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2 free programs to check out if you're into digital sculpting,.. "blender",.. and "make human". I have them both, and they are stellar. Can even make movies and the like if you feel so inclined. and you can port the character from make human into blender to use it. (also gimp if you don't have a different texture maker program)

just some food for thought,...

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I heard good things about blender and sculptris when I started messing with it, picked sculptris for some reason (can't remember what now). Never heard of make human though, might check it out sometime.

I much prefer the old fashioned way of doing things by hand though, its more relaxing. I'd only take learning digital seriously if I decided to start having stuff produced in plastic (or got work for a company doing it. Not likely since I don't have a digital sculpt portfolio!)

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make human is great if you don't want to spend the time sculpting the basic anatomy of a human body. the forms are fully posable, with realistic limits on the amount of flex at the joints and such. plus the forms are alterable,.. you can set parameters such as height, weight, gender, muscle mass,.. all the way to the little details such as eye spacing, ear shape, and even fullness of the lips. it's a good all around starting point for any given humanoid character.

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Mako, I would like to say, a few words. You are a fantastic painter and you are exquisitely mannered. I have seen your leaps and bounds. Not to mention you're an outstanding fellow. Your excellence in Wyrd loyalty is to be admired and will be valiantly rewarded with a great signed seal of Masterful Approval.


Edited by Redd.Cohen
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I have no idea who this person is or how he got in.

Well ok, you can keep him, but you have to promise to feed him and take him for walks...

Thanks Redd! Nice seal too *grin*

I reckon you guys have done plenty to earn my loyalty, all it usually takes is pretty things to paint and Wyrd goes way beyond that in all sorts of ways!

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Well, here's a little bit of new stuff. The night terrors aren't remotely this glossy in real life, but I didn't feel like setting up my whole rig this late at night. And a group shot of Kirai's crew, which will replace the out of date one in my first post too...



And finally, the beginnings of the Mannequin's ball project. Not a lot of progress yet, most of it is either in the bags at the back or on order at Hobby Ninja (shout out for my favourite Toronto area store there!).


There's... a lot to do. But hey, if I get it all done, it'll be about 25% of my collection gone from untouched to finished!

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Woo, the new Wyrd Chronicles is out, I recommend everyone checks it out! And it means I can reveal Yan Lo, in all his painted glory...



So for how I did it, and a bunch of other good articles, go check out the new Chronicle on the malifaux.com download page!

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If anyone wants to pick my brains at GenCon, feel free! Though be prepared for the pile of random rubbish that comes out along with the odd painting hint...

Thanks guys, it's been quite funny having to pretend not to have touched yan lo, all the while leaving him out of my gaming case so noone saw him. And Justin and the guys involved with the chronicles were great to work with, it was a real blast to do it and see it in official stuff!

---------- Post added at 07:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:43 AM ----------

Oh, and I think my biggest bit of advice is never try to paint a skeletal dragon, it's a total *bleep* to get the ribs in the right places...

---------- Post added at 07:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 AM ----------

The coryphee were done that way so I can have the four I own panted at some point, and all of them will fit in any slot. Saves me worrying about getting the right ones paired up in game. Des take a bit of messing with though to get the wooden sections the right shape and size to have a brass rod running through them to pin the model in place, and a magnet in there too. I'll get some photos of how they're set up this week if people want?

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