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Looking for a bit of advice on conduct.


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I was hoping to get some advice on how to deal with a player that appears to be lying about the abilities and actions of his pieces? I would like to know if there is an accepted way to confront the person about this?

:-fateThe situation happen when i was against a crew i have not fought before. The way he used the pieces did not seam right and later on looking back through the two books, and the V2 cards it seams as though he was blatantly lying about what he could do in at least 6 fairly critical point in the game.:-fate

I know I shouldn't let it bother me too much, but I would just like some advice on how i should handle it if it happens again.

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If I was playing against a new crew for the first time I would ask my opponent politely to explain what each of his models are doing, and ask to read the card. I don't think anyone would take offence if you asked to read their card so that you could get a grasp of what his models are capable of.

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Just keep thebooks handy and if something seems wrong, confront the book. If they say it is changed on the card, politely ask to read their card. If they sayno, then say that you believe that they are wrong.

If they continue, stop playing them, I know its harsh but nobody wants to play with a "cheater", even though we r all cheaters technically, but you know what I mean. :)

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yeah it happens more often than you would think. miss a word here and there makes a big difference. they may not be doing it on purpose and may be as unfamiliar as you are with how it works. the first time i played som'er i didn't realize that gremlin's luck required a target. talk about "woops!"

like they said, if he declares something that doesn't seem right just read the card. if there is an ambiguity talk about how you think it should work and if it can't be decided then flip for it and come ask on here for a clarification.

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Yeah I would just ask to have a look at his cards, it should not be a secret as to what each others models can and cannot do. I am often asking okay so what s the Df or Wp on that or Can I look at your card for him before I do some things, and let my opponents do the same, its part of general gamer etiquette and shouldnt be frowned upon especially in a game like Malifaux where each model has a lot of unique abilities.

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If I'm about to jump into a game with a guy I've never played before, one of the first things out of my mouth is always, "Feel free to look at my cards, ask me anything about my models." Then I crack my carrying case and allow my opponent to examine the selection. No surprises. I also tend to broadcast new purchases pre-game when facing my regular opponents. "I just bought some Night Terrors. Check out the stat card."

I want the other player to know I'm cool with them questioning me about my models. I don't explicitly demand the same courtesy, but I've never had anyone act offended when I question a play or ask to see a specific stat card. So long as you lay the groundwork early, it shouldn't be a problem.

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It's all in the way you do things. I agree that the "can I have a look at the stat of *** " with a friendly voice is a winner to check whether something is done wrong, and if it is to nicely point it out, without accusing the other person of fraud; after all you don't know whether they do it on purpose or not, better not assume anything.


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Having been in a "pit of noob" (jk I'm not being negative) getting all these new players going, being a bit clueless myself in the heat of the moment, and meeting others from other communities, we were all doing something or other wrong. For common rules feel free to just play it as you are not sure about the rules so you'd like to check. For his stuff you already did the right thing, as there's kind of a backlash from people questioning other people's armies for the alleged tactic of delaying the game. Unless you know those forces well it's best to wait till afterwards, do your research, and correct next time in a polite way.



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My best suggestion is to finish the game, look into what he was claiming the pieces did, and then read the rules and see what you think. If there are contencous issues then there is a good chance that they are covered in the discussions here. Next time you see him, bring up how he was playing the abilities wrong.

Hopefully it was a misunderstanding of the rules and he'll be happy that they have been corrected for him.

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If a player does this consistently, and I need to perpetually validat what they are saying is true, I just 'social ban' them. I refuse to play against then in a social game. There are 1 or 2 players in my LGS who if I play against them in a tournament I'll forfeit(or lose quickly). I'd rather take a lose than play someone like that. I play for fun (tough, pushing the rules, but still fun). And a game against a player like that ruins my day, usually don't really enjoy the next game afterwards either.

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I know I shouldn't let it bother me too much, but I would just like some advice on how i should handle it if it happens again.

I know its all too easy for complete strangers to make suggestions which will impact your ability to play or how you will be perceived in your gaming group, but you did ask...

I wouldn't let it happen again.

I'd probably avoid playing a player who blatantly cheated.

Or I would mock him mercilessly in front of other players for trying to take advantage of a noob (even if you aren't it doesn't do you any harm to be a bit self-deprecating while you ladle the scorn on nice and thick).

But I regularly ask to read an opponents cards when what the models does seems too good to be true...though usually it is just in the spirit of trying to get my head around what they are actually doing.

Edited by Serigala
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