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Another Example of Why I Love Malifaux


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Just got back from our local club where I played Big Z against Pandora.

Highlight had to be Baby Kade charging my Bad JuJu and doing 2 wounds taking him down to 10 wds left. He then uses his melee expert to hit me and gets a negative flip - red joker in the negative flip, severe on the extra flip, +2wds for sweetbreads trigger = dead bad juju in one activation.

Even though I was on the receiving end that's still pretty awesome :lol:

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Yesterday I played the viks vs ortegas vs lilith. last turn all that was left was santiago nino and a wounded gun vik, last shot i black jokered defense and santiago flipped a weak and couldnt cheat higher. I won the game with 1 wound on vik and the 2 points for an annouced bodyguard. It was so intense.

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One game I was running Sonnia against Rasputina. I overextended myself (not so good at eying measurements lol) and flipped the red joker on a Fire bursts damage flip. It was incredible! With Sonnia's 2 inch trigger, I managed to blast his whole crew to dead or mostly dead. A little mop-up with Samael's ricochet, and full victory in a turn or two after that.

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To each their own, but I hate it when I win through a random red joker on a highly negative flip. Feels a bit like the joker robbing me of the game - "it would've been a great, even game, but that random :-fate:-fate:-fate Red Joker killing your master kinda ruined it." Definitely my least favourite rule in the game.

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I enjoy the red joker effect when it comes out of the deck but not out of some ones hand. That being said I enjoy crit's and fumbles found in other game systems.

Just to clarify my view, I like the red joker. I just don't like getting it on :-fate flips. Especially through cheating duels down (or through hard to wound effects and such). I mean, if you haven't seen the red joker yet, and have, say, only 12 cards left in the deck, cheating down from :-fate to :-fate:-fate changes your chances of getting the red joker from 16% to a whopping 25% with rather minimal changes to the expected non-Red Joker damage.

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The same maths works in reverse to be fair. You finish the duel with a :+fate :+fate :+fate result and you've got a much higher chance of flipping the Black Joker too making all the cards and soulstones you cheated in to get your initial duel result worthless. That's the beauty of the system. The Jokers are wild cards like they're meant to be!

Edited by Elazar
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The same maths works in reverse to be fair. You finish the duel with a +fate +fate +fate result and you've got a much higher chance of flipping the Black Joker too making all the cards and soulstones you cheated in to get your initial duel result worthless. That's the beauty of the system. The Jokers are wild cards like they're meant to be!

But you can count cards, which is painfully easy in the case of jokers (actually, since they're so important, it's kinda hard not to) so you can make informed decisions that can affect the chances in really big ways. Since the swing from weak damage to Red Joker damage is so huge, the impact can be game ruining. I've yet to see a Black Joker do something similar (well, other than in the case of Jack Daw).

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Well I've seen a player throw their highest card from the control hand and their last soul stone at a duel only to see it fail miserably when the black joker comes out for damage leaving their master prone and unable to prevent the damage. Yes the Red Joker can swing things massively but that's the point and the fact is when the Black Joker comes out it ruins even the Red Joker's fun! Had that happen on a :+fate flip got the red joker on the first card so had that moment of elation only to flip the black joker and cancel it all out on the second card!

I suppose though really it's a matter of taste. It's actually one of my favourite little quirks of the game but I can understand the opposite opinion.

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But you can count cards, which is painfully easy in the case of jokers (actually, since they're so important, it's kinda hard not to) so you can make informed decisions that can affect the chances in really big ways. Since the swing from weak damage to Red Joker damage is so huge, the impact can be game ruining. I've yet to see a Black Joker do something similar (well, other than in the case of Jack Daw).

I see your point, and I'm not trying to convince you otherwise (that's never very productive anyway!). I've had the Black Joker cost me a game on a defensive flip. My Zoraida was being spell cast at by Rasputina, it was bad, I'm still a little sensitive about it...

With the amount of fate manipulation that we have with this stuff normally I couldn't even be upset... well, I WAS upset, just not Nerd Raging...

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In many ways i love the whole balance of the red black joker fun.

I have had games where all i needed was that 1 elusive wound and the black jokers caned the flip. I rarely ever get the red joker out for damage. But in a game a couple of nights ago i made a damage prevention flip with 2 wounds remaining and a potential 4 suffering. Flip out the red joker and spend the next minute laughing at a full health master in turn 6 of a slaughter mission.

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