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The Thor movie is showing as a preview in cinemas right now, so myself and the girlfriend went to check it out.

In a word; s'alright. Quirky one liners (thanks Kenneth) and some decent action, 3D felt a bit tacked on and was kind of blurry though that could have been the cinema having not calibrated their screens or something. The portrayal of Asgard is pretty interesting and worth a look. I think it didn't do anything that Iron Man didn't do better, though Robert Downey Jr. is a far more entertaining actor than the fairly wooden Chris Hemsworth.

Anyone else seen it? What say ye?

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Or go see a movie in the 2d showings to encourage them to let this 3d fad die the death I wish it would.

Even the BEST 3D isn't good enough.

Agreed on this. Just go to the 2D showings and put in complaints at the theater about there being to many 3D showings and not enough 2D. Most, up here atleast, have someplace you can give them feedback etc.

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Even the BEST 3D isn't good enough.

I thought Avatar looked good. Tron as well. I wish 3-D would become something special for certain movies and not on every damn movie. Especially post process 3-D.

As for the glasses I am gonna get a pair for my wife. She likes to go see movies with me but doesn't care for 3-D. So I figure this way we can both go and enjoy the movie.

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Sorry, Nilus, can't agree on Tron. Saw it in 3D at the theater and then on my blu-ray. I'll take the Blue every day of the week for a more relaxing and spectacular visual experience.

Avatar looked "good" but, again, I'd take basic high-def over it. There's always jerks, separation and other visual nuances such as where your own eyes aren't focusing on the object correctly and the image will get lost in the processing. Finally, EVERY 3D movie suffers from the darkening and over-sepia saturation of the damned glasses.

If it were a vampire I'd sacrifice myself to drive a stake into its heart as it killed me.

There are brief exceptions in many movies I've seen. Never have I seen one I'd endorse over high def 2D.

(to each their own...)

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I am a vocal anti-3d crowd member in my parts. If it wasn't filmed in 3d it's going to look blurry and tacked on at the back end. Few films can handle this retro-tech well. Tron 3D is the only film I've been willing to pay money to see in 3D and I have to say because it was planned that way and they did it with mostly computer effects it turned out well. The rest I'll pass on, same with Thor. Save my $ for the plush leather seats in one particular theater. Hmmm...watch some forced technology effect through ridiculous glasses or sit in luxurious comfort for essentially the same price...no contest whatsoever.

I'm looking forward to the movie however (in 2D). Should be fun if not great. Thor's always been known for some cheesy dialogue and one-liners whether intended or not, so I'm sure these'll fit right in. Now, if they could just add in some Beta Ray Bill action I'd be pleased as punch.

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Or go see a movie in the 2d showings to encourage them to let this 3d fad die the death I wish it would.

Even the BEST 3D isn't good enough.

Except there are those places where no one is doing the 2D showings :( had the same problem in my area trying to find TRON: Legacy in 2D (although it looked awesome on Blu-Ray when I played it at home.

And Kel, I know what you mean, we've got one of those ultra plush theaters here too, and they serve BEER (although beer at theater prices, ouch..) But that ultra plush theater is also the primary for the 3D craze.

Edited by goblyn13
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I plan on seeing it,but not in 3d. there was only one movie I wanted to see in 3d and that was Avatar,simply because everyone raved about it. I enjoyed it,but I certainly wouldn't want it to become a "everything in 3d" type of thing

Anyways,regarding Thor..I find the "science is magic and vice versa" bit a good way to deal with it,I had admittedly worried.

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I bought but have not watched Tron in Blu-ray yet. Probably this weekend.

I personally have not felt like I saw blurry images on good 3-D movies(bad ones are different). I wonder if its just a matter of how we process data. Or maybe just my poor eyesight :)

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It probably has to do with how we each deal with vision, we are all different after all. I remember when Avatar came out and people were going to see it in waves never before seen there were stories of people having major eye issues with the 3D. It was the best they had ever done (and probably will do for a long time) for 3D, but some people just processed it... badly I guess. They would severe irritation for a while after, other people had extremely bad migraines etc.

I like hte concept of 3D, but I am rather firmly against it in it's current form. I really liked Avatar in 3d since it was a movie filmed with those cameras and made to be viewed that way. But the rest have all fallen very far short of that I think. Though I did not see Tron in Theaters and in 3D sadly.

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part of it is probably my strong bias, too.

I teach two different film study courses so my eyes dart around to catch everything I can. If I could retrain them to focus upon the object intended to be focused upon it'd probably work out better.

Like I said - to each their own. Clearly a lot of people like the gimmick. It just baffles and annoys me that they do. ;)

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part of it is probably my strong bias, too.

I teach two different film study courses so my eyes dart around to catch everything I can. If I could retrain them to focus upon the object intended to be focused upon it'd probably work out better.

Like I said - to each their own. Clearly a lot of people like the gimmick. It just baffles and annoys me that they do. ;)

Heh well that explains a lot ;D

The technology is sadly flawed in that its current for really only works for focusing on the intended focus of the schene and the rest tends to lack. Compound that with the issue of where your sitting having a tangible effect on the 3D and... well we know the rest.

Really I would be happy if they kept 3D versions (because just having them will push the development of that tech forward) but didn't take up the entire bloody theater with them. Make them 1 Screen, maybe 2 if its a large theater and give us the option to chose how we want to see the blasted movie. *shakes his fist hard at Showcase Cinema*

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Really I would be happy if they kept 3D versions (because just having them will push the development of that tech forward) but didn't take up the entire bloody theater with them. Make them 1 Screen, maybe 2 if its a large theater and give us the option to chose how we want to see the blasted movie. *shakes his fist hard at Showcase Cinema*

Problem is that it costs about 1.50 more per ticket to show a 3-D movie so Theaters naturally started charging 3 dollars more each ticket. So its all about money

Also 3-D is one of the last things that a Movie theater does better then a home theater(Home theater 3-d is still pretty shitty). So its one of the few ways to pack people in.

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3D is something that should be appropriate to the film.

Many films have benefitted greatly from 3D, because it was part of the filming process... not 2-3 scenes tacked together after production had finished.

TRON: Legacy was awesome in 3D, and the 3D elements were very well put together and implemented. This being said, the entire movie inside the system was in 3D, while the 'real' world was in 2D.

Other films were ONLY worthwhile due to the 3D elements... *coughAVATARcough*

While those that tried to get on the bandwagon were worse for it...

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