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Glue Accelerant \ Catalyst


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Well I glued my Large Steampunk Arachnids, and if you saw my other thread you'll see it was a little frustrating. On my second one I broke down and bought some glue accelerant\catalyst. But I never realized until afterwards the glue dries differently. Normally glue evaporates and the residue hardens. But with the catalyst you glue does not have a chance to evaporate, it hardens within 5-10 seconds. Basically you put you glue on, you give it a quick spritz (smell like rubbing alcohol). and you can let go after second and you have 3-4 seconds to move it around before it fully hardens. normally I'm not fussy about my models, I've recently dropped my painting quality to a decent table top quality, in order to get speed. (I prefer a painted army instead of a half well painted army) But I find the fact that the extra glue covers some details that even though I don't spend too much time painting, I'd rather see and have.

Just thought I'd pass this on to other before they try it.

FYI, the 2 legs at 1-2 o'clock on the regular glue spider also had a little accelerant used. and for curiosity sake, both spiders have a metal rod going into the thorax holding it up.

Left: With glue accelerant

Right: Only glue


Edited by CannonFodder
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my arachnid is somewhere over the Atlantic about now (I hope... it took him 10 days to get from Miami to NY :angryfire) and your two topics are not something I look forward to... since I have the accelerant, I guess I'll just have to make sure I use the glue really sparingly... use a pin to put a small dot on the leg...

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Loctite super glue,.. gel control. .14oz (4g). Comes in a grey bottle with blue squeezable sides. (kinda looks like a wierd little space ship or something). It bonds metals just as well as plastics, and you won't have to get all that "overspray" from the accelerant on your models. Just a small dab where you need it,.. hold the two pieces together,.. count to ten. Done.

It'll still be a bit plyable for a few minutes if minor tweaks are needed. (be careful though, this stuff bonds skin instantly). If a little does squeeze out of the cracks, just use the end of a toothpick or whatever to clean up the edges.

This stuff is fantastic. If you haven't tried it yet, I suggest investing in a bottle.

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I use the GS trick for situations like this. Mix up a little bit of GS and pinch off a tiny bit and roll into a ball, put a bit of glue on the point of contact for both parts, place the GS ball on one piece over the glue and press together. Since the GS will at this hold the parts in position enough for a little manipulation without falling apart you can quickly use something to scrap any of GS/glue that ooze out and then the catalytic reaction between the two will speed up the setting time of both. Word of caution though the GS will bond to the glue almost immediately so care must be used if you try to upscale this technique for larger parts or things with a large surface area joint.

This technique seems to render a bond that sits between just glue and being pinned and can even be used if you're pinning to render an even stronger joint.

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Have you thought of using Filla-Glu instead? That stuff hs a rubber mix in the glue which also acts as a filler, plus it forms a very strong bond and requires less glue. It also sets in seconds so you have to work fairly quickly. I use it on all my metal and resin models and often saves having to pin parts.

Also on resin, get a Kicka Pen as recommended by rascally, they are great at removing any left over mold release residue.

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could you expand on that? what do you do with it?

1. Break down a piece of Styrofoam into individual beads. Which is pretty easy to do since they're not held together very well to begin with.

2. Tiny bit of superglue in the socket you're gluing. Tiny bit of superglue on the arm/leg/horn/spike/whatever going into the socket.

3. Add 1 bead of Styrofoam to the socket.

4. Press in arm/etc, and hold for anywhere between 5-20 seconds (depending on the glue/foam combination). (Hold it AWAY from your face, and don't breathe the fumes. They smell and are probably not good for you.)

5. Give about 5-10 minutes to completely dry, and scrape off the excess.

What actually happens is there is some sort of chemical reaction between polystyrene and the cyanoacrylate-based glue. The foam will break down and expand filling any gaps, and harden with the glue. It doesn't really accelerate the drying process, but the piece will set a little faster. (And it's the cheapest gap filler I know of.)

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1. Break down a piece of Styrofoam into individual beads. Which is pretty easy to do since they're not held together very well to begin with.

2. Tiny bit of superglue in the socket you're gluing. Tiny bit of superglue on the arm/leg/horn/spike/whatever going into the socket.

3. Add 1 bead of Styrofoam to the socket.

4. Press in arm/etc, and hold for anywhere between 5-20 seconds (depending on the glue/foam combination). (Hold it AWAY from your face, and don't breathe the fumes. They smell and are probably not good for you.)

5. Give about 5-10 minutes to completely dry, and scrape off the excess.

What actually happens is there is some sort of chemical reaction between polystyrene and the cyanoacrylate-based glue. The foam will break down and expand filling any gaps, and harden with the glue. It doesn't really accelerate the drying process, but the piece will set a little faster. (And it's the cheapest gap filler I know of.)

I hope you are wearing some form of breathing apparatus and eye protection when using that method as even if you cannot smell the fumes, they are quite dangerous no matter how small in quantity.

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