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Book 3 Rezzer Minion Summary


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Copypastad from my club forum; some info and my opinions on the Book 3 Rezzer minions.


4SS Horror. undead.

Has a crappy melee attack with poison 1, that can do +1 dmg on the trigger. Overall a good attack for a 4pt model, but only Cb 4.

Has some funky stuff - can make fog, can teleport to another one when it's in fog, gives living models within 3" -1 Wp, and makes a free move after making an interact action. Can also teleport to a friendly Master within 10". They have +2 Df while in a friendly mist and +2 Wk.

Unfortunately, they're a scout/objective style model with move 4. And they're no good unless you take them in groups. They could be good in a little gang, which is how their fluff reads, but they're too easy to neuter by taking out one or two. Playing these could mean they turn out to be good if you have luck on the table, but their low base stats mean they also have potential to be useless and you dont want to have 12 points tied up in useless models that spend all their time trying to combo with eachother.

Dead Doxy

SS5 Rare 2 belle.

Wk 5, Df 4, Wd 6.

Hard to Wound 1 and Slow to Die, with a slow to die action that inflicts half Wd on a friendly Belle then changes places and puts Doxy onto 1 Wd. Also has a lure-like spell with Rg 12, Ca 7; if it ends within 4", she casts a CC12, Ca 5 -- def flip debuff on them that can THEN trigger a strike. Unfortunately, when she isnt doing this chain, she isnt doing much; her attacks are 4/5 cb and low damage (and her pistol range is only 6").

All in all she's like a kind of different Belle, for 1 more point. Whereas a Belle is great at luring and great at surviving, she sacrifices a lot of this for being a bit more offensive. Not sure I'd want to lose 6" of lure range for this, but she's probably a better summon than a Rotten Belle for Seamus once you're into turn 2/3 and fighting is closer.

Still, overall, really disappointed. Was hoping for a real 'combat belle', not a slightly more combative Belle that loses survivability and consistency to get that

The Drowned

This model is so irrelevent I almost dont want to bother writing it out.

4SS Undead Spirit, Rare 3.

Wk 4, Df 3, Wd 6

4" Pulse Dg 2 when it dies. Float. StD. Gunfighter. Can never be pushed by others or have its Wk changed. Can take 1 Wd to push 3". 0 action to do a Wp > Df duel on a model within 4" to push that model 3".

Attack is Rg 8, Cb 4, 1/1/3, Crow Trigger for defender to do a Df > 12 duel or take 1 Wd and get slow. 1AP spell, CC 14 vs Df, target model takes 2 Wd and other models within 2" Df > 11 or take 2 Wd.

Basically? Absolute crap. A pile of minor utility spells with ranges so small they're unlikely to ever be useful. A terrible attack. Crappy push/pull shenanigans. Can't find any Rezzer who'd want to take this, and if Kirai took this over an Insidious Madness she'd be an idiot.

Jaakuna Ubume

5SS Unique Spirit. 50mm Base.

4 Wk, Df 4, rest of statline 5.

Pitiful. Can be summoned by Kirai like an Onryo. Models within 1" must win a Wp > Wp duel before trying to disengage (so...2 duels to run away). 1 action to make models who take an action in B2B do a Df > 13 duel or take 2 Wd.

Has Denial of Sanzu, and her main ability, Siren Call: CC 12, Rg 15. Move target enemy model (not push - means Wicked Shikome can hit them...) towards her. If it ends in her melee range (she only has bash) then it gets Paralyzed.

Has an interesting 0 ability: 6" Rg Wp > Wp duel with someone. "If target loses the duel, it receives a cumulative -1 Wk/Cg at the start of each of its activations until it is B2B with this model". Look at that wording - technically it ends at the end of the turn, as it doesnt specify otherwise, so the cumulative effect is moot.

Expecting errata on her, both in that last ability and in the 'move' part of Siren Call being changed to push.

