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Everything posted by ZiggyQubert

  1. Anyone know what the following item is in the black friday sale? WYR21019 LE LTD | Gremlin 25.00 I was looking through and realized I had no idea what it was
  2. Try what was suggested to me, go to app info and manualy change the permissions for the app
  3. you should put them all on bases with 5mm terrain (buildings trees etc...) that way it looks like they are giant dreamers stomping around over everything
  4. If it has the worde cake in the name......
  5. Actuly having not played mutch of m2e yet, most of my experience is from 1.5, where "This action Recieves " ment something different (all flips ascociated with the action recieved a ) so not as unambiguous as you might think
  6. Dont know about the others but Levi never winds being sacrificed (his rules prevent him ever being counted as killed or sacrificed)
  7. you can also use some of the colored mtalica paints - Cote de'Arms makes a number of colored matalics, people may remember these from the origional GW color line, http://www.blackhat.co.uk/online_shop/index.php?cPath=21_39&osCsid=c9a234a0f1d50e93ee373a6a86940603 including - enchandet blue http://www.blackhat.co.uk/online_shop/product_info.php?cPath=21_39&products_id=61&osCsid=c9a234a0f1d50e93ee373a6a86940603 enchanted green http://www.blackhat.co.uk/online_shop/product_info.php?cPath=21_39&products_id=62&osCsid=c9a234a0f1d50e93ee373a6a86940603 amathest purple http://www.blackhat.co.uk/online_shop/product_info.php?cPath=21_39&products_id=87&osCsid=c9a234a0f1d50e93ee373a6a86940603 magic metal http://www.blackhat.co.uk/online_shop/product_info.php?cPath=21_39&products_id=63&osCsid=c9a234a0f1d50e93ee373a6a86940603 they also make the origional GW inks if anyone is interested / needs them I dont know where to get them easily in the us but worth looking at
  8. Also does the +3 WP carry over into the triggered duel?
  9. elusive87 is correct cards are placed on the discard pile after the dule is resolved, so you flip a card cheet, soulstone etc... After the duel is finished you place them on top of the dicard pile, so for a regular dule both players play all the cards, cheet, soulstone etc, then cards go in the discard pile, then damage flips would happen, then the damage cards would be placed in the discard pile
  10. thats exactly right, all flips taken in the action after hamlin uses fate is meeningless are streight flips weather they would be positive or negative, so in your first example, it would be a streight damage flip, and in the second example they sould be negated and it would be a setreight flip
  11. Actualy there are a number of situations where you want to cheat down, the one Dracomax mentioned is one another situation is - you have a model with one wound remaining, that model is hit in combat, you have no high cards, so you can cheat down giving your oponent a :+fate damage flip in hopes the black joker showes up
  12. as the rules manual states - Models hired by a Crew must meet all special hiring rule restrictions or they cannot be hired. so hiering the weaver widdow dosent fit this criteria becasue it dosent meet the hiering restriction for liviticus
  13. One other tactic to use, if you can kill one of your own models neer hamelin or a ret catcher, it will spawn a rat when it dies (which hamelin controls) you can then kill that rat to get points, and yes you need to do it before hamelin gets a chance to sac it, so use a companion chane etc, as long as you can keep the rat within 6" of hamelin/rat catcher, you can always kill the rat again when it respawns. Collodi is great for this kind of thing, activate him, activate all the dolls, move them close to a rat catcher, kill one of the dolls then the dolls kil the crap out of the summoned rat, repeat, then move collodi back if possible
  14. As a hamelin player I try to be verry carefull with this, I keep all cards for the current duel in a seperate pile untill its resolved, and place them on the discard pile in the fillowing way - - all cards not used to calculate totals, in the order they were drawn - flipped or cheated card used in the total - soulstone card used in the total so if the flip was 8 10 4, and I cheated the rj in and soul stoned a 6 they would go in the discard pile in the following order - 8 10 4 rj 6 (with the 6 on top) if I hadent cheated the rj the order would be 8 4 10 6 also keep in mind that with spells the cards go on the discard pile before your oponent resists the spell (its a simple duel that is resolved to generate the casting total)
  15. My first game I scored bodyguard Week 3 20 SS - Me (8) vs Dave (0) Shared contain Power Me - Hold out (2) Steak a claim (2) Dave - Do every thing Myself - ramoses special (0) Grudge (0) 2 newly painted models
  16. Week 2 - Me (4) vs Jerret (2) Shared Contain Power (2 -2) Me Kill Protogey - 0 Kidnap - 2 Jerret Frame for murder - 0 ????? - 0 Jerret correct me if I'm wrong
  17. Week 1- Zerida vs Zerida Brookie (2) -Boddy Guard -Holdout (Tuco was painted) vs Luke (6) - Hold out - eye for an eye
  18. So I'm asuming that if a model has wicked, and poison, for instance if a Black Blood Shaman givs Lilith Poison, then would her disengaging strikes would confer poison, or would they only cause damage?
  19. unluss you are up say 6" and need to move down to move horosontaly twards your deployment zone
  20. or you could give it fast from the shaman an then it would have 2 AP left after casting Grow
  21. From the rules manual (emphisis added)- So if you have a 3" piece of terrain (say lilliths illusinary forest) - - Anyone on the terrain piece can be sean and will recieve cover from anywhere (there will always be 3" or less of terrain from anywhere) - Anyone touching the terrain is not in the terrain (line of sight from the other side of the terrain piece would have to be drawn completly across the terrain piece) A couple more examples - Stitched together - there AOE is a 4" aoe, so no one outside the AOE can see the stitched Cooligans - there aoe is 3" so anyone can see the cooligan (its more than 3" of obscuring that blocks LOS) but it recieves cover
  22. You also dont copy the CB of the weapon (so you wouldent get the suits ascociated with it as well I believe)
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