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Greetings from Scotland


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Ah, the customary introduction post...

Well, name's David. I'm 27 and i've been playing miniature games ever since my Mum bought me HeroQuest when it was first released in 1990.

Nowadays I just play Hordes with my Trollblood army. I do love WM/H but the hyper-aggressive element of the game is beginning to get to me as there is no scope for playing story-campaigns in the local gaming group.

This is why I wanted to get into Malifaux. I heard of Wyrd a few years ago whilst it was just book 1, and the game really interested me but I never took it any further, which is why I took the plunge now. The LGS owner and I were talking about his plans for the future and I mentioned Malifaux due to it's similarities to Warmachine. He loved the idea and so, I ordered my first crew, cards and Rules Manual a few days ago. I'll get stuck in and start getting people interested in it.

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Hi David

Welcome to the game and the forums, hope you end up enjoying both.

Where in Scotland are you from and where is your lgs? Asking as I recently moved away from Scotland and I only knew of two stores that stocked it, only one of which ever had proper level of stock in. There are plenty of players in Glasgow and stirling mind.

Which crew did you go for?

Anyway, enough questions, hope Malifaux provides the break from wm/h you were looking for.

Edited by Chucklemonkey
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The LGS is Worlds At War, a new store that opened in Livingston last year. It's only a 30 minute drive from my house which is great. Prior to WaW opening, I had to travel for an hour to Kingdom of Adventure in Kirkcaldy.

I've only been to the Stirling Wargames Club once before and I got such a cold reception I left after about 30 minutes. I mentioned that I played WM and I got the 'Oh, right' response. I'm sure that's only 1 person and I just happened to get the wrong guy on the night.

The crew I went for was Sonnia Criid and I plan to get Rasputina. A few factors were primarily cost and ease of painting/demoing. I have trouble painting human flesh well and I didn't want to have to paint large intricate areas. I read Sonnia' story in the Chronicles and thought "need to get her"

I think Malifaux will do the gaming group well to make people calm down as recently, a few of the more overly-competitive players were managing to alienate themselves with the 'must-win' attitude. Knowing that you can still win a game even it your crew is wiped out will make people step back and relax.

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Yes, kingdom was one I was thinking of and no you didn't just get an unlucky night at stirling, I'll not say anything else other than they are very gw-centric. They did however end up with a core of between 4 and 7 wm and Malifaux players by the time I left.

Anyway, enough negativity.

Will need to check out that store next time I'm back up there.

Losing the game in the situation you describe is also fun, found that out myself a couple of weeks ago.

Enjoy your stay.

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Wolrlds at War carrying Malifaux? That would be great - I'm in Edinburgh. Is he going to stock it or just order it on request? My LGS (Black Lion) orders it in but Malifaux stuff can be erratic- mind you I have had trouble getting stuff from Maelstrom as well.

To be fair to BL they are very good getting stuff normally and I am told that it is the supplier that is poor, but that a new supplier is taking over soon.

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Wolrlds at War carrying Malifaux? That would be great - I'm in Edinburgh. Is he going to stock it or just order it on request? My LGS (Black Lion) orders it in but Malifaux stuff can be erratic- mind you I have had trouble getting stuff from Maelstrom as well.

To be fair to BL they are very good getting stuff normally and I am told that it is the supplier that is poor, but that a new supplier is taking over soon.

Frank (WaW) did say that when his finances stabilise that he will be looking at other ranges to stock in place of dead ranges. Remember though that this is his first year, so stocking Malifaux could be a while away and if suppliers are inconsistent then it might be more of a hazard.

Maelstrom are holding my order due to rules manual being out of stock, could be upwards of two weeks for them to get a delivery. insert swearwords. Might have to order from Firestorm Games.

Liam @BLG is a top bloke, but yeah, orders and delivery are somewhat inconsistent.

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Ask Maelstrom to split the order. I haven't found Maelstrom that great recently- regularly find that stuff listed as in stock is not in fact in stock. Last time i phoned them about this i was told this is a fault of their stock control. Apparently they record stock as expected rather than as actually in the delivery! Bizarre

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Hehe, I'm not worried just now. I'm learning via the PDF, a deck of normal cards and some Trollblood proxies. I also have to paint 14 Trollblood mini's before the 3 upcoming WM/H tournaments that we're having at WaW in June, July and August. Yay for coffee and after midnight painting sessions.

I am looking forward to only having a small crew to paint, but then again... that's how it starts, just one crew, then another, a few extras here. Just means that I can paint them to a better standard as you don't face the mountain of metal staring back at you.

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Welcome to the boards and great that you are picking up a Guild crew too!

Heroquest...ahhh memories, I remember getting hooked on the wargaming hobby by that game, 3rd ed Warhammer and Bloodbowl.

And with Maelstrom, they are reliable, but don't order anything you may need asap as there can be delays whilst they restock. But I have had no problems in almost fifty transactions with them!

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Welcome! I hope you have great luck with it in your store and in your group. It is definitely a change from WM/H, but with some elements people should be comfortable with. I do enjoy though the first time someone realizes that they've lost after whipping the opposing crew off the board, that's always classic.

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