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The Tale of Malifaux Painters December and January WIPs


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A Happy New Year!!!!!

What is it all about?

The aim of “The Tale of Malifaux Painters” is to help motivate those involved to start and complete their Crews/Bands in the next 6 months.

This time the pic of a prize winner:


The painters involved have made a commitment to paint and post, by the last day of each month, their finished minis. They do this each month for the next 6 months. Starting with their first post on the last day of August 2011 and finishing with their last post on the last day of January 2012. So we have this month, whilst everyone signs up, to collect, build, convert, undercoat and otherwise get yourself ready to go with the first work in progress starting in September.

However, because people have real lives with exams, holidays, honeymoons, new babies etc, etc. They get one 'Joker'. For one month within the half year you can ‘play a joker’ and rather than post an update they can post "sorry guys couldn't get it done this month. Real life got in the way." But the other 5 Months they have to come up with painted and based figures. Even for the slow painters that should be at least 1 crew.


640x480 seems to work best OR use thumbnails

Bigger than this results in the scroll bar of doom for many.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q : Am I too Late? Can I still Join in?

A : No you are not too late. Yes you can still join in. Just post on this thread saying what you intend to paint.

Q : How much do I have to paint?

A : There is a minimum of one mini per month with the additional WIP pics. Most will aim at more. But one breathtaking mini will take a long time.

Q : Can I include a short narrative with each months post.

A : Yes. We love background stuff. Write as much as you like it will be read and enjoyed by many.

Q : Can I drop out?

A : No you can't, why should you?

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Happy New Year everyone!

I knew December would be a bad painting month so I'm not surprised that all I could do is finish Zoriada. If I pick up Skyrim soon then I'm sure January will be bad too so I've made a start on the cherub to dodge using my joker. I'm keeping that for unforeseen problems rather than self inflicted ones.


I'm not sure what's gone on with the lighting recently, maybe the early ones relied on natural light which I don't get this time of year.

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Well I didn't get any Malifaux painted in December for two main reasons.

1. I didn't have any miniatures left to paint until I did a trade midway through the month. The Showgirls are scheduled for paint in January as I'm waiting for Angelica so I can paint them all at the same time.

2. I had a lot of Flames of War figures to get done. 8 Panzerwerfers with crews, 3 PzII Luchs, 2 8 Rad's, Motorcycle Recon platoon and 4 3.7cm FlaK guns.

@DAGabriel - I can either post photo's of my Flames of War items or I can play my Joker, let me know which works best for you.

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Well i've had a month of finishing up almost complete minis purely because 1) time was tight around Christmas 2) i've been completely bogged down with assembly/model prep and 3) i've been stuck trying to improve my skills painting up Aenur Sword of Twilight to use as a DnD character :)

I'll throw pics up tonight of the finished stuff - Candy, Kade, Zoraida, an alt Gunslinger and 2 crooked men... 6 minis is about what i was hoping for, but last month i did that all start to finish, this month has been finishing touches instead so slightly disappointed

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Another WiP shot. I've had a week off, so managed to paint up AZoraida, my Teddies and the Pawns I box. The puppets still need to be based, so I'm waiting on an order to come in before I can do that. :smugpuppet1


I also did some proxies for the Spawn Mother, Gupps and Silurid, but they really shouldn't count. ;)

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