, I did it again after which I promptly stomped my feet toward the nearest tree and swung at it as hard as I could...

Mind you, this tree had a trunk about 5 inches in total diameter. So, what happened was that I struck it about 6 inches down the shaft from the head (Hey now!) and the club proceeded to wrap itself around the trunk ending with the metal head flying off the club straight back at me with high velocity passing between my thighs about 1 inch lower than my... manhood...

I stood there for about 1 full minute considering just how close I had come to having a one pound hunk of steel slam into my junk as hard as I could swing a golf club...

... And started laughing!

That was it. I never had a bad time golfing again. Instead, I enjoyed the good hits, laughed at my badness and just enjoyed my walks in the sun. When its all said and done, I remember golf hits from 30 years ago that were good and I could not tell you a single bad shot from the same day...

So, that brings me to Malifaux...

When I started the game, just like anyone else, I want to be good and to win. At first, I found winning to be somewhat important to my enjoyment of the game and so I came to places like these forums and read about what models and playstyles might help me there.

What I learned was that my preferred master, Nicodem, was not particularly well thought of. I tried to buy "powerful" models and did better, but still struggled and got a bit grumpy about it and started reading more and more threads about "balance".

Then I went golfing last summer and while on the course, realized that I needed my "Golf Head" in gaming.

Enjoyed every game I have played since then.

I could not tell you how a Von Schill player killed me at Adepticon masters, but I remember pretty clearly my Hanged shredding Killjoy and preventing him from healing while I swarmed him.

I do not remember the details of my son beating me recently in a game, but I remember my Carrion Effigy dropping a double blast template on three models and spoiling their day.

If I can get through this summer with at least one good memory of Carrion Effigies, Drowned, Crooligans and Rafkin having really swayed a game, I will consider my summer to have been good gaming...


I thought before I had finished this little shpeel, I'd have managed to work in shank and slice somewhere... But I didn't...

Playing Through!

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So, let me get this straight...

Winning isn't everything? And, you can have fun with "sub-par" models? And, it's more memorable to flip a black joker on an important flip than to have a guaranteed damage flip that kills a model?

Or ,heaven forbid, having a 3 point model red joker a :-fate :-fate :-fate damage flip on you master and kill said master is more exciting and fun than having said damage flip be shrugged off?

Man, who would have thought it?

great post. by the way. I wish more people had this kind of mentality when playing games.

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So, let me get this straight...

Winning isn't everything? And, you can have fun with "sub-par" models? And, it's more memorable to flip a black joker on an important flip than to have a guaranteed damage flip that kills a model?

Or ,heaven forbid, having a 3 point model red joker a :-fate :-fate :-fate damage flip on you master and kill said master is more exciting and fun than having said damage flip be shrugged off?

Man, who would have thought it?

Yeah, that's crazy talk. . .

and everyone knows that fun needs 'cuddled' (as I belive the young people say nowadays when they mean downgraded or reduced).

Edited by UberGruber
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I have to disagree here. Golf is totally unbalanced. The latest and greatest clubs are totally OP. I mean the power creep in the new releases is totally out of control. My steel-shafted irons from just a few years back don't even stand a chance. We both get the same number of clubs in our bags, shouldn't mine be able to hit the ball just as far?!?

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I have to disagree here. Golf is totally unbalanced. The latest and greatest clubs are totally OP. I mean the power creep in the new releases is totally out of control. My steel-shafted irons from just a few years back don't even stand a chance. We both get the same number of clubs in our bags, shouldn't mine be able to hit the ball just as far?!?


you're saying you bought resser golf clubs, that sucks man.

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This is awesome and true :D

I enjoy a good game, and would much rather lose a fun game then win a joyless one.

However, I do enjoy playing to the best of my abilities, trying to better myself as a gamer, so quite a few of my friends would probably label me a power gamer :(

Oh well, I love what malifaux I've played, and our little group hasn't even started using scheme's yet!

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