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Twisting Fates Characters/Miniatures


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After diving into the new book: Twisting Fates, I found myself drawn to the new characters in Malifaux even more now then before. My anticipation for these characters (Exorcist, Rafkin, the Embalmer, Fire Gamin, Spawn Mother & Gupps, Lenny & Sue) to be made into miniatures is at an all time high...to the point that I'm thinking of...well, nothing else! But the one I want in miniature form now more than the rest would be McTavish!!!

P.S. If anybody knows when he will be released please let me know ;)

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S@&t...almost forgot something important...also can't wait to see some of the other Avatars...Colette, Avatar of Deception w/ decoy minion, Rasputina, Avatar of Famine, The Dreamer, Avatar of Imagination, Hamelin, Avatar of Contagion, Som'er & Peaches, Avatars of Indulgence and of course...Nicodem, Avatar of Decay! Super Big fan of Zombies & War Alters!!!

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I believe I've seen a November release date for McTavish somewhere.


Warstore has him for pre-order as a November release.

He's one of the models I'm most looking forward to as well. Mostly because I collect all the Gremlins and he totally counts.

I also want the Spawn Mother and Gupps. I just need to decide whether to run them with Marcus or Zoraida.

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I haven't seen the book yet so fill me in. What as Mctavish?

After diving into the new book: Twisting Fates, I found myself drawn to the new characters in Malifaux even more now then before. My anticipation for these characters (Exorcist, Rafkin, the Embalmer, Fire Gamin, Spawn Mother & Gupps, Lenny & Sue) to be made into miniatures is at an all time high...to the point that I'm thinking of...well, nothing else! But the one I want in miniature form now more than the rest would be McTavish!!!

P.S. If anybody knows when he will be released please let me know ;)

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My Guild need the Exorcist, Witchling Handler, and a couple of Gamin to go with Sonnia (more burning tokens for her Avatar form to exploit). I may add the Brutal effigy.

My Showgirls need Angelica and Colette's avatar form of course. I'll be tempted to add Sue to that on the basis of him being an entertainer (and of course, he'll be wearing black).

Nate spent some time at the booth I was working, and I asked him about vague release dates for Angelica and the Handler...I think he said some time in the autumn, but my memory is vague at best.

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Fresh after Gencon and Nova coming up I imagine you Wyrd-Boyz are swamped, but is there any imagined forecast for the release of the other avatars, or a sequential order of release for the models decided? I'm in bunches for the Dreamers avatar, need to show those people runnin' from the other avatars why runnin is a great plan :) for YOU

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