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I don't think we're in Malifaux anymore.... (WIP)


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So! I am painting AUSCON Dorothy, and making a work-in-progress thread about it simply because making a thread means I have to see the project through. I'm really hoping to do her justice.

I'm not sure at which point I decided to give her Disney-villain eyebrows, or why my camera decided to make it as hard as possible to get a good picture of her face (Alright, so that's just me taking the usual terrible pictures), but it happened. And this is what I have so far:


From fresh-faced undead...


To stern matriarch...


To cocky, slightly blurred giant-gunslinger.

Witch wants them boots, she can just come and get 'em. We'll see what happens.

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Thanks, everyone!

Been waiting for some painted versions of this.

Did you also notice little to no flash/mould lines on this sculpt?

Yeah, there was only a little in the crook of her right arm and on her stocking. Really nice. The end of her gun was a little wonky, though, with some bad sheared plastic around a little bubble hole. I couldn't tell whether it was supposed to be hollowed out like a proper gun or smoothed over, but it felt a little too delicate to really dig out so I greenstuffed out a lens for the end. I suppose it's an electricity gun now.

The eyebrows work, I wouldn't worry too much about them. Great paint job so far.

Thanks-- They pop a little too much on her face to me now, but I imagine once the rest of her gets some color (especially her hair) they'll look better. Right now it's difficult not to just lighten them into oblivion-- I'm resisting the urge. XD

I think I'm definitely going with a more western-steampunk color scheme for her. And as for basing, I'm still sort of at a loss. But it'll get there!

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The right side (her right) of her face looks slightly grainy though but I'm (not so much) guessing that's the camera.

I've got her (along with a few others..) waiting for me back home, can't wait, but I'm gonna have to do one hell of a "Spring" clean to clear a spot to dedicate to my resurrected hobby. Luckily my attic is massive.

Look forward to seeing how she develops =]

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No, there is definitely some graininess on her face. I have yet to figure out just how to combat that, along with some of the fleshtone coming out just a bit dingy. Probably just a matter of keeping the paints thin and water clean. It actually doesn't look so bad in person, but it still bothers me a bit.

I've now got most of her leg and boot done-- still rather happy with it so far, but now just sort of starting to realize how much tiny detail there is on this mini. It's crazy. Fun, but crazy.

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yes, the graininess is just due to thick paint, (unless its the primer but it looks like you handprimed). Try some matt medium to thin the paint a little more while keeping the consistency. Also try a bannana yellow highlight in your fleshtone to keep the punch of it's color.

but its wonderful to see your WIP progress tuesday. I love your stuff and look forward to seeing the rest of this come together.

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Banana yellow.. I'd never thought of that! Thanks!

And Dorothy is a limited mini; she was released only at AUSCON. I think she was sculpted by the person who owns Guild of Harmony miniatures, but I've only really heard her referred to as AUSCON Steampunk Dorothy. Apparently she's first in a series.

And tonight, I got her left leg more or less done. Her Ruby Slippers are now Ruby-Stitched Boots, and for the most part I'm happy with them. The side detail is probably the smallest freehand I've yet done.



And a not-so-great close-up of the detail. Still needs some smoothing out.


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looking good so far, not sure about the boots yet tho, maybe the dress color will off set them. that and the tights right now look almost like jeans? is that something u wanted?

just ordered mine, it will make a perfect gunsmith for my Colette crew.

Edited by abhorsen
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Seems a lot of people are saying this model is unavailable? It's on CMON by the look of it - http://www.coolminiornot.com/shop/miniatures/limited-editions/auscon-steampunk-dorothy-limited-edition.html

There was a space of time between AUSCON and when it was added to CMON that it wasn't available. Once those last 11 sell out, that will be the last of them for the time being.

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Looking great! How does her scale compare to Malifaux minis?

She's the same scale-- 32mm-- and doesn't look out of place next to most Wyrd minis. She might be a little smaller, but I don't have them nearby to compare. I'll see if I can do so tonight.

looking good so far, not sure about the boots yet tho, maybe the dress color will off set them. that and the tights right now look almost like jeans? is that something u wanted?

just ordered mine, it will make a perfect gunsmith for my Colette crew.

Thanks! I'm planning an off-white or ivory for the dress; hopefully that'll help the boots blend with the rest of the mini. When there are painted bits right up next to unpainted bits it's always a bit jarring. And the tights.. I'll have to look at them. I tried that 'mix gray-brown with more and more flesh color' method to make them sheer, but may not have gone far enough. Yay for touchups!

And yes, they have been on CMON for a little while-- I thought I was never going to get my hands on one when they first came out, at least for less than $100. Now I'm just trying my best to paint it like a limited mini XD And hoping that I succeed.

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She's the same scale-- 32mm-- and doesn't look out of place next to most Wyrd minis. She might be a little smaller, but I don't have them nearby to compare. I'll see if I can do so tonight.

Well, she stands next to Perdita really well. She's a hair taller at the top of her hat, without Perdita's hat. I tried them both on their normal bases, then both on Wyrd bases, and no real difference with that.

I snapped a couple of pictures, PhotoBucket is telling me it's down for maintenance. I'll get them when I can... perhaps tomorrow :/

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