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Rubia Ortega & Diablo (Custom Charachter)


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I'll start off by saying I don't know how popular home-brewed rules are around these parts. I haven't seen many threads on the subject. Rules design has always been an aspect of the war gaming hobby that I enjoy. Hopefully it;s not too taboo.

The idea is based on a model from Studio McVey. Specifically, Ruby.


I fell in love with the model the first time I saw it, but it didn't fit in with any of the wargames I was playing at the time. Well, myself and the entire gaming group I play with thinks it would fit perfectly with my budding Ortega gang, so I went ahead and snapped one up. I've searched to see if the idea had been brought up before, but the closest I could find was the idea to use the model as a stand in for Perdita.

Now comes about making a balanced set of rules and a stat card. Here's my proposal, which will be the first draft, I'm sure:

Rubia Ortega & Diablo:

-10 Soulstones
















Teeth, Tail and Talons:





-Companion (Family)


-Gunfighter (Peacebringer)



This model receives one additional specific AP during its activation that can only be used for melee Strike Actions with a weapon that has not already been used this activation.


-(2) Mounted Combat: Push this model up to its Cg. This model may interrupt the Push to make one Teeth, Tail and Talons Strikewhich receives +fate.gif to the Damage Flip. Continue the Push after resolving the Strike.


-Cb(Rams.gif)Critical Strike: Peacebringer


-(0) Vicious Roar: (CC: 10Rams.gif/Rst:- /Rg: C) Terrifying -> 11until the Start Closing Phase

-(0) Its 'og tyin' time!:(CC: 10Rams.gifCrows.gif/Rst:- /Rg: C) : When damaging a model with a Teeth, Tail and Talon Strike, defender suffers Paralyzed. Ht 3 models are unaffected by this ability.

-Clever Girl

So that's it for now. I'm eager for your opinions and criticisms.

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Looks interesting so far. Some suggestions to bring it in line with the already existing 3 'cavalry' models.

Immune to Influence


Raptor Wrangler: At the start of each Activations Phase, this model may choose one of the following abilities.

Where's Pa?: Upon its activation, this model may immediately Push to be within 8" of Papa Loco if it is already not.

Found us another!: Friendly models companioned to this model may Push up to six inches towards this model. This ability may only used if there is an enemy minion within 4" and in LOS to Rubia Ortega.

Its 'og tyin' time!: Cb(:crows:rams): When damaging a model with a Teeth, Tail and Talon Strike, defender suffers Paralyzed. Ht 3 models are unaffected by this ability.


(2) Flurry [Teeth, Tail and Talons]

(2) Mounted Combat: Push this model up to its Cg. This model may interrupt the Push to make one Teeth, Tail and Talons Strike which recieves :+fate to the Damage Flip. Continue the Push after resolving the Strike.

I'd probably also drop Terrifying-> 11 and make it into a 0 action spell.

Something like:

(0) Raptor Roar

(CC: 10:rams/Rst:- /Rg: C) Terrifying -> 11 until the Start Closing Phase.

Edited by Naravus
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Interesting. My primary concern was to not make the character overpowered, but you're suggesting I add a bunch of new abilities. Do you think it's underpowered in it's current form?

I do like the abilites you've suggested, (especially Mounted Combat) though I don't understand the benefits of "Where's Pa."

Also, are you proposing Raptor Wrangler is a Zero Action?

Unrelated, but where do you get those icons for the suites? Some new ALT Codes I'm missing out on?

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In its current iteration, you're paying 10 SS for a lot of nothing.

Raptor Wrangler is an ability, not an action, so its free. It was initially thought up as an ability which gets better the more Companion (Family) models were around but I couldn't think of anything which made sense....Where's Papa? is a leftover from that.

Like a lot of abilities, Where's Papa? is situational. Want to get closer to attack something? Use Where's Papa? and get an essentially free 8" move.

The Wyrd Icons are under the smiley section.

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One, Raptors don't roar, if you've ever watched Jurrasic Park I don't think they roared even once.

Lols, I forgot that Jurrasic Park was not stop hard dinosaur facts.

"clever girl" kinda like this models specific stealth rule kinda? The one that the hunter and the sabertooth cerebrus have kinda?

Amazing idea! Surely the Rogue Necromancys stalking ability would be perfect for it.

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That is a cool model and an interesting idea. Rather than a Raptor, you could make it a genetic predecessor or variant of the silurids in Zoraida's box and give it camo and water benefits. It would make sense, considering that the Ortegas live out on the frontier and in reasonable proximity to the bayou. It also would eliminate the pesky historical/reality references you'd continue to face. And face it 10ss is alot, it would outprice every other Ortega so far.

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Lols, I forgot that Jurrasic Park was not stop hard dinosaur facts.

lol. yeah, what's wrong with you?

I guess they thought that the raptor sounded cooler than Deinonychus, which was the larger version of the raptor - it much more closely resembled the critter from Jurassic Park. But having an average estimated weight of 160 lbs, still not big enough for Rubia.

Oh, and both species had feathers.

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I would think 'Clever Girl' would more closely match the Hunter's ability that gives it bonuses when it attacks a model which hasn't activated yet this turn.

I would also give her a (2) action of a ranged strike out to 16" or 18" to take advantage of the rifle she has.

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Well, it's 3 weapons technically, but really not - it could be the same Cb and damage as the Peacebringer, just a boosted range for the extra action. The December Acolyte has a melee and a ranged attack but then has a (2) action that allows him to take a longer range shot.

The Hunter. The construct in book 2 that comes with the Hoffman starter box. It's a 6ss smaller version of the Peacekeeper. I'm at work and don't have my books to check the actual wording, but it has an ability that gives it a bonus when attacking a model that hasn't activated yet in the current turn.

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I like the proto-slurid idea. Probably the best way to get around people going "Zounds! Mam, you seem to riding upon an extinct Velociraptor mongoliensis rex which has grown to extreme proportions!"

The Hunter's ability is called Ambush. It lets you get a :+fate for attack and damage flips against models that haven't activated yet.

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I'm against giving her any kind of rifle type ability as I'd imagine it would be extremely difficult to shoot accurately whilst on raptor-back.

I'd love for he to be able to dismount. The problem is there's no on-foot version of this model that I could find. I'm the kind of nit-picky person where it'd have to be the same model other than the pose, obviously.

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Maybe as a rule for Clever Girl you could have it as this: Action: (1) or (2) Target a model within 10". This model may immideiately Charge target if target is moved using a movement effect. Clever Girl ends when this model charges this turn or at the start closing phase.

Just an idea mind you. And it doesnt have to be for clever girl. It can just be a rule she has. Also the our is there if anyone thinks that (1) is not enough or (2) is too much.

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