Overall on her? Decent abilities, worth taking, quite cheap for what she does. Shame she'll die in 2-3 hits to any player with a clue, although summoning her into the middle of some people will make her nasty. And as Kirai's only usual option is to summon an Onryo, she's a welcome addition.

Rafkin, The Embalmer

7SS Unique living model. Wk/Cg 4/6, statline of 5s, Wd 9.

5Cb, 2/3/5 Knife, with a tome trigger to make defender discard a card or take a 1/2/3 uncheatable flip. Gets a body part each time he deals damage (non trigger, just an ability)

Has Body Parts rule. Immune to Poison. Can throw a 1/1blast/1blastblast Rg 6" Cb5 flask with poison 2. Passion for his work. 0 action to make a friendly undead in 2" healing flip and then discard any number of body parts to remove that number of counters (niche use...). Can healing flip himself as a 0, severe heal ends his activation. Gains a Body Part each time a corpse counter is sacced within 6". Can (all) CC 14: discard any number of BP counters, one zombie per 2 counters discarded, one autopsy per 4, in any combination. Can also AP1, CC 13 4" aura of hard to kill for undead.

Overall? A good melee beatstick with solid damage, good regeneration and AP and some interesting other abilities. A valid option for a melee beater with a twist in rezzer crews. Not on the same level as Lelu or other 7 point power melee models though by a long shot, and seems better than he really us because Rezzers sorely lack in that category. He's still too slow for a 7pt melee model.

Carrion Effigy

4 points like all effigies. Cant take a totem if you take him.

Crappy statline - Df 4 Wd 4. 5/9 flight. Hard to kill. 1/2/2+slow melee weapon and 1/2blast/4blast 4cb Rg 8 weapon.

Only reason to take this is his (1) CC12 aura 4: enemy models cannot ignore effects and lose all immunities. Niche use though since it's so easy to just kill it to get rid of that.

Summary: Sigh, some models that are nearly great but suffer from the usual rezzer weaknesses of terrible def, slow movement, and poor damage lines. Rafkin is OK, but only because hes the only model that fits in his slot. Jaakuna ubume is OK, but only because she's fills a hole for Kirai. The Drowned isnt worth mentioning, and Dead Doxy is an option that you wouldnt really miss much if she wasnt there. Crooligans are going to be hit and miss. Avatar wise the Rezzer Avatars are all good upgrades for their base masters and probably all auto-includes, but none of them are super-powered as with the avatars other factions get. And Kirai's avatar is flat out disappointing and probably not worth 2 points in a lot of lists. Also, worth pointing out is the fact that with this book even MORE models have become constructs, nightmares, or otherwise nonliving or undead, even further diminishing Rezzer's capacity to use their racial identity.

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I have to agree, for the people that do not have the book you gave great description of abilities as far as what they have. But I do not think you gave them a good look as far as the possibilities of synergy of what they CAN do.

Though I am not a ressurectionist player yet I can see getting some mileage out of rafkin with nicodem. Yes though he cannot farm his own models with his liston blade, he can sit by nicodem and gain a great amount of body part counters for use later. He can heal up anyone in a rough spot, make undead models head to kill? I think thats a great ability have it near nicodem if anyone is trying to do a run on him. ONE extra attack which the attacker may miss or flat out doesn't have AP for means the difference between life and death.. or undeath lol.

in addition the "oh sh!t" button to release a bunch of MZ or Guild Autopsies is useful to restock Nicodem for some fresh minions.

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Hi Calmdown,

I mostly agree with you, but I think it is probably still early for a final veredict. For instance, at first sight the Drowned looks indeed a worthless model, but I wonder if we are missing an interaction there... the rare trait always makes a model suspicious to me...

Regarding avatars, for now I only play Kirai and still have to play my first game with her avatar (hopefully will do it tomorrow), but I liked it on paper. Against tough crews, specially those with models that don't generate seishims when they die, I usually am running out of resources by turn 5... being able to manifest Kirai as a fearful melee fighter looks like a great complement to my play style... she has the potential do deliver lots of strikes in a single turn due to all the abilities she has that interact with her spirits.

