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Random project, supply wagon


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I like to have netflix running a random sci-fi series while I work on my miniatures and terrain. It just so happens my latest kick has been the last season of Heroes (insert long term exposure to a carnival of 'gifted' individuals).

I was working on an idea for a creepy structure marker for my Victorian City board and in the process stumbled upon a great idea for a supply wagon. The issue and main question about the supply wagon has always been, "how do you fit it all onto a 50mm base?"

Answer? Insert a little carnie magic! Only the footprint needs to fit on the base. Below is the result of an evening of work. (well that, a block of foam, a cereal box, some balsa and various warhammer fantasy bits!)





My original intention was to green stuff a cobblestone base for the wagon so that it would match the new table, but my greenstuff is MIA. Since I am impatient and I tend to play my guild crews most often, I opted to throw it onto a clockwork base so I could take photos.

So even though Raspy did a fine job modeling the cart, it now officially belongs to Lady J and Sonnia (who happen to be at the flgs, so couldn't model it themselves). No worries, the proxy has it on the books now, haha.


Hope you like.

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I decided to sit down and throw some paint on the wagon today. I knew if I didn't strike while the iron was hot, that it would be a while before I got around to it.

I knew that, due to the base I used, I wanted to match the paint job in with my Guild crews. I took to the magical google machine for some inspiration! I stumbled across a short film in the process that not only inspired my color palette, but also (alongside a good plot) gave some great ideas for future terrain projects. Here is the poster for the film!


...and the resulting paint job on the model. All in all, I really enjoy the way it came out.





I am however kicking myself for one small oversight! In all my excitement to get to work, I grabbed the primer can without pre-treating the exposed foam! Luckily the current stuff I use only eats away the foam when it has a chance to pool up, so is safe if you do a few light coats. Sadly I had already hit the top section of the front with a full blast when I remembered this, so this section is a bit rough for my liking. In hind sight, I really should have 'skinned' all of the foam in card before adding the details, but that's the way it goes when you are making it up on the fly!

Can't wait to randomly draw the supply wagon strategy! No more Bad Juju wagon for this guy!

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Very very nice. I'd love to try and use the carnie magic dimensions to make a collodi cart. How'd you do the shingles?

The shingles are actually really easy to make. You can find craft scissors with quiet a few different patterned blades in the scrapbooking section of your local hobby store (michael's in my case). I happened to use a pair that cuts in a zig-zag pattern.

I then just cut strips out of an old cereal box (the strips are about 1/4" - 1/2" wide). Use a hobby knife to cut the space between the shingles ( don't completely separate them, you want them the stay in a single easy to handle strip). And then work your way from bottom to top overlapping the strips.

For the caravan, I did it the easy way and had a piece of wood at the peak of the roof. you can also cut individual tiles and run them in an overlapping line down the roof peak as a shingle cap.

hope this helps in your venture. I really need to get book 3, I had no idea there was a caravan unit added to the game! Maybe this new circus kick will be a reason to dig out zorida and make that doll force I had always thought about?

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