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Custom Fate Deck; a rad B-Day present/project from my awesomesauce wife!


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So back in april my +5 Wife of Awesome pitched making me a snazzy custom fate deck for my new hobby of choice. After some time and delays to find playing card stock and waiting for the supplier to come back from vacation; we have printed our first run of my deck. I say first run because I intend to prize pool and gift another deck to our local henchman and store owner. Also the only bit of photoshop I did missaligned the card backs to the fronts, a problem my wife has already fixed for the next run...

Enuf jibberjabber, on to the Pics!



Edited by Edweird
Moar Pix!
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Heres the hangups about selling copys... first we never intended to do so.

1) we dont have premission from the fine people at wyrd (although I have heard there is a precedent), but if we did sell it some of the profit would go to cover prize support for our league.

2) we dont have rights to the images, since this is/was not intended for profit/sale... so if this is something (you want/we can sell/we are willing to sell) either we need to get the photo rights(hardmode) or replace the images with similar images or new art. My wife is a photographer and very picky about image rights so this is non contestable, and no amount of couch sleeping is worth selling a few decks.

Edited by Edweird
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The PSD's were made for each card(once you build the general template each suit falls into place) and then compiled to make them fit the card stock. To host all 62 PSD's is not something I am interested in doing at this point and honestly its better to design your own. Also I will remention that my wife is picky about using other peoples work and letting other people use her creative work(without expressed written premission from major league baseball and the commissioner) so I would rather not ask... also remember I dont want to sleep on the couch during the day(I work graveyard shift normally)

As for the card stock I did quite a bit of research on the many types of material that playing cards are made of... from plastic coated paper, 100% plastic, weird laminated hybrids, to the nifty air cushion paper that bicycle uses, there is lots to choose from but all of them are a PITA to find. I finally found air cushion playing card cardboard at an online store called lybrary.com(please don't completely run him out... I have a few more decks promised). The pages are only available in A4, its a different format than we are used to here in the states... so be sure to plan around that.

each deck requires 6 pages(54 card deck @ 9 cards a sheet also double sided = 12 color prints) which the cost of the printing is largely dependant on both the amount of card stock you buy, and your access to or willingness to go to a printshop ie Kinkos to have them done. I went to kinko's... I think I ended up spending $8 usd on printing, with one wasted sheet due to an error. They gave me some questionable stares about if the card stock can be printed with a laser jet but it worked out great.

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Thanks for all the info. Perhaps you could supply some of the high resolution artwork or logos you used in the creation of the cards, and perhaps a template for printing onto the card stock you mention.

I'd still love to get the PSDs themselves. I'd be willing to provide access to my personal FTP to make transferring the files to me a snap.

Pretty please with a cherry on top? :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Your wife is indeed Awesomesauce for creating those for you. She got them done a lot faster than the tarot deck I made for myself too (though I did go through alot of sketching, alternate card lists and had to make it fully customizable... that wasn't easy).

Anyway, I'm going off track. Awesome fate Deck, I'm very jealous!

makes me want to make my own Fate Deck now, I should have some left over blank tarot decks somewhere, now if only I could still hold a pen or pencil to draw it all :(

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sorry I got busy and have not been watching this... thanks all for the complements I have passed them on to the better half. As for how can you get a copy... that is an unanswered bit of wondering that I mentioned in the first few replys on page 1. I hope that the powers that be could chime in but until then I am going to keep rocking my present at out local league

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