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Slim's workbench: it needs some cleanin', folks.


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Awesome stuff man, any chance of a breakdown of the green spirit scheme you used on Kirai's avatar, looking to do something similar

I started with Dark Angels Green, with a wash of Thraka Green to get in any recesses I missed. After that, I mixed a small amount of Goblin Green in with DA green, adding more and more with each successive highlight until I hit goblin green hue; thereafter, I mixed in some Scorpion Green for another two layers, then mixed in Frostbite (Privateer Press, basically an off-white color with a faint touch of blue to it) for highlights, followed by thin lines of Frostbite in selective areas for a final highlight. Afterwards, I went into the deeper crevices with thin lines of Asurmen Blue wash to darken them a little.

If you don't have Frostbite, white will work just fine, but you have to use slightly smaller amounts; depending on the white you have, it may be too strong.

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Been busy with commission work (ain't that a surprise). Nothing Wyrd-related, but miniatures nonetheless.

First up, BLOODBOWL. Simple but fun.




After that, Battletech. Also simple but not nearly as fun. I dunno, something about these models is just...really boring to work with. Lots of lines and fiddly details that doesn't leave much room to work with, all but forcing you to drybrush and wash. Maybe it's just me.




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Oh yeah, I have an account on here. Whoops.


May as well post some models, eh?




Good ol' Abuela, shaped like a thumb.









After like a zillion years I finally finished Sonnia's crew.










And hey, some Lilith and her little kiddies.








Teddy and some Daydreams, chillin' out.




And finally, some LCB love. Just finished up the base, and will be painting him soon.

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