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Molly is Summoning...Sybelle?

Da Big Baws

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Dom, you play gremlins. Even facing a crew of one-legged chickens armed with rolls of toilet paper would be annoying for you to deal with. ;)

Have to agree there, sounds exactly like how my guild performed in my last game against dom. They did next to nothing but still an annoyance. We've got to have some tricks to go up against your gremlins and all your tricks, I'm mean putting 12 damage on a death Marshall from a bayou gremlin is just mean.

I'm looking forward to playing keron and his Molly crew now, saw that you got a 6-6 draw against him from the world league thread.

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I like cheating a red joker in on ophelia and doing 10-16 damage for 1 wound =)

I've been hit with that many a time, Dom is the master at being jammy enough to get a red joker out on a 3-4 negative flip, sometimes even multiple times in a game.

though saying that ive done it before with lady j doing 14 damage. Out of a potential 18 with maximum buffs.

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Yeah those negative flips can lead to mad damage; turned two of my games this week around. I even beat a kill protoege with it when Rami did dumb and lucky thinking he would get a weak 4 damage and receive 2. Then got red joker, did 12 and killed himself with 6!

Then again, I'm the king of flipping red joker followed by black joker on paired pistols Ophelia =(

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I think a lot of people underestimate the potential for Sybelle as the lynchpin for an alphaLure, personally. She doesn't hit all that hard, but she's as tough as most Belles, provides both the Alpha and the potential for some serious movement surprises, and isn't really that much more expensive.

She's not the best model in our supply by any means, but I don't think she deserves the hate that seems to often get pointed her way.

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Have to agree there, sounds exactly like how my guild performed in my last game against dom. They did next to nothing but still an annoyance. We've got to have some tricks to go up against your gremlins and all your tricks, I'm mean putting 12 damage on a death Marshall from a bayou gremlin is just mean.

I'm looking forward to playing keron and his Molly crew now, saw that you got a 6-6 draw against him from the world league thread.

I hate Crooligans. That Df trigger is the best thing for Cuddling Dumb Luck.

I like cheating a red joker in on ophelia and doing 10-16 damage for 1 wound =)

Me too.

I've been hit with that many a time, Dom is the master at being jammy enough to get a red joker out on a 3-4 negative flip, sometimes even multiple times in a game.

You mad?

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haha yeah that red joker for damage annoys me, i was teaching a mate malifaux yesterday, he was using ophelia, i used the viks, and i had a young lacroix hit the sword vik with right between the eyes and flip the red joker followed by a 12. for 10 damage.... having a master 1 shot by a 2 ss totem was a shocker, it was even more suprising when he flipped the red joker on damage flips the next 2 turns.

atleast he had fun and is now keen to start up his own crew

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Sybelle is nice in games that you're not required to kill things.

She's quick, can move Belles quicker, and is really tanky.

A lot of people who don't play a lot of Seamus see her card and someone reason she's unfeasible in competetive play.

In fact, the underestimation of Sybelle will lead to great game changing surprises, especially when she shotguns a belle right on top of the Treasure marker and then scares three guild Guards away trying to stop that cutesy pie Belle from hauling ass back to base.

Is she subpar in combat? Yeah, she's pretty lackluster, even with Flurry and some pretty brutal triggers.

The only problem I've ever had Sybelle was painting a bright pink heart on her ass.

That scar made it look more like a blotchy rectangle. :/

- - - -

I suppose now though, with the advent of Avatars, Molly is now a pretty well autoinclude in my Seamus lists so Sybelle is gonna have to butt out until I summon her a couple turns in.

Well, most of the time.

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What list make ups are you running sandwich? I love Molly and Seamus, and I keep trying to make a Molly Seamus list work, but I never seem to get it to gel for me. I will say that my regular opponent also plays ressers so we sort of have a non-proliferation treaty and neither of us plays Kirai against the other. So our normal games tend to be The Doctor vs. Seamus/Molly and I've lost the last I don't know how many games vs him. What stuff do you generally bring?

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Sybelle is nice in games that you're not required to kill things.

She's quick, can move Belles quicker, and is really tanky.

A lot of people who don't play a lot of Seamus see her card and someone reason she's unfeasible in competetive play.

In fact, the underestimation of Sybelle will lead to great game changing surprises, especially when she shotguns a belle right on top of the Treasure marker and then scares three guild Guards away trying to stop that cutesy pie Belle from hauling ass back to base.

Is she subpar in combat? Yeah, she's pretty lackluster, even with Flurry and some pretty brutal triggers.

The only problem I've ever had Sybelle was painting a bright pink heart on her ass.

That scar made it look more like a blotchy rectangle. :/

- - - -

I suppose now though, with the advent of Avatars, Molly is now a pretty well autoinclude in my Seamus lists so Sybelle is gonna have to butt out until I summon her a couple turns in.

Well, most of the time.

Well, beyond absolutely hating the model, I haven't found her to be very useful. I know she's got a lot of utility, and I know she has a bunch of tricks, but she runs into the same problem I find with Seamus himself- her most useful functions are against living models. Yes, she has flurry, but so do Punk Zombies...and I don't like having to use Lure just to get use out of a 5-6 point model. Ultimately, it comes down to she doesn't fit my meta, which is lots of Constructs, Nightmares and Undead, and she doesn't fit my playstyle. I have more interesting tricks I'd rather do with my pair of Belles I bring.

That, and I'm going to be running Molly a lot, I suspect, and that means that Sybelle can be summoned...so why I would pay points for her instead of bringing a non-Belle for the points?

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That is somewhat what I am thinking, down to the hate of the sculpt.

My thought is, why pay for Sybelle when for a few more points you can get Molly who does other stuff that's more interesting, for Belles, including summoning Sybelle herself?

As for your non-living troubles, bring the Avatar of Dread, he can scare even Undead/Scary stuff/Robots.

Well, beyond absolutely hating the model, I haven't found her to be very useful. I know she's got a lot of utility, and I know she has a bunch of tricks, but she runs into the same problem I find with Seamus himself- her most useful functions are against living models. Yes, she has flurry, but so do Punk Zombies...and I don't like having to use Lure just to get use out of a 5-6 point model. Ultimately, it comes down to she doesn't fit my meta, which is lots of Constructs, Nightmares and Undead, and she doesn't fit my playstyle. I have more interesting tricks I'd rather do with my pair of Belles I bring.

That, and I'm going to be running Molly a lot, I suspect, and that means that Sybelle can be summoned...so why I would pay points for her instead of bringing a non-Belle for the points?

Edited by Da Big Baws
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