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What Outcast models should a store have?

Fading Memory

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I am getting the hobby shop near my house ready for Malifaux. I will apply to be a henchman as soon as my new faction models are painted.

With that said, the store currently does not have any models, and I am in charge of what it should stock. The store does not have the space to stock every Malifaux model. I was wondering what Outcast box sets and blisters everyone thinks the store should keep in stock.

Stocking everything would be ideal, just don't know if its possible. The gamers around here are used to special ordering models, as the only store that doesn't offer a discount is the only store that stocks everything for every game. Box sets of all masters is the best way to grab the attention of future players, but was wondering what blisters are a must, and what ones attract people if I can't get the full range of models.

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I guess something like this:

Ronin (must have for Viks)

Young Lacroix (must have for Ophelia)

Deso Engine (must have for Levi)

Hollow Waifs (must have for Levi)

Bayou Gremlins (must have for Sommer)

Mosquito (must have for Sommer)

Convict Gunslinger

Friekorps Librarian

... Ohh, and I forgot a good one: Jack Daw!!

Edited by Sezar
JD missing
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I think every model is a must have for somebody (save the Malifaux Child...Jonas) but if you think like that, you're essentially saying: pick up the whole range. Which, if that's what he was intending, there would be little point in asking.

So, I would say:

All the box sets (Hamelin, Somer, Viktoria, Leveticus, Ophelia, Von Schill) and then some models which go in a number of different crews: Jack Daw, Desperate Mercenaries, the Convict Gunslinger, and the Free Korps Specialist.

I would order more specific models once you see which masters people pick up, or let them special order until you're willing to get the whole line.

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Leveticus needs Hollow Waif blister (every Levi player needs 2), en Desolation Engine, Hamelin as has been told needs Rats and catchers, Viks need ronin, and convict is very good as well, Von Shill doesn't really need anything extra, and Som'er and Ophelia need respective totems, Slop Haulers and Bayou gremlins as core (if I keep it at all boxes + 2 blisters/box)

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