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About AmishLuvah

  • Birthday 04/27/1976

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  1. Well, my painting skills aren't very good but some of my Malifaux minis made it into a tv commercial for a local game store. Feels pretty good here.
  2. I'll be running a demo at Jake's Cards and Games in Bellefonte, PA from 1 to 6 PM Sunday October 7th. Here's the address: Jake's Cards and Games 131 West High Street Bellefonte, PA 16823 814-574-4250 My name is Daniel Booth and I look forward to seeing anyone who wants to show up and learn a new game.
  3. Those look really nice. I keep thinking about getting into that game.
  4. You sir just gave me a marvelous idea for my wife's Christmas present this year.
  5. I too am the average everyman. I can bring myself to paint only so often and "speed painting" is not something I can accomplish.
  6. Nice. I dig that it's not just squared off rooms. That'll have a lot of character to it once it's finished.
  7. That's really nice. Where did the grey plastic bits come from?
  8. Not able to see a picture.
  9. I loved everything at the booth this year but I will say one thing. I REALLY want campaign rules. We have any of that in the works?
  10. Well folks, no telling how many of you I met in that line on day one when the exhibit hall opened but it was a pleasure to meet who I did. It's good to see that Wyrd is doing well and the economy didn't look so bad from that angle. Nathan was a classy guy, entertaining me and my wife with conversation while we waited in line for an hour (not the whole hour but closer to the maze at the end). Whoever it was in the tournament at 4 PM on Thursday that stomped me so bad with Leveticus in round 1, you sir are a class act. I learned a lot in that hour or so. It was a great GenCon and I'm looking forward to it next year.
  11. The brown wash makes it look a lot better. I'll supply a picture when I have a chance.
  12. Yikes. Hope you're getting better. In your honor, I'll also try to remember to post a picture of me eating one of those massive burgers from The Ram.
  13. Oooh, good idea. I'll have to make a thin brown wash to tone down the grey a little bit.
  14. That reminds me. I'll really need to post a picture of me holding all of my Wyrd Games loot at GenCon.
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