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35 point tourney list help?


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So, I've got my first Malifaux tournament coming up the 20th, and was looking for some list advice. As of this moment, I have no idea the format, but I'm starting to get the suspicion that it'll be a single list (less than thrilled, hoping it won't be the case). I wanted to use Rasputina, and was thinking of bringing the following:


Essence of Power 2

Snowstorm 11

Silent One 6

Freikorps Trapper 7

December Acolyte 6

I think the Acolyte and the Trapper will be useful, giving me some ranged ability. Snowstorm will give me a melee monster, and some spell casting. Essence and Silent One are there for the obvious reasons. What do you guys think?

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So, I've got my first Malifaux tournament coming up the 20th, and was looking for some list advice. As of this moment, I have no idea the format, but I'm starting to get the suspicion that it'll be a single list (less than thrilled, hoping it won't be the case). I wanted to use Rasputina, and was thinking of bringing the following:


Essence of Power 2

Snowstorm 11

Silent One 6

Freikorps Trapper 7

December Acolyte 6

I think the Acolyte and the Trapper will be useful, giving me some ranged ability. Snowstorm will give me a melee monster, and some spell casting. Essence and Silent One are there for the obvious reasons. What do you guys think?

1) December Acolyte is bad. Bad bad bad. He's awesome for fluff and so on, but he's just...well...bad. Replace him with a second Silent One. Rasputina is all about getting her nukes off (especially when you're putting more points into her with EoP) Having good coverage for Rasputina is a must, and also having a redundant mirror is important.

2) You're going to get heavily outactivated with 6 models on the table; and you don't really need ranged support, you have all the ranged support you need already from Raspy and the Silent One(s). What you need, is to lessen your vulnerability to melee. Consider dropping the Trapper for a Convict Gunslinger, who can join in with your ranged strikes and then switch to melee when you're in close.

3) Snowstorm is iffy. Don't expect him to be a 'melee monster'; he's not. His damage line is poor for his resource investment and he only has 2AP. Consider him to be a jack-of-all-trades, don't rely on him to do any one thing spectacularly (from my personal experience of him so far - even post 8Wd change - he's probably not even worth running at the moment, for any reason other than fluff and a cool model).

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So, I've got my first Malifaux tournament coming up the 20th, and was looking for some list advice. As of this moment, I have no idea the format, but I'm starting to get the suspicion that it'll be a single list (less than thrilled, hoping it won't be the case). I wanted to use Rasputina, and was thinking of bringing the following:


Essence of Power 2

Snowstorm 11

Silent One 6

Freikorps Trapper 7

December Acolyte 6

I think the Acolyte and the Trapper will be useful, giving me some ranged ability. Snowstorm will give me a melee monster, and some spell casting. Essence and Silent One are there for the obvious reasons. What do you guys think?

december acolyte and trapper,, why?

my list that is very good in killing stuff is


Essence of Power 2

Snowstorm 11

Silent One 6

golem 9

gamin 4


objective list


Essence of Power 2

Snowstorm 11

Silent One 6

3 gamin 12


they work good, and snow storm is very good in my opinion :) but be carefull with him.

but if you want some ranged attacks, gunslinger.

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Acolyte and Trapper was just for variety...personally prefer the Trapper myself. I had thought of putting in a second Silent One, but I worry about running into a Sonnia list, and just being absolutely shutdown, while at least by taking the Trapper I have something I can do to mitigate it. What about trading the Acolyte for a pair of Gamin? Drops me down to a cache of 5, but that doesn't seem like too much of an issue...I think.

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Acolyte and Trapper was just for variety...personally prefer the Trapper myself. I had thought of putting in a second Silent One, but I worry about running into a Sonnia list, and just being absolutely shutdown, while at least by taking the Trapper I have something I can do to mitigate it. What about trading the Acolyte for a pair of Gamin? Drops me down to a cache of 5, but that doesn't seem like too much of an issue...I think.

pair of gamins would be better i think :)

cache of 5 is not a big problem,

since raspy is squishy, i believe agressive play with her works realy good :D

spam them with strong melee monsters, gamin, golem, snow storm, and when they get in combat, just cast decembers curse, if its on your enemy, good, if its on your own model, cheat high for blasts (make sure you give your model armor 2+ with essence) i love to use that on snow storm :D only 1 damage from the spell :) and snow storm can finish it an use eat your fill,

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Acolyte and Trapper was just for variety...personally prefer the Trapper myself. I had thought of putting in a second Silent One, but I worry about running into a Sonnia list, and just being absolutely shutdown, while at least by taking the Trapper I have something I can do to mitigate it. What about trading the Acolyte for a pair of Gamin? Drops me down to a cache of 5, but that doesn't seem like too much of an issue...I think.

At most run one Gamin for its +dmg aura. They're slow, they're expensive, they're nowhere near tough enough for their cost and they're more likely to explode near you than your enemy.

As far as second Silent One vs Sonnia goes; well, firstly, if you're that concerned then dont run the second one - you choose your list once you know your opponent :) But in reality, Sonnia has just as much of a problem with Silent One's counterspell as you have with her. And further to that point, she can't counterspell everything; in fact, you're better to saturate her with spells in some ways, forcing her to burn cards to counter Silent One nukes and then meaning she has less left over to counter Rasputina's nukes. You have arcane reservoir, she probably won't, and you have lots of surge, she doesn't. Your card manipulation is superior. If it's magic resistance you're worried about, she's unlikely to come at you with more than 3 Witchling Stalkers and in any case, they're easy enough to blow up even with resistance or with alternate source of damage.