Also, I really don't like to summon Onryos as their df is so low that they rarely survive to pay off... Jaakuna is unique, but I see quite some potential there, even if I can only summon one of it.

I intend to start a second Res crew soon, and then hopefully I will be able to make a better analysis of the other models and avatars.

Cheers and thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Edited by snord
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I really like the resser Minions from book 3. They require some play time to really grasp, but I think they will be welcome additions to our Crews as they release.

I'll offer my own analysis.

Crooligans - Very good objective grabbers. Very few models in the game can basically swap board sides they way they can. You can take 2-3 of them with Molly and basically crush any grab the point objective mission. Also they can roll cover for your crew as your move it down the field with the Mist. and they can help each other out, by having one use the mist to boost another's speed in helping it towards objective grabbing. And Since Malifaux is a game where all that matters is objectives I could easily see spending 12 points of 3 of these guys to give my crew a solid edge in that department.

Dead Doxy - These can annoy an opponent to no end. Their ability to hop places with another Belle means you get to keep your models among the living(or undead) They have some really good utility spells and can help Molly and Seamus play the control game they love so much. And even though their guns have a poor range, its always nice to have that range attack just in case.

The Drowned - It can take a hit due to spirit, has a few nice de-buff spells. Overall this the minion im least pleased with, but DarcXON has been raving about them to me so I gotta at least give them a decent try.

Jakune Ubumwe - Not sure how they fit so much awesome into a 5 point model, but they did. Holy Crap this thing should be like cheating. Its basically the best denial minion we can get. She can paralyze people, prevent them from walking, or reduce their wk/cg to zippy. And Kirai can re-summon her. How awesome is that? I think very.

Rafkin the Embalmer - Im a big fan of Rafkin. Personally I dislike mortimer, so Rafkin to me is what Mortimer should have been. I know other people like him, but to each is own. Rafkin can help with the summoning when needed, he hits pretty well. He's immune to poison (not huge, but i'll take it) He can throw a flask that does very little damage, but poisons people it hits, and he can become fast like McMourning. This guy is a VERY capable side kick for either Nico or McM.

Carrion Effigy - Im not 100% sold on this guy, losing totems can suck. Seamus might be the only one who wants to take this guy. But he has 2 abilities that are sweet. The First one is an Aura he keeps up. Any Undead (I think its limited to undead, not 100%) after they end their turn can ditch a corpse counter within I think 6' to make a heal flip. Thats a nice ability. Also he can remove enemy immunities. So I really feel his nitche is with Seamus, who doesn't use a ton of corpses and can be hosed by people who are Immune to Influence.

Edited by Zephir
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Jaakuna Ubume

Has an interesting 0 ability: 6" Rg Wp > Wp duel with someone. "If target loses the duel, it receives a cumulative -1 Wk/Cg at the start of each of its activations until it is B2B with this model". Look at that wording - technically it ends at the end of the turn, as it doesnt specify otherwise, so the cumulative effect is moot.

Expecting errata on her, both in that last ability and in the 'move' part of Siren Call being changed to push.

Just a quick correction here, and I will re-quote and highlight the specific parts:

(0) A Child's Cry: This model and a target model within 6" perform a WP->WP Duel. If the target loses the Duel, it receives a cumulative -1/-1 Wk/Cg at the start of each of its activations until it is in base contact with this model or its Wk is reduced to 1.

The color coded, underlined section is the duration of this ability. It lasts until the target hits B2B or until the target Wk is reduced to 1.

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Copypastad from my club forum; some info and my opinions on the Book 3 Rezzer minions.


4SS Horror. undead.

Has a crappy melee attack with poison 1, that can do +1 dmg on the trigger. Overall a good attack for a 4pt model, but only Cb 4.

Has some funky stuff - can make fog, can teleport to another one when it's in fog, gives living models within 3" -1 Wp, and makes a free move after making an interact action. Can also teleport to a friendly Master within 10". They have +2 Df while in a friendly mist and +2 Wk.

