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Molly's box

darth tater

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I am so looking forward to getting my hands on this box. I love Molly, and I love how the new models look. The Rogue Necromancy, I have to say, I really do find to be a bit bigger than I expected. It certainly looks larger than the Sabretooth Cerberus. The Necrotic Machine is bigger than I expected, but that'll make it easier to green stuff a bow onto its head.

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I plan on doing this:

Turn 1: Molly companions with Necrotic Machine. She uses Whispered Secret to copy the Rogue Necromancy's Acid Breath. She does other Stuff. Necrotic Machine then uses Magical Extension to cast Acid Breath. Rogue Necromancy Casts Acid Breath.

Turn 2: Molly companions with Necrotic Machine. Necrotic Machine uses Magical extension to cast Acid Breath. Molly goes and casts Acid Breath. She then uses Whispered Secret to copy the Rogue Necromancy's Acid Breath. She does other stuff. Rogue Necromancy then casts Acid Breath.

As long as you get the Crow you need to cast Whispered Secret that becomes 3 casts of Acid Breath each turn. This can be especially nasty if she gets off a Terrible Secret on the target first.

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(1) Acid Breath

(CC:9/ Rst:Df/ Rg: 12) Dg 3/3:blast/4:blast. This Spell may only be cast once per activation.

A ranged attack that is a low cast, with a minimum dg of 3 that can cause blasts and isn't stopped by being stuck in Melee? Yes Please!

I love Whispered Secret, and really you have to look at your own models to get the best use of it often. I just wish we could get a totem with better than casting 4.

Edited by Fetid Strumpet
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That necrotic machine looks sweet! but unfortunately, I don't see what's his use. Does anyone have suggestions, tips, tactics. Which master would it synergize with well ?

Nicodem/Mortimer. Molly loves Mortimer. She can copy Exhume and Fresh Meat and help Nicodem with speed too. Necrotic Machine can make Mortimer Undead for a turn - that in turn means he'll be affected by his own Fresh Meat and healed by Nicodem's Decay. Bolster Undead will also buff his stats.

Mortimer already is a tough model, but more of a Corpse-Counter/Movement assistant than a fighter. One Jab from Necrotic Machine turns him into very solid and survivable fighter for a turn.

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That necrotic machine looks sweet! but unfortunately, I don't see what's his use. Does anyone have suggestions, tips, tactics. Which master would it synergize with well ?

um making things undead. some of the best models in the faction are living which makes them, well, a liability.

almost positive that acid breath will have a gun symbol by the way

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Razhem, actually it does. Whispered Secret says:

Gain one of the Target's (1) spells. This spell lasts until this model casts the nominated Spell, or casts this Spell again. You may not copy spells which reference a specific model by name.

So Molly gains the spell. Magical Extension says:

This spell may only be cast once per activation. Cast one of the connected Master's (1) Spells. During this casting, this model may use a SS to change it's starting total.

So once Molly grabs a new spell with Whispered Secret she gain's that spell, IE it becomes one of her (1) spells. Magical extension doesn't say cast a (1) spell printed on your Master, it says cast one of your Master's (1) Spells. As far as I can tell it works.

Math, yes...kinda. :/

Df 3 Wd 4 CB 4X and a low dmg line. Sure it has H2W but really it is gonna go down fast if it gets stuck in Melee. It has a trigger that if you hit you can cause Poison 3 with an extra Crow, but again you have to hit. So while it sorta looks impressive that same thing can be said of the Copycat Killer. His potential Dmg line looks very impressive, but they have no supporting CB stats at all to support that dmg line.

Honestly if your Necrotic Machine gets brought into Melee I think your best option would be to Magical Extension The Philosophy of Uncertainty and hope for the best.

Edited by Fetid Strumpet
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The difficulty is the spell will go away if she casts it.

So if she copies a spell but doesn't cast it, then Necrotic Machine, arguably, can cast it... and then she can cast it in her next activation. That does free up the AP, but doesn't create more instances of the spell being cast.

I don't see how it's arguable at all. Molly gains one of the Target's (1) Spells. The Necrotic Machine can Cast any of Molly's (1) Spells. It is perfectly legal.

And it does create more instance of the spell being cast. Without this chain you can cast it a max of once per turn, from the Rogue Necromancy who is Rare 1. With this chain you can cast it twice on the first turn, and 3 times each successive turn, assuming all the participants are still alive.

Turn 1: Molly Copies the Spell. Necrotic Machine and Rogue Necro Cast it.

Turn 2 + Following Turns: Molly Casts the Spell, then copies it back. Necrotic Machine and Rogue Necro Cast the Spell.

I'll admit it is not one of the Greatest Combos in the world, but it is one of the better ones that the Ressers have. The biggest issue with it is that it requires two very expensive models to make it work.

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The difficulty is the spell will go away if she casts it.

So if she copies a spell but doesn't cast it, then Necrotic Machine, arguably, can cast it... and then she can cast it in her next activation. That does free up the AP, but doesn't create more instances of the spell being cast.

I had the same thought, but then I took another look at Fetid's original post, wherein he lays out his activation order.

In the first turn, Molly copies and does not cast. This allows the NM to cast it as her totem, as well as the RN. Second turn, NM casts it again (as Molly still has it in her profile), Molly then casts and recopies, RN casts. So the NM is getting two casts of the spell off of Molly's copy turn 1 to turn 2. Only in turn 1 is Molly forced to copy and not cast. After that, assuming the cycle can be maintained, you're getting three casts per turn. NM casts, Molly casts and recopies, RN casts.

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