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Just thought I would share some pics of my Raspy starter plus EoP. Pics aren't the best because my patience is lacking and day light is rare these times a year in Sweden. Anyway, here you go:



Essence of Power


Ice Golem


Ice Gamins



Ice Pillars (I have made eight in total...)


Next up is a December Acolyte and a Silent one!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I have some newly paitned stuff for you to look at. Here we go:

December Acolyte


Silent One


And a little teaser of what is coming. A Snow storm, and I am planning to use Snow as a second Silent One...:


---------- Post added at 03:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 PM ----------

Pic of the Silent One seemed a little small so I threw together a new one:


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Just got the Raspy box set, so was happy to see your pictures. The bases look great. Had something similar in mind, so it was nice to see your pictures pictures, and thanks for the tip about using cork for the stone, might have to try that. What did you use to make the ice pillars? Had a few different ideas, but like the look of whatever that material is.

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Just got the Raspy box set, so was happy to see your pictures. The bases look great. Had something similar in mind, so it was nice to see your pictures pictures, and thanks for the tip about using cork for the stone, might have to try that. What did you use to make the ice pillars? Had a few different ideas, but like the look of whatever that material is.

Yeah you should definately try out doing some bases with cork, its very simple and yet it looks good I think.

For the ice pillars I just chopped up some sheets of extruded polystyrene insulation and cut the pieces to crystal shapes. The material looks like this:


---------- Post added at 07:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:01 PM ----------

really nice work here, like the white scheme you have going.

Thank you!

thanks for the bigger pic!

Really like your crew so far!

but i'm not certain about separating Snow and Storm... in game terms they have a shared profile... Oo

btw. hail to sweden... must go up there somedays... *g*


I am really interested in what people have to say about using Snow as a second Silent one, because if people don't think its okay I will go back and put them on the same base again.

I was hoping it would be okay because I don't want two models looking the same so it would spare me plenty of conversion work for building the second Silent one. Also I think it looks a little crowed with those to models on the same base.

But I will go with what people say, so I would be happy to hear your thoughts (?).

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I am really interested in what people have to say about using Snow as a second Silent one, because if people don't think its okay I will go back and put them on the same base again.

I was hoping it would be okay because I don't want two models looking the same so it would spare me plenty of conversion work for building the second Silent one. Also I think it looks a little crowed with those to models on the same base.

But I will go with what people say, so I would be happy to hear your thoughts (?).

I think that is down to your opponent. Fluff wise she is supposed to be a silent one so it does seem fitting. I wouldn't have a problem if you put that on the table but I'm sure there are people that would. As with any proxy, as long as you ask your opponent before the game I don't see that it would be an issue.

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I wouldn't have a problem if you put that on the table but I'm sure there are people that would. As with any proxy, as long as you ask your opponent before the game I don't see that it would be an issue.

If someone would not let you use an official Wyrd mini to represent something else, especially since Snow is a Silent One in the fluff before her bonding with Storm and especially since it's legal in tournaments provided it's clear what it represents, then I don't think I'd want to play anything with such a jerk.

I know shenanigans can be had with proxies, but Snow as a Silent One doesn't fall into that category.

Magnetize her, the separate base, and the base with Storm. That way if you want two Silent Ones you can put her on her own base, and if not, you pair her back up with her big buddy.

EDIT: To get back on topic, nicely done! I was considering that same scheme for my Silent One- might have to change it as I have a slight compulsion to not copy people's paint schemes. I like how the Essence looks like he's being pulled off the ground by eldritch forces.

Edited by Dustcrusher
getting back on topic...
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Okay, thanks for the feedback. I guess I will take my chances then and use them like I have built them.

EDIT: To get back on topic, nicely done! I was considering that same scheme for my Silent One- might have to change it as I have a slight compulsion to not copy people's paint schemes. I like how the Essence looks like he's being pulled off the ground by eldritch forces.

Copy all you want, just post a pic. *wink*

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  • 3 months later...

So I have had this guy painted for quite som time but today at first I have also taken some pics of him. After reading up on the fluff I finally decided to mount Snow on the same base. So here it goes:






Also I made some generic objeective markers for the Raspy crew:



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