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can anybody help me (zoraida/collodi)


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Zoraida/Collodi is a lot of fun to play!

Collodi runs around being fast and capturing objectives, and Zoraida kind of hangs out making Voodoo Dolls of enemies, and if she doesn't know what else to do, she makes a Wicked Doll that can teleport across the field to wherever Collodi is.

You always want 4 Marionettes for Collodi.

Three or so Wicked Dolls add some additional combat ability, healing, and fast objective grabbers.

Stitched Together are awesome and go well with anything, though they are much slower than Collodi.

Adding Avatar Zoraida is great, too. And Arcane Effigy, once it's out. (I made an adorable sculpt eyeball dude proxy myself).

Total things I'd suggest getting:

Collodi Box Set (Collodi, 4 Marionettes, 3 Wicked Dolls)

Stitched Together (2 models in a blister pack)

Zoraida (individual)

Voodoo Doll (individual)

Avatar Zoraida (individual small box)

Arcane Effigy (not out yet, so I suggest doing a Puppet Wars proxy or something)

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I started with the following

The minimum

Collodi Box

Extra blister of Wicked Dolls

Stitched together

Zoraida Blister

Voodoo Doll

Next I would take Doppleganger, so you can get the Zoraida 10 WP & gamble your life combo. Also the initiative flip bonus really helps with Collodi.

after that you flavour with what you like from any faction using Zoraida hiring ability.

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Maybe consider getting both Collodi's and Z's boxed sets. Not necessarily because all the models will make an uber-deathstar crew but look to the future. I have already made the mistake of buying a model individually to then later realised that I want the whole boxed set that it comes as part of. Never again!

Now if I start any master, I grab their boxed set and then add some individuals to it that come separate from the boxed sets.

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Maybe consider getting both Collodi's and Z's boxed sets. Not necessarily because all the models will make an uber-deathstar crew but look to the future. I have already made the mistake of buying a model individually to then later realised that I want the whole boxed set that it comes as part of. Never again!

Now if I start any master, I grab their boxed set and then add some individuals to it that come separate from the boxed sets.

I think the point of people suggesting not to buy Zorida's Box Set is that it comes with the an un-obeyable tank.

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I think the point of people suggesting not to buy Zorida's Box Set is that it comes with the an un-obeyable tank.

Not to mention that the Silurids would be fairly redundant with Collodi's boxed set already in. Collodi can take care of objectives stupid-fast and sit on Claim markers with a bunch of significant models, and when you combine him with Zoraida you can move your Wicked Dolls literally across the entire board as a 0-action every turn. More fast models won't help all that much.

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Collodi pretty much makes the Silirids obsolete for anyone playing NB (Marcus still gives them love I've heard) that cares only about how well a model functions. 3 Silirids cost 15 SS, for 1 SS more you can have Collodi and 4 Marionettes. By almost all objective standards that I personally can think of Collodi and his crew of dolls are superior in every way to Silirids.

I also agree Bad Juju is a massively sub-par choice. Bad Juju has no good Juju.

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I would recommend buying both boxes, its what I did and its leaves you with plenty of choice.

Iv just finished a campaign with this crew (won it) and towards the end of it when people have what your crew can do, down. I found in these situations that people would gear themselves to fight constructs.. so i threw in silurids and bad juju to mess with their heads.. I'm now looking at doing a zoraida swamp list.. mostly for theme, but then, no one ever believes that you really play big z and c for theme.. least not when you've battered them with a million paired dol attacks..

Most importantly, I hope you enjoy the crew as much as I do :)

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I've been toying with the idea of 3 Stitched, 4 Marionettes and aZoraida with her summoning Wicked Dolls most turns as I haven't found much to do with Zoraida when I've had her on the board.

Good list, but you will get a whole lot of hate for that list against most other masters, particularly if playing the slaughter strategy. If you want to improve it slightly, at least in terms of an all comers list, take at least 1 insidious madness. This will allow you to strip immune to influence from models like the peace keeper and riders for a turn, hexing it off with Zoraida if you want, and then be able to target them with obeys and the stitched togethers "gamble your life". Did this to a peacekeeper vs Hoffman- it was poisoned, battered Hoffman and a guardian, and then got smashed by a hodgepodge effigy, another minion I highy recommend.

I usually Run:



3 Marionettes

x2 Effigys

Primordial Magic

Stitched Together

Insidious Madness

Offers flexibility, speed and ability to tackle a variety of crews against a variety of schemes.

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Collodi box + Zoraida + voodoo doll is how I (just) started. Bam, You've got a 25 SS list. Start there and grow out.

Zip Collodi around with the Marionettes (have Collodi make them fast then have them drag him along) and flurry, flurry, flurry! Send the Wicked Dolls after an objective. Have Zoraida poop out a voodoo doll and start obeying enemy models. After that, when a Wicked Doll dies, have her summon one, then have it activate, teleport to where she Ravened, then immediately Malice for damage on an enemy. Good luck.

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I would highly recommend getting a puppet wars box on top of the collodi box set if you play any other crews. They are legal models for vodoo dolls, wicked dolls, whatever model they represent, and marionettes in a pinch. Not to mention puppet wars is a ridiculously fun game in it's own right.

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I would recommend buying both boxes, its what I did and its leaves you with plenty of choice. Iv just finished a campaign with this crew (won it) and towards the end of it when people have what your crew can do, down. I found in these situations that people would gear themselves to fight constructs.. so i threw in silurids and bad juju to mess with their heads.. I'm now looking at doing a zoraida swamp list.. mostly for theme, but then, no one ever believes that you really play big z and c for theme.. least not when you've battered them with a million paired dol attacks..Most importantly, I hope you enjoy the crew as much as I do :)
To be fair, as i understand it Zoraida and the dolls is a well themed list isn't it? It is just harsh as they go so well together:)
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Anyone that says do not buy both boxed sets is obviously forgetting the lure of Malifaux. Those of us brave enough to raise our hands at MA (Malifaux-holics Anonymous) know that in the end the lure of Malifaux will leave you wanting all the models in your faction and possibly several factions. Think long term - support your addiction in the long run - make every dollar count.

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I've come to find that of the few things I excel at, feeding my addictions comes the most naturally.

Anyways, I will be running Collodi this weekend and I am partial to the stitched lists mentioned earlier in the thread. The doppleganger combo sounds amazing with it! Tho, thats one more buy for me, as I've been focused on Lilith theme lists, so no 'ganger. I'm always a sucker for themes, so this crew will be right up my alley. Wish me luck and keep the ideas rolling!

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As I've been either a student or unemployed for my time play Malifaux, I've had to look at the most cost effective models to take with a master. This has meant that I don't have many cross-overs, and so I actually use each of my models a good amount. But has also left my choice a bit thin when it comes to playing the same people over and over.

So if you're all about saving money, then look closely at what each model does and have a max of 2 types of model to pick for each slot (objective grabber, heavy hitter, tank etc.) But if you want as much variation as possible to mess with your opponents heads, then have as many options as possible for each slot. They won't know what is coming at them, and they will find it harder to adjust, and to learn how to fight against your models. Obviously the first choice also allows you to make a more themed/fun crew, whereas the second choice is allowing you to win more games (and obviously still have loads of fun, as this game rocks)

Hope this helps.

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