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Your greatest mess up.


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So today I was painting my crew and I decided to pull out some white paint to blend with. As I was pouring it out, I covered half of an already painted Judge by accident on it. So I wanna know, what are some of your worst building and painting stories ever involved with minatures Malifaux community? :rams

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Here's a recipe

One nearly complete Eldar ranger inquisitor model

One new pair of shoes

One kitchen radiator

Mix together with an entire pot of old style gw snakebite leather.

Allow to stew

End result = one monkey, not chuckling

That ranger had been some of my best work too, although I did manage to save him. It was funny he was the first thing I tried to save. The floor, shoes and radiator had to wait their turn.

Edited by Chucklemonkey
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The only one I can think of recent was having my gremlins all ready for a tourn and deciding to change from dullcoat to purity seal, don't know of they didn't like each other or what (the dull coat had been on for weeks) but so thankful I picked on grem as a test, my wife and I watched as over an hour the fig went from slightly frosted to looking like i had dunked it in water and left it in the freezer overnight! I had been really pleased with the paint job and had done a scratch swamp base, green stuff log and bristle reeds. Apparently there is a trick for fixing frosting, spraying the model withe the product you used and applying some heat from a heat gun or hairdryer, I tried.. Unfortunately it melted the reeds and the base and blistered the paint on the log, and didnt fix the fig. I never did get the paint job back the way I had it ;)

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Got myself the Vallejo GAME range, comes with three wonderful paintbrushes. Malifaux is the game that actually got me painting, so I have the paints set near the computer for painting + inspiration. The glue of choice at the moment is Rapid Fix - capable of gluing almost anything to almost anything. Including it's own lid. That means that when I use it, I have to take the lid off the pot of glue, and I have an old paintbrush I brush the glue on with.

One day, I was so excited about my progress, I knocked the glue over. It spilled out pretty badly, and I hastened to move what I could, to save what I could. My main brush was destroyed, I nearly glued a Sabretooth to the desk, but instead it stuck itself to a GW wash lid, an old GW paint stuck to my pallet and in that small time (maybe thirty seconds at the most) a file stuck to the desk. I now have a chunk of desk missing from where I took the file out, and an island of dried glue (complete with part of a paper napkin I tried to clean it up with) that measures about three inches by 5 inches, and is about three millimetres high - that has a bit missing about the size of a 50mm base from where the Sabretooth was.

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... And I can't even count the number of times an in-progress mini has slipped out of my hand and landed only millimeters away from a puddle of fresh paint.

I once dropped a nicely painted Bishop into a huge puddle of tallarn flesh :(

Other disasters include picking up what I thought was a clean brush and covering my convict gunslinger in a red wash... probably my worst one was when I was spraying some undercoats on a big batch of models, my dad walked into the garage and I started talking to him. I absent mindedly picked up what I thought was a bare metal model and started spraying only, to find out that I had just covered a fully painted Ronin in skull white undercoat.

There is a very good reason my the vast majority of my models are unpainted !

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Not one of mine, but a GW store manager I know used to be particular about telling people how to use undercoat - make sure its a well ventilated room etc etc...

Well, undercoating a Blood Bowl team, he nearly passed out from the fumes of said undercoat...

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Ok thiis lost me no models directly but when you are known to spill liquids never place GW gunmetal paint on the corner of your painting desk. I was able to get much of it off the white carpet but when we moved out of that apartment the cost of cleaning the carpet was abut twice as much as it should have been....

Lets hope ai have learned since then....

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Was cutting the tip off a bottle of thin super glue today, had it angled too far down and was apparently applying preassure to the bottle. Spent 30 minutes sanding 2.5 fingers, and I've still got some patches of glue on them. Luckily I had a box on the counter and didn't get any of the glue on anything important.

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This was only just the other day. I had just finished painting Zuba from Bushido, which I 'd been painting over a couple of weeks. I sat him down to varnish and then...... well I don't really know what happened. All I do know is that I was stood there, looking at my lovely new painted fig lying on the ground, one horn missing, face chipped and bent out of shape and oodles of dirt/dust on the still-wet varnish. I could have cried.

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Just about every time I greenstuff and finish one spot I turn the model around and mash said spot with my thumb while working on new part...

That happens to me all the time too...

Greatest mess up? Well...it was a hot, bright, sunny day, I varnished my newly painted Showgirls, left them to dry on the balcony. Then I went to take a shower...when I finished, it was kinda the storm of the year outside, that knocked my minis on the ground...of course they were broken with lots of paint chippings. I couldn't get myself to touch up the paint job since then :(

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It wasn't me, but one of the guys at my lgs was gluing his mcmorning crew and you know how if you get to close to super glue the vapor gets into your eyes and stings for a bit? Well that happened to him and he thought he got super glue in his eyes and was running around freaking out screaming, "oh God I got super glue in my eyes, what do I do, what do I do?!!!!!!!!!" My friend Bruce said, open your eyes. He did, and says, "how come they are glued shut?" Bruce told him he was working too close and the vapor got into his eyes. Lets just say he was pretty embarrassed. Lol

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Once I tried to open a bottle of superglue with my teeth...it wasnt pretty.


Just for me it was a bottle zap-a-gap in front about 10 people at the LGS. The worst part is when the little lady came in about 10 mins latter and saw the residue left over on my lips and in front the same 10 people says "you did it again?"

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No painting disasters, but I regularly drop models. About a year back I dropped my entire cryx army. Bounced on the laminate flooring and bits went everywhere. I have never had the courage to try and restore it.

Was reminded of it tthe other morning when I noticed something shiny under my painting desk .... one of mortenebra's many appendages.

Worst Malifaux one was when I took Zoraidas box down to my workshop to spray undercoat and dropped them. My workshop is where I woodturn and they landed in a deep pile of shavings. Anyone looking closely at my silurids will notice that their heads now bear an uncanny resemblance to GW lizardmen saurus (although i have to say that they actually look quite good!)

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Trying to paint a model when the superglue on it wasn't quite dry cost me my favorite brush, a Winsor & Newton Series 7 size 0. I was upset.

I learned not to squeeze clogged eyedropper bottles when my Reaper Master Series "honed steel" went all T1000 on my kitchen table, nearby miniatures, clothing, etc.

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From my 40k days, me and a couple guys would go to GT's, of course we'd stay up the night before we left finishing models and trying to get those finishing touches done.

So it's late, it's a couple beers in and he goes out on the porch to put the gloss coat on his finished night lords army, looks a little shiny in the bad porch lighting, brings them inside to realize he just re-primed the batch of them not gloss coat like he thought the can said.


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