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Songs you wish you'd never head

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I Really hate this song for three reason

1) it's just plain terrable

2) it's played all the time at the co-op, the shop at work at

3) Gabriella Cilmi had a realy good song out before this (Sweet about me) and as soon as this came, she hasn't made anything since :(

Oh I don't know, I rather like this one...


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@Whip My Hair: That song is just... so horrible... I don't what is worse, that or Friday.

@Cotten Eye Joe: Ahhh I remember this song XD Never saw the original version though.

Here's another one for you all... courtesy of Eurovision again! Though I actually really like the song XD


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I don't know if I hate this or love this but I keep watching it.

Maybe its because I find a person in a costume being chased by another person in animal costume hilarious. True story I once saw a man run through the dealer hall of Gencon dressed as a Banana screaming for his life. He was being chased by a guy in a Gorilla suit. One of the absolute funniest things I ever saw. Also the video is unique.


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This is the song that made me hate Oasis. Back in 2005, I was working weekends in a food factory and as part of the 'Staff Motivation' they had the radio on, but it was set to some damn awful radio station that only played about 10 songs on a loop, this being one of them.

It's a depressing song, but when you're pulling 10hr shifts packing pasta tubs into trays then this song will make you want to hit people. On a subnote, drinking before going to work turn out to be a very useful counter to it.

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