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Oh interesting. We have just had an announcement over the speakers that in the interest of colleague safety we are strongly advised to leave work no later than 5pm

Yeah you guys got some crazy stuff going on in the UK right now.

All you Malifaux Cousins across the pond stay safe out there.

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Oh interesting. We have just had an announcement over the speakers that in the interest of colleague safety we are strongly advised to leave work no later than 5pm

Its in Bristol now? This is just plain stupid now...I really worry about the state of our society when this crap happens..

Hope you get back ok Munkey..

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Heya, Sketch! Glad to see you guys made it back safely and kept Victoria awake while she was driving. :D

We need the photo of the disapointed look on his face!

Her.....her face. :P

I guess she probably won't be able to check in till tomorrow or so. Long train rides. :P

Fell also didn't appreciate us tricking her into shaking hands with a Resser (Spoon), and she wouldn't talk to me for a bit one day after I showed her that I had bought Kirai's box set and Avatar, LOL.

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Oh interesting. We have just had an announcement over the speakers that in the interest of colleague safety we are strongly advised to leave work no later than 5pm


All of these riots kinda remind me of the Hater books by David Moody and how when 1 newspaper (I forget which one) ran a review of Hater they stated that they were glad that such riots were a impossibility in UK society. They certainly got that wrong :(

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All of these riots kinda remind me of the Hater books by David Moody and how when 1 newspaper (I forget which one) ran a review of Hater they stated that they were glad that such riots were a impossibility in UK society. They certainly got that wrong :(

Still catching up on world news but what's going on sounds crazy! AB told me it started with someone getting shot... but not entirely sure... anyone got any info etc?

Hopefully all our UK friends out there are safe. :/

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The police shot a guy who had just shot at a policeman (and hit his radio) after having followed him.

His family and friends did a peaceful protest.

Pooheads decided to riot in his local area.

More pooheads decided to riot everywhere.

David Cameron came back from his holiday, on monday (Thank heavens)

Called an emergency meeting with security council this morning, the resolution of which was, let's get parliament back in on thursday when its probably too late.

Cheers Dave.

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The police shot a guy who had just shot at a policeman (and hit his radio) after having followed him.

His family and friends did a peaceful protest.

Pooheads decided to riot in his local area.

Connected pooheads decided to riot everywhere.

Just fixed that for you, the whole thing's being organized on Twitter and there have been a few groups on Face Book to get more riots together in areas where the Police are not present.

The groups on FB are at least being shut down very quickly before they gather to much momentum.

But, yeah, a lot of idiots who don't know what the hell they're on about are involved and are just agitators needing even the smallest of excuses to do something like that :(

Karn & Munkey - the guy filming was later attacked but managed to get away. He was pretty shaken up to say the least but kept on reporting.

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The riots in Vancouver ... people showed up prior to the game with "riot kits". Gasoline, bricks, tire irons, baseball bats. They were prepared to riot before the game began. Win. Lose. Didn't matter. They saw an opportunity to start sh-t and they jumped on it.

The world is full of people itching to destroy something. All it takes is an atmosphere of no accountability and a handful of deviants to get the ball rolling. There's nothing worse than mob mentality, it's easily one of the most destructive forces on the planet. Just ask Germany, circa 1939.

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