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Music to Malifaux to.

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Looking for some suggestions for a Malifaux playlist. I want to organize them in three ways.

*Songs that fit the terrain

*Songs that fit certain crews

*Songs that fit certain Strategies

I'd prefer some uncommon instrumental pieces (no Indiana Jones theme, no Duel of the Fates), but lyrics are fine too.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B909njPoX7k]Deadwood theme.[/ame]

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One for Pandora:


In fact most of Emilie Autumn's stuff is twisted enough for the Neverborn, and possibly Ressers (not linking them all here, but the specifically instrumental songs are: Organ Grinder, Cold, Face the Wall, Unlaced, Leech Jar, Srynge, A Cure?, and A Strange Device). Mind you, I'm so obsessed with her stuff right now I'd probably argue that they could fit in with the Guild if I felt I could get away with it...

Now that I'm thinking on it more and more, this seems somewhat appropriate for my Gremlins when I'm not using Ophelia:


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Awesome track for the Bayou you have there in the OP..

Had somehow not seen the video for the Avenged Sevenfold track.. Truely brilliant aswell.. Although I think it fits Seamus better than Douglas, eh?

Ennio Morricone is always a pleasant listen, but I don't think this track would fall under the 'uncommon' category? xD It is an AWESOME piece though..

Anyway.. I just finally found my favourite instrumental piece on Youtube and thought I'd share it here, not sure exactly where in the Malifaux universe it fits, but I think it's epic enough to be posted anyway:


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Judging from the previous replies, I'm not sure anyone here appreciates this (a bit further afield, so to speak), but I've always thought that Earth's album Hex; Or Printing in the Infernal Method is the perfect Malifaux soundtrack. Desolate, slightly alien, instrumental, very western:




Another good one is Sephiroth's Draconian Poetry album. Again instrumental. It has powerful ambience, very foreboding, but also features some faster tracks:


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