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Ice Pillars and Sportsmanship


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I was reading this thread and while the legality of the act seems to have been confirmed, a lot of folks feel this is a douche thing to do.

My question: Why?

Raspy seems to be generally regarded as a weaker Master in the game and the ability to block objective markers by dropping Ice Pillars directly on top of them would give her a significant trick to improve her overall usefulness. What makes this move such a douche trick? The Pillars are breakable so it's not like it totally screws the opponent.

(As far as I know they don't disappear at the end of the turn, correct?)

Forgive me if the answer should be obvious. I'm relatively new to Malifaux and it seems like sneaky combinations and thinking out of the box are the way the game is played.

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Wouldn't offend me. Raspy crew in general is pretty slow, having a way to slow the enemy crew down is just tactics.

It's going to come down to personal feelings. Do it and if your friends complain then stop.

I believe Jack Daw is broke-tastic....other people don't. Personal feeling.

(And no, they don't disappear....and they stay as severe terrain once broken.)

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(And no, they don't disappear....and they stay as severe terrain once broken.)

Thanks. What about if they're not broken. My understanding is that they do remain?

Edit: Nevermind, I found the answer here.

Initially the thought of doing it did occur to me before I saw that thread, but I wasn't confident enough in my understanding of the rules to try it. I guess I should've ;)

Edited by ArcticFox
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I was reading this thread and while the legality of the act seems to have been confirmed, a lot of folks feel this is a douche thing to do.

My question: Why?

Raspy seems to be generally regarded as a weaker Master in the game and the ability to block objective markers by dropping Ice Pillars directly on top of them would give her a significant trick to improve her overall usefulness. What makes this move such a douche trick? The Pillars are breakable so it's not like it totally screws the opponent.

(As far as I know they don't disappear at the end of the turn, correct?)

Forgive me if the answer should be obvious. I'm relatively new to Malifaux and it seems like sneaky combinations and thinking out of the box are the way the game is played.

I think the thing that is off-putting to so many people is that its not something you expect from the rules. Even with as crazy as Malifaux rules can be, you don't expect someone to just up and manifest impassible terrain on your objectives.

Kill me? Sure, fine. Make ice pillars over my objective? That's just cheating. :P

That said, I honestly don't think its that bad. There are plenty of effects in the game that screw you from moving onto/near objectives, and some of those are spammable! I ran into a line of "Shafted" markers near my objectives the last time I played, and that was 1) totally within the rules and 2) just as, if not more sucky, than the one ice pillar Rasputina's crew can generate a turn.


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You know, I've noticed a tendency for that to happen. (Not just in Malifaux, but in every wargame I've played.) "Cheese" usually means "unexpected" as if people expect their opponents to play within the bounds of their own assumptions...

... which means I deal with that a lot because my personal strategy is to think out of the box and do exactly that which is unexpected.

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I don't have a problem with it, at all and I don't really consider myself much of a competitive player. Honestly I would be concerned if a Raspy player didn't do that to me, maybe they are holding back like above, or I feel like I should point it out as an option to them.

With the speed at which some crews can finish strategies, playing Raspy against them you better figure out how to slow those guys down.

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Im a Raspy player and i just assumed that it wasnt legal in the first place (this is my fist table top games like this). But now i have to say that i would think something is up if i or my opponent didnt do that

As for how unfair people might consider it...i think it would just be a minor annoyance more than anything. Espically when you compare it to some tactis that those same people thought were fine, but the creators even said was too powerful....

Edited by CrouchingMoose
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If your opponent does something unexpected to thwart you, whose fault is that?!? :D

Granted, if players offer to not fly around with their flying models, disregard Spirit characteristic and otherwise simplify the rules of their own crews, there is no reason not to repay them by not placing the Ice Pillars on the objectives, but as long as we play full ruleset, why not?

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I want to be able to cast Flame Wall on Ice Pillars and have them melt. Then it'd be fair ;)

Actually, I thought about doing something similar to this in a few instances. Sometimes, I kinda want to stack terrain on top of each other and make an Ice Tower. Only question is what happens if the bottom one breaks...do the rest take falling damage?

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