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What would you do with a 3D printer


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Looking at splurging for Christmas. Its something I've always wanted to get and play with but never really could justify spending 1000$ on something that makes 5-20 $ objects.

The detail is not good enough to print minis or nice bases, but If you get the finer tip could be good enough for terrain (walls, gravestone, tokens, Maybe a building). I've got a couple ideas non-gaming, but bulk of items to start with would be gaming oriented. After that I always have a couple ideas for little things I want made, and figure I'll have a new idea once or twice a month.

Printer itself


online library


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I'm looking for more ideas to justify the new toy.

So far I'm looking at

Wall sections

Graveyard pieces

Corps and scrap tokens

possibly building, but I think there are size limits.

Trees are out because it can't really do things that point downwards. Or T shaped items, unless you design them upside down.

I've been working on a board game of my own design and to play properly some custom pieces need to be made to eliminate need for Pen & Paper.

I've always like building things and prototyping, but never had real tools for it. Like I've got an idea for a little clip that attaches to head phones that will let you quickly tie them up and put in you pocket without get them scrambled.

I'm looking for other ideas to really not feel guilty buying an expensive toy.


If I were to get one, I'd be willing to cover shipping of printouts for cool designs, my 3D modelling is something I would need to work on. (within reason).

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You use either ABS or PLA. ABS is the plastic used in cars, PLA is the corn based plastic that is becoming popular.

And to answer the tree comment, make it in three pieces, the trunk and then the branches (cutting the branches section in half so you have two hemispheres in effect).

As far as the other things, the issue is how low you can get the resolution. For example, instead of going with a makerbot, you might look into a MakerGear unit ( http://www.makergear.com ), they have several nozzles so once you get everything calibrated you can move down to a smaller nozzle for better resolution. Also, look at getting a system that will run the 1.75mm filament.

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You use either ABS or PLA. ABS is the plastic used in cars, PLA is the corn based plastic that is becoming popular.

And to answer the tree comment, make it in three pieces, the trunk and then the branches (cutting the branches section in half so you have two hemispheres in effect).

As far as the other things, the issue is how low you can get the resolution. For example, instead of going with a makerbot, you might look into a MakerGear unit ( http://www.makergear.com ), they have several nozzles so once you get everything calibrated you can move down to a smaller nozzle for better resolution. Also, look at getting a system that will run the 1.75mm filament.

Right now I'm looking at the Thing-o-matic Mk7. So far the pluses it has over other models is that does not need sodering to assemble (makergear has soldering iron in needed tools, but only spend 2 min looking at site). it comes with everything to assemble it. The nozzel it comes with is .4mm but there is apparently a SW that lets you set the height of layers. Its possible to to get the Mk6 that can come with 'experimental' .3mm nozzel. Still thinking on that one, because looking at samples I can see that resolution makes a huge difference. But the biggest bonus I can see is this model has a way of ejecting the finished product and start the next, so you can let it run over night, or when at work and have finished products when done. instead of having to manually clear the plate so it can start next print out. This model already uses 1.75 mm plastic so thats not a problem. Biggest con for this model is the limited maximum size of object, it limited to around 10cm cubed objects. So far that means if I want to do building I need to make them in parts.

I also asked about the largest nozzle, and it 1mm and still compatible with 1.75mm plastic, so faster printing is possible. Handy if my nephew shows up and want something to play with, instead of grabbing other stuff.

Edited by CannonFodder
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Um... I'm pretty sure the ABS in car descriptions is "Antilock Braking System." ABS would be too brittle to have a lot of use in cars. (It's what Legos are made from.)

ABS plastic is what many of the bumper covers on cars are made out of. Our old Geo Metro had a styrofoam bumber with an ABS plastic cover on it. The rim covers where black ABS plastic painted silver to look like metal.

Also the plastic used in the side mirrors, the interior, and other parts is usually ABS plastic.

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ABS degrades in sunlight. It is unlikely to be used in cars. (In fact, after looking this up to make sure I wasn't sticking my foot further into my mouth, it's use in cars has led to several vehicle recalls due to faulty parts because of photolytic degradation.)

Edited by Bexley
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Right now I'm looking at The nozzel it comes with is .4mm but there is apparently a SW that lets you set the height of layers.

I believe the soldering iron is just for the electronics board on the Prusa which you can get pre-assembled for an extra $50.00. Also on the piece above, you can set the height of the layers, the reason for a smaller nozzle is that you are looking at extruding the plastic as a cylinder the diameter of the nozzle. All the height change does is squish the circular cross section to an oval one.

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Are you sure you want to buy one ? The technology is still evolving and the printers aren't cheap. Have you looked into sourcing the material ?

There are many companies that will print for you, for a fee of course, but typically you could do a lot of printing for the cost of the printer. You send them the .stl file and a few weeks later, you get the part. Shapeways have an interesting business model where you can sell the part to other people as well.

And not trying to discourage you at all. I'm looking at this more closely again now too. I am currently working on some 70's era race cars for Formula D.

I don't know your background at all but for me, it's learning CAD that is the tough part. 3D modeling isn't easy to learn on your own. In fact, if you don't know CAD, I'd suggest spending your money on a course in 3D modeling would get you further to your goal than buying the printer.

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I put the order in for a maker bot yesterday. I got the default Mk7 with the .4mm nozzle. The other brands can do larger items, but I really think I would rather have the Automated Build platform so I can produce multiple items without having to watch it and clear it.

I've been looking threw Thingiverse, and found some D&D dungeon parts, that have nice stone texture, I'm pretty sure I can modify the 3D object so the texture is the outside of a building, have the inside flat. If designed properly I can print sticker for indoor texture and look. On the outside use grey plastic, with a heavy wash for the stone. Then use a glue gun to connect the walls. if the wall sections are designed with different edges I can just print up all the parts I need and glue them together for building with interiors.

Figured I need wall sections 3 inches interior edge, I would need 3 different corner types, Flat, 45 degree, reverse 45. Each combination of each side. Its a total of 9 different variations of the same wall section, but being a digital format should not be hard. Flooring I can use Foam-core and more printouts. The annoying part would be redoing the 9 wall sections with doors in them Later if I still want to make more building I would need to make wall with windows.

something to keep me busy over Christmas holidays.

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