Unfortunately, they're a scout/objective style model with move 4. And they're no good unless you take them in groups. They could be good in a little gang, which is how their fluff reads, but they're too easy to neuter by taking out one or two. Playing these could mean they turn out to be good if you have luck on the table, but their low base stats mean they also have potential to be useless and you dont want to have 12 points tied up in useless models that spend all their time trying to combo with eachother.

Dead Doxy

SS5 Rare 2 belle.

Wk 5, Df 4, Wd 6.

Hard to Wound 1 and Slow to Die, with a slow to die action that inflicts half Wd on a friendly Belle then changes places and puts Doxy onto 1 Wd. Also has a lure-like spell with Rg 12, Ca 7; if it ends within 4", she casts a CC12, Ca 5 -- def flip debuff on them that can THEN trigger a strike. Unfortunately, when she isnt doing this chain, she isnt doing much; her attacks are 4/5 cb and low damage (and her pistol range is only 6").

All in all she's like a kind of different Belle, for 1 more point. Whereas a Belle is great at luring and great at surviving, she sacrifices a lot of this for being a bit more offensive. Not sure I'd want to lose 6" of lure range for this, but she's probably a better summon than a Rotten Belle for Seamus once you're into turn 2/3 and fighting is closer.

Still, overall, really disappointed. Was hoping for a real 'combat belle', not a slightly more combative Belle that loses survivability and consistency to get that

The Drowned

This model is so irrelevent I almost dont want to bother writing it out.

4SS Undead Spirit, Rare 3.

Wk 4, Df 3, Wd 6

4" Pulse Dg 2 when it dies. Float. StD. Gunfighter. Can never be pushed by others or have its Wk changed. Can take 1 Wd to push 3". 0 action to do a Wp > Df duel on a model within 4" to push that model 3".

Attack is Rg 8, Cb 4, 1/1/3, Crow Trigger for defender to do a Df > 12 duel or take 1 Wd and get slow. 1AP spell, CC 14 vs Df, target model takes 2 Wd and other models within 2" Df > 11 or take 2 Wd.

Basically? Absolute crap. A pile of minor utility spells with ranges so small they're unlikely to ever be useful. A terrible attack. Crappy push/pull shenanigans. Can't find any Rezzer who'd want to take this, and if Kirai took this over an Insidious Madness she'd be an idiot.

Jaakuna Ubume

5SS Unique Spirit. 50mm Base.

4 Wk, Df 4, rest of statline 5.

Pitiful. Can be summoned by Kirai like an Onryo. Models within 1" must win a Wp > Wp duel before trying to disengage (so...2 duels to run away). 1 action to make models who take an action in B2B do a Df > 13 duel or take 2 Wd.

Has Denial of Sanzu, and her main ability, Siren Call: CC 12, Rg 15. Move target enemy model (not push - means Wicked Shikome can hit them...) towards her. If it ends in her melee range (she only has bash) then it gets Paralyzed.

Has an interesting 0 ability: 6" Rg Wp > Wp duel with someone. "If target loses the duel, it receives a cumulative -1 Wk/Cg at the start of each of its activations until it is B2B with this model". Look at that wording - technically it ends at the end of the turn, as it doesnt specify otherwise, so the cumulative effect is moot.

Expecting errata on her, both in that last ability and in the 'move' part of Siren Call being changed to push.

Overall on her? Decent abilities, worth taking, quite cheap for what she does. Shame she'll die in 2-3 hits to any player with a clue, although summoning her into the middle of some people will make her nasty. And as Kirai's only usual option is to summon an Onryo, she's a welcome addition.

Rafkin, The Embalmer

7SS Unique living model. Wk/Cg 4/6, statline of 5s, Wd 9.

