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Today is Canadian thanksgiving, for some reason no one has explained to me (but presumably involves history) ours is earlier than the American one. Maybe Canadians are thankful earlier than Americans!

Third stage is underway, it took me nearly an hour and a half to paint the base layer. This is going to take all day...

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Fear not Darios, I shall reveal all when I finish the whole thing! A complete step by step for every bit of HD, from squidgy brain outward. Might take a while though, only time I can sit and paint and photograph all at the same time is the weekends, so after today he'll go a fair bit slower.

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Ok, I havent finished hte third stage but the light is fading and I'm having a problem with my arm so that's it for the night in terms of paint. I've only done the shading on the third stage, and not restored the midtone yet, but here's a pic that has step two and the progress of step three on it.


Do people prefer to see it after each section, or wait until its done for the whole effect in one go without the slow build up, and can read the step by step guide to show how I did it if they want when they first see it?

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Thanks all, it's good to see people enjoying what I'm trying to do with HD, it makes all the rather gory surgical photographs I've had to study for colours seem worth it! Good job I'm not the squeamish type really!

This weekend I'll try to get the bone finished, and will probably put up some new gremlin photos too, since they're coming along steadily. Soon I'll be able to start the judge...

Pinkadam, I'm glad you liked the guides, I find them quite useful to keep a track of how I achieved stuff and makes me organise my painting better. And they're good fun to write. Even the colour theory one, which really forced me to figure out what I knew and what I could work out! And made my head hurt for a bit too *grin*

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Heh, I do enjoy when I try to paint something a bit disgusting, and it seems to work!

Had a good few minutes of laughing this morning when I had a sudden thought, went back and checked, and realised I never gave Bungle any ears! Which is something I really should do, so next time I sit down with him, that's on the top of the list. Poor little guy...

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No painting this weekend as I didn't feel like it. I have however got a bit more sculpting done, this may well be the last photos of Zippy and Bungle before I finish them.



Zippy needs his forearms doing, and Bungle needs a bit of work on the finger of his left hand, but they're getting very close. So much so that the judge has been made into an armature and given basic bulking.

In order to try and shake off the malaise that started to set in this week before it settles, I've been working on a few other bits that aren't Malifaux and that I won't be posting online for a while yet. It's nice sometimes to just cut all your projects loose and faff about with private stuff.

Might do more to HD next weekend, if the light is good enough

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