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Thanks for the advice people! I just got the final info on the event, and it's going to be a 30 SS Limited Faction Pool event, so we've got 50 points to spend on everything. I have Rasputina and Colette, and I'm trying to put together a 50 point Master list that will be able to do well. Here's what I'm thinking:

Snowstorm 11

Silent One 6

Essence of Power 2

Coryphee 7

Coryphee 7

Cassandra 9

I've got 8 SS left to bring, and I'm really not sure where to go with it. I had thought about bringing a Performer and Mannequin, but I could also bring another Silent One, or I could bring a Trapper, or whatever. Anyone have any suggestions?

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My opinion would be make a good 30-35 ss base for one master.

Then fill in mercenary models to your pool to make up for a lack of shortcomings (ronin/von schill for movement, or von schill, daw).

My personal take on your tournament is that the two master's have a problem meshing well do to having a need for high cost models and specifically if you bring tina and two coryphee severly clashing between the two on who spends the ss?

But granted I don't know what models you own, your playstyle, or (most importantly) the models you like.

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So, who would I be able to make a stronger list with at 30 points? Colette or Rasputina?

They're allowing you multiple masters for a 30ss tournament with a 50ss pool? If so, that's a horrible, horrible tournament format and you should explain to your TO why asking someone to build two 30ss lists with 50ss is terrible.

In any case, the best thing you can do is build a list for one master and stick to it.

I'd go with either:


Essence of Power

2x Silent One

Snow Storm

2x Desperate Mercenary (if you have these, if not, an Ice Gamin)

Sideboard - 2 Coryphee (replace Snow Storm against magic heavy or heavy melee lists that can just drop him)




2x Coryphee

Performer and Mannequin

Sideboard - nothing, Collette lists pretty much run themselves as is.

(you get horribly outactivated here but meh, it's Collette)

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Eh, it's their first event...my first tournament as well. I think I'll go with Rasputina. Thanks Calmdown! Luckily I own all of that except the Desperate Mercenaries, but I can ran a Gamin if I have to. Might be able to get a pair of Desperate Mercs beforehand though...we'll see.

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Collette is definitely the stronger Master. Her Boxset with a pair of Coryphee is all you need. You'll need some experience with her to run her well, but she can be very competitive.

Tina will always be less competitive. Nevertheless, bringing her and a few of her models along, and lining them up opposite your opponent before declaring a Collette crew might influence the opponents crew choice in your favour.

Or vice versa...

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You'll need some experience with her to run her well...

See, and this is my problem. The event is in 10 days, I've got time for one day of gaming. Rasputina I have some basic idea of what I'm doing, because she's the Master I end up using for demos. Colette? Haven't had the time to figure her out.

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Eh, it's their first event...my first tournament as well. I think I'll go with Rasputina. Thanks Calmdown! Luckily I own all of that except the Desperate Mercenaries, but I can ran a Gamin if I have to. Might be able to get a pair of Desperate Mercs beforehand though...we'll see.

FWIW I dont own any Wyrd Desperate Mercs, I use PP Winter Guard and the book for stats. They look awesome with Rasputina and it makes me feel less dirty for using such a cheesy minion :P Although since Gencon gave me a reason to order from the Wyrd store, I did order some merc cards. They're worth getting though. Raspy lists are so reliant on expensive models that they make a huge difference to your activations and are pretty solid fighters to boot.

Tip: On the turn your mercs are going to die to 'Making ends Meet', make sure you use their 'For my Family' ability, then Drain Soul them with Rasputina :P

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Random question- what about using a gunsmith? I finally got an answer from them on the issue of proxies, and I'm allowed one reasonable proxy. And Master Holt steps into the picture...how useful are Gunsmiths with Raspy?

As an aside, here's the Master list I'm currently thinking about:


Essence of Power 2

Desperate Mercenary 2

Desperate Mercenary 2

Gunsmith 6

Ice Gamin 4

Silent One 6

Silent One 6

Snowstorm 11

Freikorps Librarian 9

And two points just unused.

Edited by edonil
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Random question- what about using a gunsmith? I finally got an answer from them on the issue of proxies, and I'm allowed one reasonable proxy. And Master Holt steps into the picture...how useful are Gunsmiths with Raspy?

As an aside, here's the Master list I'm currently thinking about:


Essence of Power 2

Desperate Mercenary 2

Desperate Mercenary 2

Gunsmith 6

Ice Gamin 4

Silent One 6

Silent One 6

Snowstorm 11

Freikorps Librarian 9

And two points just unused.

Gunsmiths are excellent with Raspy, but Convict Gunslinger is just a better Gunsmith unless you know what you're facing. So I'd advise using the Convict if you're only running one, but certainly Gunsmith is a fine choice too.

Edit: Rasputina + Freikorps Librarian = wasted Arcane Reservoir.

Edited by Calmdown
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Dezzo posted a good solid list with all of Raspy's toys present. A silent one, SnowStorm and Gamin make up my core lists now, unless SS is likely to die quickly to magic or melee when a Golem or Librarian makes it in instead.

Haven't run desperate mercs yet, but more activations gives you the upper hand in most games.

Even so, it's your first tournament so go and have fun, you know you want to. I've learned more from playing tournaments than from reading the books.

Your fellow Acolyte (or in my case Silent One)


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