5Cb, 2/3/5 Knife, with a tome trigger to make defender discard a card or take a 1/2/3 uncheatable flip. Gets a body part each time he deals damage (non trigger, just an ability)

Has Body Parts rule. Immune to Poison. Can throw a 1/1blast/1blastblast Rg 6" Cb5 flask with poison 2. Passion for his work. 0 action to make a friendly undead in 2" healing flip and then discard any number of body parts to remove that number of counters (niche use...). Can healing flip himself as a 0, severe heal ends his activation. Gains a Body Part each time a corpse counter is sacced within 6". Can (all) CC 14: discard any number of BP counters, one zombie per 2 counters discarded, one autopsy per 4, in any combination. Can also AP1, CC 13 4" aura of hard to kill for undead.

Overall? A good melee beatstick with solid damage, good regeneration and AP and some interesting other abilities. A valid option for a melee beater with a twist in rezzer crews. Not on the same level as Lelu or other 7 point power melee models though by a long shot, and seems better than he really us because Rezzers sorely lack in that category. He's still too slow for a 7pt melee model.

Carrion Effigy

4 points like all effigies. Cant take a totem if you take him.

Crappy statline - Df 4 Wd 4. 5/9 flight. Hard to kill. 1/2/2+slow melee weapon and 1/2blast/4blast 4cb Rg 8 weapon.

Only reason to take this is his (1) CC12 aura 4: enemy models cannot ignore effects and lose all immunities. Niche use though since it's so easy to just kill it to get rid of that.

Summary: Sigh, some models that are nearly great but suffer from the usual rezzer weaknesses of terrible def, slow movement, and poor damage lines. Rafkin is OK, but only because hes the only model that fits in his slot. Jaakuna ubume is OK, but only because she's fills a hole for Kirai. The Drowned isnt worth mentioning, and Dead Doxy is an option that you wouldnt really miss much if she wasnt there. Crooligans are going to be hit and miss. Avatar wise the Rezzer Avatars are all good upgrades for their base masters and probably all auto-includes, but none of them are super-powered as with the avatars other factions get. And Kirai's avatar is flat out disappointing and probably not worth 2 points in a lot of lists. Also, worth pointing out is the fact that with this book even MORE models have become constructs, nightmares, or otherwise nonliving or undead, even further diminishing Rezzer's capacity to use their racial identity.


You clearly have no idea how to play this game.

I can see why your constant attacks on me have been so brutally ignorant.

I haven't even been able to read the third book and I already know more about the models than you.

Don't post this rubbish on the forums please.

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Crooligans are going to be situational. Not a model I would take in every game, but when needed they will be super effective.

I was so pumped when I first heard about The Drowned...then I read their rules. For 4ss they have some nice abilities but will be fighting for :crows like everything else. I'd rather have a Belle or a Crooked man for the same cost and much better utility.

Rafkin is going to be fun with Nico and Mortimer. It's going to be Z day in Malifaux!!! If you take aNicodem and manifest, I could see the Hard to Kill spell being really, really annoying when MZ's become friendly models!!!

Dead Doxy is going to be money in a Seamus + Molly list. 9" walks due to Belles of the Ball and Extraordinary Dead. She will almost always get her Inviting Approach/Seduction chain off with that kind of movement.

Jaakuna fits in with Kirai and her spirit shenanigans. To be able to summon/re-summon is going to be nice! I could see her fitting into a Seamus crew nicely too. Lots of control there that's for sure!

Carrion Effigy is cool, the healing flips are nice. More survivability for undead models is awesome!!

I don't think we really needed any more damage dealers, to be honest. We already have 5ss Punk Zombies that do that job fairly well. Rogue Necromancy is also a great damage dealer, especially when you don't have to pay for it! Resurrectionists are a faction that thrives on the basic mechanics of the game; Strategies and Schemes. That being said, I think we got a nice boost in this book.

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You clearly have no idea how to play this game.

I can see why your constant attacks on me have been so brutally ignorant.

I haven't even been able to read the third book and I already know more about the models than you.

Don't post this rubbish on the forums please.

That was a perfect opportunity to make Calmdown look like a fool by systematically deconstructing his post.

Instead you look like a fool for breaking out the ad hominem.

