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model wishlist thread


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I was wondering was there a wishlist thread? Where players share what they think would be good additions to factions or crews.


Plague doctors - could have some anti-blight counter stuff.

Exterminators- could keep things from re-spawning

Neverborn (Dreamer)

A Sandman character.

Neverborn (General)

A Mothman character

Neverborn (Zoraida)

Voodoo priest(Henchman)

Chicken minion for above.

Voodoo practitioner minion

Voodoo zombie (living)

Guild (Ortegas)

Not-Zorro Ortega

Not-Rawhide Ortega

Arcanists (Ramos)

Springheeled Jack (construct)

Edited by rgtriplec
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People often like to come up with ideas for new crews, but I don't think there are all that many times when we've thought of what could be added to current crews.

I like the idea of adding some kind of doctor, McMourning covers the mad scientist/doctor, but someone less mad... and armed with a sawn-off shotgun =]

I wasn't aware there was such a strong bond between voodoo priests and chickens... I'm guessing it's a long story

I think a mounted Ortega would be awesome =]

I'd like to see a Gremlin mechanic/engineer and his makeshift constructs, lots of exploding things.. and pigs.. lots of pigs, just stuck on.

Of course I can see Kirai getting some extra toys..

And as for Molly... I can barely dream what horrors she will get, but I'm sure they'll be as awesome as her.

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Duke Nukem style Model. Hail to the King Baby!


Woes of Janitorial Duty

Woes of Teaching

A Male Master who isn't a kid >.>

Tooth Fairy themed model


More giant mechanical spiders!

Giant mechanical scorpion.

Edited by karn987
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I like an old idea someone posted about a"Potion Master" who was an Outcast buffing model. He suggested basing it on Jekyll and Hyde (i.e. bad things happen if he flips a Joker etc) and giving him different potions which he can buff other models up with (kinda like the Nurse). The way he put it was WAAAAAY cooler than I just have, but it was awesome.

Plus we need ninjas :)

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thats all we want! more robots with bigger guns! The giant spider from wild wild west! :-D

oh... I just decided on my next crew! Dr. Arliss loveless conversion! :-P

You could try starting with something like this


As for models I would like to see, I will join Absolution Black in requesting a Guild tax collector.

Would also like to see a pack of generic citizens.

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I wasn't aware there was such a strong bond between voodoo priests and chickens... I'm guessing it's a long story

Short version: Vodoun is a religion, and the Vodoun Loa (somewhere between ancestor spirits and gods, and somtimes conflated with Catholic saints) like sacrifices. Some like rum, or perfume, or any of a number of things... but in a pinch, a lot of them like chickens (Example: Baron Samedi, the top-hat wearing chief guardian of the dead, specifically likes black roosters, strong rum, and foul cigars. In contrast, Erzuli, patroness of marriage and wives, like jewelry and perfume).

Note that, as a real-world religion people actually practice, there's little chance of this finding its way into Malifaux, if previous statements on the subject of religion are any indication.

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I would like to see a preacher type character. Doesn't have to be a particular religion, but someone who could consecrate, condemn and heal would be pretty cool.

Also like the idea of Pinkertons - like Texas Rangers from New England, or just a few models from "back East"

Of course I want to see more Chinese style Ten-Thunders models or a crew based on them.

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Twisting Tigers for outcast would be neat. Something to tie misaki into.

Pinkertons would be awesome for guild crews! Give them Deringers with rng 6 1/2/3 and a shankin knife rng 1 1/2/3

You could give them some sort of intimidation ability and some crowd control then make them relativly cheap on SS

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Twisting Tigers for outcast would be neat. Something to tie misaki into.

Pinkertons would be awesome for guild crews! Give them Deringers with rng 6 1/2/3 and a shankin knife rng 1 1/2/3

You could give them some sort of intimidation ability and some crowd control then make them relativly cheap on SS

I like the idea but think Guild already have that covered with the Guild Guard. Just being a cheaper version would not be unique enough.

Thought about having Pinkertons in Outcast but the Desperate Merc fills there role.

I am not sure what I would like the guild to have. We have range sorted maybe a few more melee models or some spell casters.

Judging from Book 2 I think its pretty certain that the new Outcast Henchmen or Master will have something to do with Ten Thunders and the Three Kingdoms. So here is hoping for some kind of Opium themed crew.

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  • 5 months later...


A Master who is a sentient brain in a jar. This is one of my favorite sci fi horror tropes. Make it highly psychic so it's minions can be things like insane asylum patients, enthralled weak willed humans (similar to Zoraida's power) or psychic projections of creatures (like Kirai hiring any spirits she wants.) This brain master could be an Outcast in the same vein of Leveticus (definitely evil but not an inhuman monster or a necromancer.)

Fluff can be something like a former genius (doctor, scientist, maybe even royalty or a politician) in some position of power who inadvertently loses his body but the preserved leftovers become psychic while retaining sentience and malicious intent. Said brain guy has an enslaved following that is a weird mockery of it's former life. Now it stalks Malifaux leading the deranged in an effort to preserve it's existence with arcane soulstone powered machinery!

Conceptually it would be tricky though, as far as depicting something in a jar of fluid, if one thinks of the City of Lost Children version. It might be easier to depict like a Fallout Robo Brain: a pan of fluid with organic bits hooked up to wires atop a robotic body for traction and interaction.

Also Freikorps with shotguns and frag grenades. Why? They're urban trained specialists and what better way to clear out confined spaces. Flammenwerfers have to be risky at some point, like say inside wooden structures. Shotguns with buckshot make sense. Stealth doesn't seem to be an issue since they're already packing revolvers, not silenced weapons.

And lastly what about alternative were-creatures? There's already plenty of werewolves out there in the gaming world. How about some love for stealthy wereravens, ravenous wererats or hulking werebears? Or something like the Rakshasa from Indian folklore.


Brain in a jar, shotgun Freikorps, were-stuff that isn't werewolves

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