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Ice Queen from Crocodile Games


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One that sat half finished on my work bench for two years.

To take a break from competition pieces, I decided to get her done.

She turned out quite nice, considering some areas were done so long ago.

Comments and critique is always encouraged.




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I have a bachelor's degree in design, and I majored in illustration. :D

So, I don't think I need a colour wheel, since 5 years of formal art education burned the theories into my brain.

I was going for a harmonious colour scheme, and not complimentary.

The only warm tones I used on her, are tiny spots of red on her gems, and the purples are pushed into the warm spectrum to help compliment things slightly.

I really wanted to push the feel of brutal cold with this one, and thus, I went with all cool colours. Chances are though, the purples probably look blue to you in the photos...that I can't seem to figure out; all of my purples come out looking blue on everyone else's computer but mine, and a select few others.

I also wanted to go very plain with the base, as it pushes the eye upwards, and doesn't distract from the upward push of the piece. I tried some dead grass tufts, but they took too much away from the cold feeling of the piece.

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This is gonna sound strange, but I really like her legs.. I mean the way you painted them

SO.. good job on those legs :shakehand

Also the colours and base work fine, your reasoning is more than justified and well executed.

The purples look purple to me. I'd only say the cape is a bit unnatural (oddly it looks fine from the front), the middle blue would work better if it was either lower down (covering less of the cape) and feathered out more towards the top or treated as a light and effect the whole area.

Lastly - and I'm sure I say this on behalf of many others - thank you for your tutorials, they've helped me out a lot.

PS: Oh and speaking of colour wheels, I've seen enough of them to last me a lifetime, and I haven't even graduated yet.

Edited by ThePandaDirector
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all I can say is wow. Love the colours and like the mini too. Good choice of colours and great explanation.

I like your base and the snow effect (what product did you use to achieve it?)

I find too many people are preoccupied with basing, I mean its nice and almost required but to take a beautiful or nice model jam it into a way too busy base that distracts from the model isn't whats its about. You paint a miniature then mount it on a base, not model a base and slap on a mini...but maybe that’s just me. ;)

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I really wanted to push the feel of brutal cold with this one, and thus, I went with all cool colours. Chances are though, the purples probably look blue to you in the photos...that I can't seem to figure out; all of my purples come out looking blue on everyone else's computer but mine, and a select few others.

I also wanted to go very plain with the base, as it pushes the eye upwards, and doesn't distract from the upward push of the piece. I tried some dead grass tufts, but they took too much away from the cold feeling of the piece.

Regardless of education, before you informed me of this, the mini was not as visually-appealing.

It could also be the photography. yes, the lack of purples/appearance as blues could be what detracts from the overall effect.

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Regardless of education, before you informed me of this, the mini was not as visually-appealing.

It could also be the photography. yes, the lack of purples/appearance as blues could be what detracts from the overall effect.

My wife said the same thing, and I brushed her off too. :D

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I think this model looks fantastic! I hope that I can eventually get to this level of skill in my own painting.

I also appreciate your tutorials. I'm just starting to paint again after a several-year hiatus (plus I was not very good to begin with) and your info has made me a lot more confident about starting again. Thank you! :D

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Brush it off all you want. it will be the difference between a Gold and Silver.

I'm just a sarcastic bastard in case you didn't notice. :D

The critique was certainly valid, and the feedback worthwhile. That's why I post these things in the first place. But, this one was painted just for fun, so I'm not too worried about it if it's not perfect.

I also forgot to answer when some one asked what the snow was; Gale Force 9 Snow Flock, and white glue mixed into a paste, and applied with a stiff brush.

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