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The revised Night Terror - thoughts?


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This is actually relevant to Masters from four different factions so I thought I'd post this up in the main forum, rather than the Resser one. :smugpuppet1

Night Terrors - I just received two clamshells on them and I was pleasantly surprised to find that they've been revised from their book 2 incarnation! :D


- Claws are now Cb4

- The Blind trigger now prevents all strikes until the end closing phase, not just ranged strikes.

- An added ability called Dark Dreams: Crews containing the Dreamer may hire this model at no additional cost.

So there you have it - what was previously a quick little objective grabber and speed bump with some nice anti-ranged tricks is now a more viable threat against more than just shooting-focussed crews.

Naturally, I'm thinking how he might best be used in a Marcus crew. ;) The Blind Trigger is still going to compete with the :masks Marcus wants for Alpha, but they're tough enough to make for a great Moleman replacement as a bodyguard for Marcus, plus they're very speedy and can pull off some great tricks with flock together.

Hamelin probably won't care about anything that isn't souless or a rat and I've no idea about what Resser Masters could do with it, but for the Dreamer they might be a decent option. A pair of them are about fast enough to bodyguard the dreamer, they can disrupt key enemy models, and are cheap and quick enough to seperate themselves from the nightmare missle and claim objectives.

So what are peoples thoughts on them? They haven't really been discussed much on these forums until now, so i'm interested to hear how people might be viewing them in light of their revision?

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I am thinking about getting 2~4 for my Nicodem crew. Not necessairly as a permanent members, but as stand-ins for the terrain intensive games and as objective fetchers in some scenarios. They'd also be very welcome against shooty crews.


- They are flying and fast at that. They'd be generally faster than Canine Remains or Necropunks in terrain.

- Their Wp debuff helps Nicodem a lot (all his important offensive spells are Rst:Wp)

- They should be reasonably survivable - more so than other "lightweight" fast models Nico can take. Ht1 means they are easy to hide, speed means they get to the cover fast... and they are Spirits and Hard to Kill on the top of that.

- They can be sent to hamper some particularly dangerous ranged models, which always helps Nicodem.

- They aren't insignificant, so they can actually grab objectives and carry markers.


- They don't drop Body Counters.

- Nicodem cannot Reanimate Spirits, so once they die, they are gone.

- Nicodem cannot heal them with Decay and you'd actually have to be careful not to catch them in the blast (still, it shouldn't be hard with the 6" on their :aura)

For just 6 points for a pair (and you want to take at least a pair of them for redundancy) the Pros IMHO greatly outweigh the cons and there's quite enough synergy with Nicodem in them to make them multi-purpose models:

- Debuffing and attacking lone ranged models;

- Debuffing larger melee fights to make Decay more cost-efficient.

- Fast objective grabbing.

Edited by Q'iq'el
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I contemplated them for the Dreamer until I realised Dremaer couldn't hire them even if they were Nightmares! So the new Dark Dream ability falls right on.

I think they could be good when facing high Wp teams, or particularly when facing Pandora. Teamed with an Insidious Madness I think they can be a strong element for an anti-Wp crew


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I was not originally going to get them for my Marcus Crew but now I just might have to. The increased Cb and buffed Blind are amazing. Damn you Wyrd for making me buy far too many models :P.

(And the horrible pink color...my eyes! Oh why must you torment us like this!?)


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There is one thing i do not like about them,...

They decrease the WP of your own Modells, too...

First wanted to try them gainst Pandora, but as i read, that they will create a 6 Inch Deatharea for my models against her aswell.. hmm...

True, but that's not a problem you can't deal with. The Night Terrors are pretty quick, so it shouldn't be impossible to approach Pandora from a flank and ensure that models attacking Pandy are out of range of the aura. Melee strikes would require a degree of precision, but bare in mind that the Wp duel for charging Pandy would occur before you move your model, so keeping your own model out of the aura shouldn't be hard.

On top of that, not every enemy crew is going to be using Wp-based attacks (eg. most Guild/Arcanists and with the obvious exception, Outcasts), so Cold Darkness isn't always going to be an issue for the rest of your crew.

