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Kaled's Malifaux crews


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Wow, not sure how I missed this thread before. Brilliant painting. I'm fairly new to Malifaux and haven't painted anything up yet so seeing models looking this good makes me really want to get going. Unfortunately I'm ridiculously busy atm, but hopefully soon.. I'll certainly be coming back here for inspiration when I do!

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Wow, not sure how I missed this thread before. Brilliant painting. I'm fairly new to Malifaux and haven't painted anything up yet so seeing models looking this good makes me really want to get going. Unfortunately I'm ridiculously busy atm, but hopefully soon.. I'll certainly be coming back here for inspiration when I do!

Thanks. If you have any questions about how I did anything or just want some general advice then please ask and I'll be happy to help.

I especially love the way you painted the tiles. respect for taking the same care in painting the base as in painting the minis themselves!

The bases certainly took a while to paint, but I'm happy that it was time well spent as it really brings the crew together. I'm tempted now to buy Rafkin and some Guild Autopsies so I just hope I can replicate the effect on their bases too.

I love all of your work! What did you use for the bases for your necropunk or did you make them yourself?

Thanks. If I remember rightly, the Necropunks used these bases;


My wife spent most of the weekend working on her dissertation so I had plenty of time free to paint more of the crew.


The two Flesh Constructs were a lot of fun to paint and I decided to go with a sort of Boris Karloff Frankenstein green colour for their flesh (which reminds me - I really wish someone did a Bride of Frankenstein miniature in the same scale!).



And finally, the Rogue Necromancy;


Now to finish the nurses...

- Dave

---------- Post added at 06:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:21 PM ----------

Nearly forgot again - I painted this faerie a month or two ago and have only just got around to taking photos of her...


She was one of the most fun models I've painted in a long time. :)

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Hey Necris - Don't know that I can play properly, but I remember most of the rules most of the time - I probably still lose more than I win though! ;) But it'd be good to have a game sometime.

Anyway, here's the last members of my McMourning crew (for now at least) - the two nurses.


Although having seen the nurse in red's eye in the photo, I think I need to go back and tidy it up...

Next I plan to paint a few models to complete crews I did earlier to ready them for M2E - I think the Poltergeist will be the next to get done.

- Dace

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I didn't get a Poltergeist when I first built my Pandora crew because I didn't like the model and it didn't seem essential for the game. With M2E coming out I figured I might want to get one to finish off the crew in metal - plus I liked the art for the new Poltergeist which made me realise how good the old model could look.


- Dave

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  • 1 month later...

Evening all,

I've finished yet more Malifaux models. A Cherub for my Lilith crew, a second Austringer for my Lady Justice crew, and a Necrotic Machine and three Crooligans so I now have enough models to be able to field a Molly crew.





Next will be a Kirai crew, and then I think I'm going to get Tara.

- Dave

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  • 5 weeks later...

Afternoon all,

In preparation for getting the Tara, Herald of Obliteration boxset from Gencon, I started building a crew for her. So far I've got four models done, Lady Katherine Hansel (Hans), Taelor, a female (Convict) Gunslinger, and an undead Death Marshall caught up in the arcane energies bursting from his pine coffin.





The models from the Tara boxset are assembled and based and ready to be undercoated - hopefully I can make a start on painting them this week...

- Dave

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Great painting and choice of miniatures for the proxies. I can't recognize most of the minis but they are beautiful and you do them great justice. The one you used for a convict gunsliger is my favourite.

I really like the scratchbuilt coffin. What miniature did you use for the death marshall?

I also want to paint my metal Taelor with a darker skin and it's nice to see other people do it first.

The metal mini has somehow reminded me of Michonne from The Walking Dead comic book & tv series.

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Thanks for the nice comments. :)

The girl with the rifle is from Coolminiornot;


And the gunslinger is from Micro Art Studio;


The Death Marshal is converted from the cowboy who comes with Alternate Bête Noire. I added a blade to his gun, drilled out his eyes, added the entrails, and extended his coat. The coffin was made from plasticard and was surprisingly quick to make.

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