We need more posts like his (right or wrong, extensive discussions are useful), and fewer like yours.

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You clearly have no idea how to play this game.

I can see why your constant attacks on me have been so brutally ignorant.

I haven't even been able to read the third book and I already know more about the models than you.

Don't post this rubbish on the forums please.

Wow please enlighten us then. Or dont post this rubbish on the forums.

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You clearly have no idea how to play this game.

I can see why your constant attacks on me have been so brutally ignorant.

I haven't even been able to read the third book and I already know more about the models than you.

Don't post this rubbish on the forums please.

Even though I'm not 100% convinced that Calmdown is correct in his assessment about the models, his post was infinitely better than yours was.

Dead Doxy is going to be money in a Seamus + Molly list. 9" walks due to Belles of the Ball and Extraordinary Dead. She will almost always get her Inviting Approach/Seduction chain off with that kind of movement.

Not sure how often I would go for that 9" walk but other than that I agree that she seems very interesting on paper. The switching places thing is very nice in some situations and I can see great utility for the model.

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Even though I'm not 100% convinced that Calmdown is correct in his assessment about the models, his post was infinitely better than yours was.

Hey, I'm not 100% correct about my assessments either. It's an opinion and people can agree, disagree, or take away bits and ignore other bits. Much like everything on a forum, its a discussion, so if people disagree, let's talk about why! If I'm wrong about some models sucking that would be great...more good models for Rezzers!

Sandwich is just bitter because he's been so wrong about so much stuff in the past (HI MOLLY!), he's looking for a way to make himself feel better :)

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So say you're playing:

2x Rotten Belle

2x Dead Doxy

1x Madame Sybelle

(Not saying list is good, just hypothetical)

So you lure and lure.

Then maybe you shoot, inviting approach, seduction, attack (maybe...most important inviting approach) and repeat with Dead Doxy 2.

Now, one of your dead doxies dies...guess who you can swap in (when will then consequently regen 1) and at least be able to flurry. Granted Mme Sybelle is not the best beater ever, but hey it's the standard Kirai/Colette trick of allow your opponent to think something is a good position and then swap with something that makes it not a good position. Is the Dead Doxy herself going to win the game? No, but that's why this is a squad game. It's about getting your melee beatstick Belle into combat for the price of 0 AP.

That's where I see value in the Dead Doxy, on top of the extra WP duel to target her from 4" away, and not fighting over the same suits as everybody else, and having the debuff alpha strike of Belle's Undress, Doxy's Seduction, Sybelle's Crave Punishment... -2 Df, :-fate:-fate, No Armor seems like a bigger big scare for anyone who is going to be exposed and out of position...and well you're playing a crew loaded with Belles. Something will be alone and out of position.

As for Crooligans:

I think we all have been thinking that we should theoretically be using them to chain jump forward and grab objectives ASAP. However, I can see them being used much more deceptively. If you send 3 Crooligans, at 3 different objectives, your opponent will be hard pressed to defend all 3 of them. More importantly, you won't be going for all 3 (likely) as your Crooligans can warp to each other instantly, meaning if your opponent spreads thin to defend an objective, suddenly they are out numbered and out activated on that front. If they go deep on one objective, you simply ignore it and try again later.

I actually think you could get away with using 2 in the same way. Deploy relatively near 2 different objectives and watch your opponent react, then attack the side they're not defending as strongly.

Edited by pigi314159
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Got my book last night, so I'm still chugging through some interactions but I've got a rosier few on the minions than the OP:

Dead Doxy looks useful mainly for handing out :-fate :-fate on DF to enemy models. Quite nice for helping Belles hit, helping the Drowned do his thing, or (most importantly) helping the Hanged get off his myriad of nasty abilities.

The Drowned I'm mum on. He looks like a good horde management piece, but I think I'd still prefer Punk Zombies for general utility.

The effigy is interesting: digging it for Seamus or some McMourning lists (help keep the big nasties up and running; albeit at the potential loss of body parts).

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