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Mako's Crew(s)


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I am both humbled and blown away by your painting and sculpting.

I do a tiny bit of sculpting to touch up models when they just don't go together properly, but compaired to scratch building whole models what I do would be more accurate to call 'bodging' not sculpting!

I am in awe of your skills and though it always depresses me about my own models I can't pull myself away!

You can definately add me to the list of people who would love their own green justice set if it ever became a possibility.

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Cheers guys! Never get depressed about your own stuff though - I started way back being a really bad painter, and a fairly poor gap filler with green stuff. Practice, patience and more practice is all that's taken me to this point!

Actually, I do have a minor issue right now in that I can't decide if the gremlins need bandaged hands or not. Is it too subtle for them to copy, or would they do it thinking the bandages were magic?

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If that Kangaroo is a "he" why is he sporting a pouch?


A wizard did it!

Nah, there's no real reason for the death marsupials to be a bunch of he's, but there is a reason to have the pouch. So I lazily kept referring to them as he since the original characters were male, and put a pouch on. Biology can be as upset as it likes heh. And I shall not be sculpting anything distinctly male, so it won't really matter later on I hope!

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Ok, a bit of an update on lots of stuff. While I have downtime I've been messing about with some digital sculpting. It's been a lot of fun, and having an undo key is brilliant. But it's just as hard as putty work, and in some ways it's even harder. Here's my messing about over three sessions:


I've also been sculpting normally. I've got the legs of the marsupial sorted, although they still need shin pads like the death marshals have.


And now for some gremlins, Zippy and Bungle are slowly progressing:



And George is finished, which means that the second member of the Green Justice crew is now ready:


And finally, after skeleton Lucius, we've progressed to him wearing boxer shorts:


They're not finished yet, and will probably get a lot of refining and tweaking as I go, but that's the basic shape of his breeches, and the width of his hips.

Any suggestions or comments?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I've finally got to the point where i have three gremlins with faces, so here's the latest work on Zippy and Bungle:



Their hat brims need the same cleanup as George's did, but I've not actually baked Bungles face yet so can't do it for now. Do people like the faces and expressions, or do they need reworking?

And giant Lucius has a boot and a knee, this is going to take a lot of work and putty but I think I'm starting to understand how to sculpt in this scale. The shaping on the breeches is still very rough, once I've got the folds right all the way up to the waist and the seam ridge in, I'll be going back over to neaten it with files. Smoothing and finishing and detailing will all be done once the other leg is sorted out.



Any thoughts?

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Thanks all! I did try to make sure the gremlins all had similar features but their own expressions, it's really good to know that worked out ok.

Hopefully that leg will get finished this week, then I can start on the other boot. Matching the two might be interesting! The other thing I want to work noggins week is the troffins for the gremlins, and then I just have pistols and arms to do to have them done.

Couple of Questions - do the troffins need rope around them like the marshals have chain on theirs (George would need that adding in too)? And does bungle's troffin need the lid out to one side so it's more obviously open? That kind of thing is also an issue for zippy, do I have the lid swinging open or not there, and if its open how is it staying in place...

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You can always make hinges - that would explain how the lid stays on. also I don't know about the rope, maybe do the opposite side (of the hinges) to be supposedly nailed shut - but the "force within" opened it with the nails all bent on the lid? (a bit different from the chains on the originals)

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Allrighty, I've been adding ropes to the troffins, they're almost sorted now (only one needs more work). Then the arms and hands, and I think they're basically done!

In the meantime, here's a little pic of hungering darkness with the first bit of paint on him:


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Thanks! That's the first step of an eight step process. It took a while, I think HD is going to be the most time intensive part of the crew by a long way. But hopefully worth it.

And the guide for him might help people be more adventurous, when they see its all just small simple things one after another

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