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Other tabletop Wargames you play/have played

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I started in 96ish. Necromunda and Warhammer Fantasy (Dark Elves), moving to Mordheim later. I also played Rezolution for a while (good game but nobody to play with around here). The wife and I are playing Malifaux now. We can't seem to decide which masters we like best so we're buying them all up over time. :)

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Good to see some variety, although understandably most people, myself included have a strong background in GW.

Lonely Path, you actually have a couple of game systems I havent played, and I consider myself very well versed having played a wide variety of games, both tabletop and roleplay in and out of GW.

Dark Future is one I have never actually seen yet, so may have to find out a bit more.

A brand new system out now called Bushido could be interesting too, works on an activation basis similar to Malifaux, but the game system itself is quite different. But for those interested in skirmish size games that use the activation approach to keep tactical balance, could be another one to look into

I've not tried Bushido yet, but people in my area are still largely getting into Malifaux and not willing to try out yet another game just yet, lol.

Dark Future was very Mad Max, it centered around road wars between post apocalyptic outlaws and police. It was fun, but a little over complicated in places, but those things were easily smoothed out. GW (sadly) deleted the game in the early 90s :(

You can track it down, but the game can sometimes cost a fair bit these days which is understandable seeing how it's been OOP for nearly 20 years. I still have my copy of the game and so on and glad I kept it since I like to break it out for a game now and then.

If you don't mind me asking, what other games/systems did I list you weren't aware of? I might be able to shed some light on them or point you to where you can find the games :)

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There's a Dark Future box on eBay at the moment that isn't too much. I think I still have the rulebook somewhere but can't find any of the models, road sections or counters. I'll have a better look sometime.

I started wargaming at the very end of the eighties. I think 3rd edition Warhammer was out and we used to play with counters instead of miniatures. I followed GW games up until about 5th edition warhammer. So played Space Hulk, Space Marine (aka Titan Legions/Epic), Necromunda, Man o' War, 40k (1st and 2nd edition), Dark Future, Bloodbowl (and Dungeon Bowl) and even the advanced Space Crusage and Heroquests. I'm sure I'm missing something there. Never played Mordheim.

Around university it all sort of stopped as people moved apart. I painted for a few more years and then stopped even that. Last year I sold off most of my miniatures and then wouldn't you know it, someone at work asks if I want to do any wargaming. Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.

And I'm loving it.

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Spacemarine (Epic)

WH 40K

WH Fantasy




Legions of Steel

Star Fleet Miniatures




I also played some 25mm Ancients way back in the early '80s which is what got me started with mini's in the first place. The only ones I still play are the last 3.

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yay First Post!

Anywho..I started playing 40K way back when I was 15 or so, i had some fun with it, but at 15 money was not rolling in and it was hard to keep up with the expense. Years later I was invited over to a friend's house to play this new game called Warmachine. After many years and even running as a press ganger for the company our little group fell apart and I took some time off. I came back about a year ago playing Warmahordes with a friend once a week. Last couple of times we have been to the game store we have seen games of Malifaux and decided to pick up the rule book and check it out. The playing card system is very cool and what drew me to the game, but the models...the models are amazing!!

Picked up my first crew this week, already started assembling them and painting! Can't wait to get a game in this coming week...

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yay First Post!

Anywho..I started playing 40K way back when I was 15 or so, i had some fun with it, but at 15 money was not rolling in and it was hard to keep up with the expense. Years later I was invited over to a friend's house to play this new game called Warmachine. After many years and even running as a press ganger for the company our little group fell apart and I took some time off. I came back about a year ago playing Warmahordes with a friend once a week. Last couple of times we have been to the game store we have seen games of Malifaux and decided to pick up the rule book and check it out. The playing card system is very cool and what drew me to the game, but the models...the models are amazing!!

Picked up my first crew this week, already started assembling them and painting! Can't wait to get a game in this coming week...

Hey Jason,

Finally the Malifaux bug has bitten you! I had tried so many times to get you into this game...of course not getting many chances to show it to you in person did not help. But very glad to hear you have made the leap. Let me know if you have any questions bro!

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Bunch of old codgers :P.

In 2003 I started painting a few GW minis for fun. I could never afford to field an entire fantasy army (and with the ridiculous things happening with GW prices in Australia today, I never will). I spent most of this time catching up on all the fantastic games GW had made in the past, buying all sorts of old things off Ebay. I particularly enjoyed Space Hulk.

I then started dabbling with Reaper's Warlord but by this point in time I had solidly become a euro board gamer...and then I was introduced to Warmachine, which I was immediately drawn to.

Later on, I scored an awesome job at a LGS and the discounts meant that I went nuts buying minis (mostly Warmachine, Reaper and Confrontation) and board games. This was probably the time when I was able to play the most.

After this I became addicted to WoW so all my minis sat on my desk gathering inches of dust though the collector in me would still occasionally buy minis. After I quit WoW I started painting Uncharted Seas ships. This was refreshing because there was a lot of just...inking and drybrushing involved and the game as I understand it just involves moving forwards and shooting things to death.

Just over a month ago a friend at the LGS said that he needed (sane :P) people to play Malifaux with and so I went out and went nuts buying everything :P...and lamenting at all the limited edition minis I had missed. And there's my long winded story.

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I'm still relatively new to war gaming, if you don't count the two weeks I played Mage Knight back when I was really young. I started back in early 2008 with an old edition of Blood Bowl one of my friends found in his closet. Latter in 2008 I was trying to fined people playing blood bowl on youtube and found a Minni War Gaming video with Mat playing Mike, Cross vs Nids. Sens then I have been going none stop. I have six 40k armies and two WHFB.

My friends and I just started Malifaux a few months ago. I liked it so much that I put almost allmy GW stuff into storage. We still play GW stuff from time to time. Now I have six Malifaux crews and want more lol. The only problem we are having is a lot of people are resisting Malifaux at our FLGS. However we just started a new event at the store on Mondays called...... Malifaux Mondays!!! Hopefully we can generate more interest.

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