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Colette the Taxi?


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So I was looking over Colette's stat card and was trying to find ways to abuse disappearing act, and I may have found one.

So say you want to hire a big stompy model to make up for the girls' lack of raw hitting power, (i.e. Killjoy, or some other big ugly) but you hate the lack of mobility these models tend to have.

Activate Colette, use Disappearing Act on big ugly (triggering sleight of hand always a bonus here), then swap places with a showgirl up to 18" away using Illusionist, then gain Reactivate from Soulstone Infusion.

Second Activation have Colette walk another 4", then either make a new soulstone, or perform a second walk if you really need more distance.

End of turn the big ugly reappears within 6", having effectively cleared 28-32" in a single turn depending on how many move actions you took.

You would have to give up a turn on your heavy hitter, but the benefits of having him clear that much distance could easily outweigh the couple of turns he'd otherwise spend walking.

Not sure if this tactic has been discussed before, but if not I figured I'd throw it out there and see what people think.

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Well, the intent isn't to fling him ahead of the rest of your crew, but more to make up for his lack of mobility and get him caught up with everybody. Since he'll likely still be hanging out at the back, while most of the girls will be halfway across the table already.

Giving a possible extra 40" to something that normally only moves 4" and then dropping him off right where he needs to be could result in a very sad day for your opponent.

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I tried that with Johan and it really did scare my opponent (kirai) but you need to win initiative to properly use it. As for killjoy, you are better off using a Dove to move 10 then drop killjoy.

I would think the better use for disappearing act is to have you big monster attack do his damage, then to pull him out to safety. End of turn drop him in back in range of something else. Johan is a good target, he is only 5 SS in Colette crew, 3 inch melee. or convicted gunslinger, no need to move and get to use flurry or rapid fire. I usually don't want to go with a big point value fig because you usually take the duet with Colette.

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I just find that first you need at least a 7 Mask because there is no way you would spend a soulstone for this but you are already spending one because in the first 2-3 turns of the game using an activation and not getting a soulstone is like losing one. Yes it is possible and was brought up a while ago when people thought your doves could cast it at which point you could bring models back to safety if you needed too.

It works and it gets the big nasty up there but I don't see myself using it but hey everyone has different play styles and I am not going to say mine is the best its just mine.

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A somewhat weird idea would be using that for a Moleman - they are really rather awesome except for their really slow speed. And they're certainly something you can leave unsupported in the middle of the enemy since as long as the enemy is hitting them, they aren't doing anything more productive.

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On this line of thinking, could be a good use of Companion with Coryphee and Colette...Companion with Mannequin, send in Coryphee and then disappearing act against your Coryphee Duet so it is safe from reprisal.

Mine tends to get a lot of attention, not that it dies much mind you, and having it soak up attacks is good, but in some cases, not having it about, being attacked, might be a good thing... You will have to make sure you save your Doves til last so you can protect it when it reappears without giving away its likely final position too early...

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