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JollyOrk's Zoraida's Pumpkin Puppets


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The three-day weekend allowed me to finish my latest crew. These guys have been sitting on my painting desk since last summer. They were supposed to be done in time for Halloween, for obvious reasons, but I got sidetracked by an awesome season of Blood Bowl (and adding the Krakow Pox to my collection). But now, finally, my gruesome group of gourds is ready to storm Malifaux and twist all those foolish opponents to Zoraida's will. Of course, this crew was planned before the recent tournament guidelines release by Wyrd in which they disallow most non-Wyrd conversions. Not that I'm a tourney player, but still a bummer.

Now that the mistress of the swamp is done to go along with my Pandora crew, I believe I'll be painting up The Dreamer next.

Zoraida and the Voodoo Doll

The witch is from Reaper, while the doll is an ancient familiar figure from Games Workshop (I added the pins). And yes, that's a tramp-stamp of the Neverborn mask on her ass. Slippery when wet!


Stitched Togethers

I suppose these could be Silurids as well, which I like using, but I love the Stitcheds and they fit the Doll theme much better. Plus, these guys look like they could really stuff someone inside their gourdly bellies. These are also Reaper figures.


Bad Juju

Another great pumpkin figure from Reaper, this guy is a real beast and perfect to use as BJ. Beware the Great Pumpkin!


Wicked Dolls

More Reaper figs? Yep! In case you didn't know this, Reaper makes tons of awesome figures, and in particular they have whole lines of themes that other companies don't even dare to touch (they even have evil snowmen). These guys are for fielding when Zoraida starts cranking out her Doll factory.



I've always loved Zoraida, but when I saw Collodi in Rising Powers, that sealed the deal. Easily my favorite new guy (though Coppelius is a close second). This is a figure from the now-defunct Confrontation line, which has several extremely good sculpts in it. The green guy is my conversion of Primordial Magic. That's my favorite totem, but I don't like the Wyrd figure at all (a puking worm??). So I made my own from the Flame Base Accessories kit. Fielding Collodi allows me to use the PM with him while Zoraida is busy stitching Dolls together.


Collodi's Marionettes

These guys are the reason this entire crew came to be. They are the out-of-print Pixie Trixters from Rackham. Awesome, awesome figures, and as soon as I laid eyes on them I knew I had to make a pumpkin crew. The very next day I stumbled upon all the Reaper pumpkin figures and I knew it was destined to be. There are actually only three Trixters. The fourth figure (the one with Zoraida's hands holding the pin and doll), is a conversion I made from various parts.


That's it for now! Thanks for looking and any comments are appreciated (including strategic advice). I want to paint up Hamelin to add to this group (just to be really annoying), and then it'll probably be the little boy and his playful friends...

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