(And the horrible pink color...my eyes! Oh why must you torment us like this!?)

(though in a horrid colour - my eyes!)

I sense a plot. :smugpuppet1

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I sense a plot. :smugpuppet1

Seriously, you often have good things to say now that I've finally began to try and read your posts but the pink really doesn't work on the white background. Nothing against individuality and I know that you paint your models pink and all that, but on the written word it really makes it hard on the eyes.

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I´ll run a 30 SS crew like this one with Marcus:



2x Night Terrors


Convict Gunslinger


Could be nice to Spam Hamlelins Spells and the Supressing Fire....

Along with the Terrors...


Myranda can only copy the spells of other beasts, so to cast Hamelins or the Slingers spells you'll first need to enrage them with a Malifaux Raptor.

The best spells for Myranda to cast using Animal instincts are the ones that don't require you to flip/cheat an extra suit on top of Myranda's tome, and where the spell cast is going to be worth taking an otherwise below-par minion. I think Suppressive Fire is one of those spells (as is the Rogue Necromancy's Acid Breath) but the obey from Hamelin? Not so much. In any case, the value of Myranda and her misadventures with Animal instincts is a topic for another thread. :smugpuppet1

I think the Wp debuff could be handy for Marcus' Alpha, as well as the various terrifying beasts he has available. There's more than a few other Wp-centric minions he can take, all of whom would benefit from the Night Terror's Wp-debuff. Hell, the mere thought of a potential -5 Wp from a combined Cold Darkness and Howl is giving me goose-bumps. ;)

Seriously, you often have good things to say now that I've finally began to try and read your posts but the pink really doesn't work on the white background. Nothing against individuality and I know that you paint your models pink and all that, but on the written word it really makes it hard on the eyes.

Hmm, in more than a year of posting and not including the last week, I've only had maybe 2-3 complaints about my choice of colour. I've never had any difficulty reading it myself but if others are finding it to be a real problem, I might have to re-think it...

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Hmm, in more than a year of posting and not including the last week, I've only had maybe 2-3 complaints about my choice of colour. I've never had any difficulty reading it myself but if others are finding it to be a real problem, I might have to re-think it...

Thank you for considering it - that's all I really ask! :)

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Well as a raptor Myranda could Change the Gunslinger aswell...


Hamelin can not be changed by a raptor, since Raptors are HT1 and can not attack him.

So Marcus has to change him with Feral.

But maybe you are right...

Terrors... with Terryfying Minions would be great...

Something like this:

Arcanists Crew - 30 - Scrap

Marcus -- 4 Cache

Convict Gunslinger [6ss]

Night Terror [3ss]

Night Terror [3ss]

Rogue Necromancy [10ss]

Shikome [8ss]

Ore use Myranda as cheap Shikome and include a Rattler for the Gunslinger...

So jou would have 3 Terryfiying Beasts together with the Terrors...

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  • 1 year later...

I always wondered what the purpose of night terrors were. They have a melee trigger that stops ranged attacks, yet to get the trigger they are already in melee which stops ranged attacks. I guess this could be good against models that can 0 slide out of melee but thats it. Now that they stop all attacks they are pretty amazing! I may pick them up. As I am a big fan of small pt models. My favorite thing to do is have marcus hit someone then stare them down and swarm them with beasts that they can't cheat against, lol.

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I love the little guys, though i did waste them in 1 game where 4 of them pinned a Steamborg executioner against the edge of the board for 4 turns before they killed him with massed use of the trigger:p

As for the pink, i don't think i would know who you are any more if you stopped using it, i would see your name, and see black and think it cant be you its not pink :P Although at first it was difficult to read:P Takes time to get used to it:)

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I wouldn't say they're an auto-include with Marcus. They're amazing objective grabbers for sure, but so are Silurid. So in those sorts of games I'm often faced with choosing between a cheaper flock of Night Terrors or the faster and more flexible Silurid pack.

---------- Post added at 01:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 PM ----------

Oh, and I'm just glad to see my stubborn insistance on writing every post in pink hasn't caused any anti-Rathnard lynch mobs to form up yet. ;)

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